1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card?
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most?
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life.
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
7. Can you play any instruments?
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Re: GTKY 1-24
1. The loft, Banana Republic, Crate and Barrel, Sur La Table, and Janie and Jack.
2. Thor
3. I used to sneak watch 90210 and singled out on MTV.
4. This Is Us. Tons of love but lots of dysfunction.
5. Easy Bake Oven
6. 15 years old!
7. No.
8. Hmmm probably a random condiment. Oh! My husband has some boiled peanuts in there. They've been in there since like November.
9. Most recently while I binge watched The Crown on Netflix, I was fact checking things.
10. Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds.
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card?
Sephora. Definitely. I think I might have actually done this a time or two in my early 20s. Oops.
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most?
I'm going to go with @LDSJM123 on this one and say Thor. Especially the Chris Hemsworth kind.
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
I usually had my nose in a book, but when I didn't I was usually watching something on Nickelodeon like Clarissa Explains It All or All That
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life.
Twins. It's all that defines our lives now haha
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
I loved Polly Pockets. The new version isn't nearly as cool. Hopefully I can find some old school ones for R when she's older.
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
Oh man. Probably my Asics tennis shoes from my sophomore year of high school. Which would make them about 13 years old. Yikes.
7. Can you play any instruments?
I can dink around on the piano a little. I took lessons when I was little, and my grandma is a professional pianist.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
I just cleaned it out last week so everything is pretty fresh. I would say the homemade pickles from my in laws that were made last year.
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
I love technology. DH says he's never heard of a makeup artist that is obsessed with technology, but here I am.
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Probably Special K Red Berries. Even though it's semi healthy for you.
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? TARGET!!!!!!
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Iron Man!!! I love Robert Downey Jr.in that character!!
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? Saved by the bell!!!
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. Modern Family - I think I can relate to Claire. I always tell my husband is this going to be us when we are older. HA!
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? I would have to say my Barbie dolls and their accessories. I had the Barbie fold n fun house and the cars and everything else you could think of for Barbie's.
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? Oh man! I am 31now and have a few pairs from when I was 19 and used to work at Baker's shoes!!!! I don't even want to do the math on that! I will be 32 soon!!
7. Can you play any instruments? Used to play the violin and clarinet in middle school. Does that count? If you asked me to play it now I would have NO idea what I was doing!
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? Hmmm.. probably a condiment of some sort I am sure! However, in my freezer I have 4 butter braids that I bought from stepdaughters fundraiser last Easter. Never did bake those. Oops!
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? I watch survival shows with DH.
10. What is your favorite cereal? Special K Fruit and Yogurt!! Sooooooo good!!!!!
Me: 31 & Husband: 40
Married: November 2014
1. Target or a bookstore
2. Captain America (Chris Evans)...DH even knows Captain is my man
3. Dukes of Hazzard (we watched a lot of old reruns with my Dad since it was just him with us at night)
4. Bad Moms (anyone else in one of those moods feeling this way?)
5. My Cabbage Patch doll
6. 9 years old
7. Does the recorder count??
8. A brick of cheddar cheese given out as a wedding favor (bride's family owns a cheese company) in 2014
9. Crochet & attempt to knit
10. Honey Nut Cheerios
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? Target!
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Batman-particularly the Christian Bale variety.
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? We watched a lot of old TV shows-The Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island. Besides those, I loved Looney Tunes.
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. Inception. Am I awake or sleeping? What day is it?
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Barbies, Polly Pocket, and LiteBrite!
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? I have some heels from freshman year of high school that are still in really good shape since I rarely wear heels. So they are 10ish years old.
7. Can you play any instruments? Piano, and even though I hated it, I played violin.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? Jar of pickles
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? Play Lego videogames with DH after E goes to bed. Lego LOTR is my jam.
10. What is your favorite cereal? Chocolate Honey Bunches of Oats. They're new, but they are so good.
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? Goodwill, Target, IKEA, West Elm, J. Crew
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? My first and last celebrity crush was Doctor Who- David Tennant
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? I didn't really watch much tv as a kid. I did love Rainbow Bright though.
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life.
Is there a tv show with a woman just cleaning all day long? Because then it is that one
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? My stuffed animals. They had names and birthdays.
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? 3 years old
7. Can you play any instruments? Clarinet and alto saxophone. I can play a little bit on the piano, but I am not very good.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? Definitely a jar of jam
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? I love to read and play video games
10. What is your favorite cereal? Anything with almonds
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card?
Target, Whole Foods, or Half-Priced Books
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most?
I don't know why this one was so hard for me, but I guess Neville Longbottom in the movies, not so much in the books.
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
The Flintstones and then Friends (can still watch both over and over.)
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life.
Jane the Virgin. All my friends always found it "amusing" that I waited until marriage and thought it was funny to tell anyone they introduced me that I was a virgin.
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
This homemade 3 foot doll house that my mom's neighbor made for me.
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
These Vera Wang glitter flats I bought using my first big girl job out of college so that would make them about 5 years old.
7. Can you play any instruments?
Flute/piccolo, french horn/mellophone, oboe, piano and a little guitar.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
A jar of jam from the strawberry festival in april.
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
Between crocheting or reading.
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Cinnamon toast crunch, I ate it as dessert every day I was pregnant.
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? I've always loved Batman
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? I had a lot of favs but I loved Friends because my mom said I couldn't watch it
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. Train wreck! Ok kinda joking but I feel that way today
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Barbies and beanie babies. I have a billion beanie babies
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? I have a pair of Vans I got 13 years ago that I can't seem to let go of
7. Can you play any instruments? Nope. I have never been able to read music so I failed at every instrument
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? Habenero garlic pickles. Not sure why we have them because we will never eat them
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? What is spare time? Pre-baby I read a lot, like a book a week
10. What is your favorite cereal? Raisin Nut Bran, the one with the sugar covered raisins
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? I'm a nerd for crappy erotic novels. The character's name is Kaleb Krycheck
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? As a kid Power Rangers, as a teen M.A.S.H. Or A-Team
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life? Bad moms?
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Books or my stuffed animals.
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? I still have a pair of boots from high school so 16 or so years? We don't get a lot of boot weather in Florida. =D
7. Can you play any instruments? Nope.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? I have a bottle of Champagne that we've had 5-6 years? We keep forgetting to open it on our "special" occasions. Now it's kinda a joke cause it's probably really expensive vinegar
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? Oh, god...the list is too long
10. What is your favorite cereal? "Bad cereal" -honeycombs or Lucky Charms. Healthy Cereal - Post Cranberry Almond Crunch1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? The Loft, Banana Republic, Baby Gap & Pottery barn
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Thor. Hands down. I mean is there even anyone else? lol
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? A different world
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. These days? the walking dead
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Barbie dream house
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? 7 years
7. Can you play any instruments? A clarinet. Barely.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? Baking soda
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? After I watch movies I go to Wikipedia to read the plot to make sure I didn't miss anything and to learn more about the actors.
10. What is your favorite cereal? Fruit loops
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? I honestly have no idea... I don't shop much
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Going to have to agree with @schaze Christian Bale variety of Batman. Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag as well. (That was hard, I usually like the bad guys lol)
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? Scooby Doo, Jetsons, Smurfs, Flintstones as a kid. Any one remember pop up videos and TRL? (My life has pretty much always revolved around music and learning anything I can about everything.) Also lots of history channel stuff
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. I got nothing...
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Jump rope, barbies, my bike
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? @arhodes6 my kind of girl lol I too have 13 year old vans, and 13 year old etnies that I can never seem to part with
7. Can you play any instruments? Drums, some guitar, some piano
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? Wine I bought a few months ago that I keep forgetting about.
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? Read everything I can get my hands on (or find via interwebs) especially weird random things, about anything space related, stuff like chernobyl, engineering etc
10. What is your favorite cereal? Banana nut cheerios (that seem to be getting harder to find) Strawberry cheerios, waffle crisp
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card?
The thought of maxing out a credit card right now makes me nauseous...lol. But if I could do it with no regrets, Target, Amazon, Paper and Ink Arts, Anthropologie
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most?
I dunno about being turned on, but I really like Doctor Who!
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
Wasn't allowed to watch much TV so I can't think of anything specific, but I do remember renting Balto from the library a million times. I loved that movie. I read books like a crazy kid though.
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life.
My Boys. Lol my life revolves around DH and LO right now so that's about right!
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
Polly Pockets and my brother's Legos
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
Haha I still have bright orange Nike Shocks from 7th grade, totally still wear them sometimes too! My feet grew really fast...
7. Can you play any instruments?
Lol. I suck.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
I don't want to know. Probably mustard, I hope it's mustard. That's not too bad.
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
I watch Doctor Who on repeat. Currently making my like 8th run through the seasons. More like background noise now, but I love it. I also like diagramming sentences for fun. Maybe I shouldn't admit that one, hahaha.
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Reese's puffs!!!!!
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? TARGET! Every girl's dream!
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Ha! Honestly, I can't think of one. Cartoons, superheroes... not my thing.
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? Arthur & Full House always remind me of my childhood but Boy Meets World reminds me of my preteens
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. Hmm...... One Day at a Time
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? My cash register. Hahah. I always wanted real cash register and for Christmas one year I got one. So weird but Man, I loved that thing!
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? I've had my uggs probably over 10 years and they still work great and look pretty decent!
7. Can you play any instruments? I can play Yankee Doodle on the piano
The Loft, Ann Taylor, Target
Zoom, Reading Rainbow, and Wishbone
Can I just have a minute to pee in peace?
Board games, PS2, books
My sperrys, I have had them since sophomore year of college
This self stable, 6 pack of unopened almond milk - DH husband thought they were boxed smoothies
Read or color in adult coloring books
Cocoa rice crispies or cherrios
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? Homegoods, Maurices
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Yeah have to agree with Thor
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? Home Improvement
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. Growing Pains
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Anything Barbie
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? 7 years?
7. Can you play any instruments? My voice, and piano but I would never say I'm a pianist
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? probably some old condiment pushed to the back
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? I'm still addicted to Candy Crush
10. What is your favorite cereal? I'll admit it, I love Lucky Charms,but I eat it more as a dessert than for breakfast.
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? Target and amazon
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? Yeah have to agree with Thor
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? Dawsons creek, full house
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. sleepless in seatttle just the sleepless part haha
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Barbies or cabbage patch kids
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? 5 years
7. Can you play any instruments? piano
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? probably dressing or sauce of some sort
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? Candy crush words with friends, excel spreadsheets to plan stuff
10. What is your favorite cereal?Honey nut shredded wheat
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? FRANCESCA'S CLOSET! THAT STORE IS ADORABLE!
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? OH MAN, MIGHTY MOUSE DOES IT FOR ME LATELY....LMAO....I HAVE NO IDEA
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? The Wonder Years
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. La La Land
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? Popples, magic nursery baby, gameboy
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? about 6 years old
7. Can you play any instruments? a little piano
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? jar of pickles
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? delete cookies off my phone...can't think of anything nerdy at the moment
10. What is your favorite cereal? That's a toss up between life pumpkin spice cereal and reese's pb cereal!
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card? Barnes & Noble (or the Kindle store)
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most? ...never thought about this. Going with Captain America.
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up? I don't remember having one
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life. Cheers
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid? I didn't have one. Wasn't really into toys like that.
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? Maybe 2 years or so. (I just got rid of some shoes. I'm also bad at estimating time.)
7. Can you play any instruments? Several! Piano, flute, trumpet (and therefore pretty much any brass instrument...except french horn), clarinet, marimba. I think that's it.
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator? I don't even know. That's how old it is.
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time? Read
10. What is your favorite cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Golden Grahams, although I don't really eat cereal.
1. At which store(s) would you like to max-out your credit card?
TJ Maxx... oh wait I already did that hahah not really funny
2. Which storybook/cartoon/super hero character turns you on the most?
3. What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
Saved by the Bell
4. Choose a movie/show title for the story of your life.
Girl with the Degree She Will Never Use
5. What was your favorite toy as a kid?
6. How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
10 years
7. Can you play any instruments?
I can play Smoke on the Water on a guitar
8. What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?
Probably my soy sauce
9. What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
What is spare time?
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Cinnamon Toast Crunch