@Wearmi1 for hoping my beloved, sweet Patriots lose and her seeming hatred for Tom Terrific. I'm thinking I'll troll her for fun with Tom Brady gifs for the next two weeks. Just kidding @Wearmi1! Well... maybe not on the Tom Brady gifs... that would kind of be fun.
Seriously though, my bitchfest goes out to my body. It is almost as though an alarm clock goes off around 20 weeks and my body said "Ooohhh... we're just about halfway. Lets have a meltdown" [queue heartburn, back pain, hemorrhoids, etc. This literally happened with both prior pregnancies and I just want to say this to my body (who I'm naming carol)...
@elyse1384 I feel like my body is having a meltdown as well. I'm not sleeping well, my tailbone is killing me, and I am so irritable. I just ordered one of those butt pillows from amazon to hopefully get some relief for my butt and back. It has given me the motivation to step up my exercise routine though...it can only help, right? My MB is that this is my first full 5 day work week since before the holidays and I am super bummed that it's only Monday.
My 17 month old has croup, so now she's confused, cranky, and can only sleep sitting up, which means very little sleep for mom and dad. Plus my hormones are making me all sorts of worried. Any mamas have any magical cures or advice? No sleep + anxiety + pregnancy hormones + my poor sweet baby girls' sad face is more than I can bear!
Mine goes out to my coworker who in our open office likes to talk to anyone and everyone that is willing to hear her complain about some crazy engineering related issue as LOUD as she can. She is part time and on days she is in I want to punch something.
Shes talking about code and residential ceiling lights right now.
Just work. I miss being a SAHM so so so much. It had its challenges and working part time would probably be ideal for me, I just want to get all our debt paid off now so I can switch to something I can enjoy more. I hate being so exhausted every day and feeling like I am short with my kids/husband. It also sucks because I use to really enjoying teaching, I am just over it.
Married 12/17/2011 K born 8/31/12 C born 1/11/14 BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015 BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
Mine goes out my boss. He is very rarely in the office, but he's had a cold for the entire month of January and just after a weekend of having a fever he finally went to the doctors AND THEN decided it was a good idea to come into the office (even though his fever continues). He met with me for 10 minutes on one topic and coughed all over my desk and me (I could feel it on my hand). Cover your cough and go home, i'm pregnant over here! I spent a good five minutes disinfecting me, my desk and the air in my office after he went back to his office. I better not get sick.
We tried to convert DDs crib to the full size bed over the weekend. Of course there was one little part that didn't snap in right, so we can't use it. The manufacturer is out of business now, so we can't even get a replacement part. Which means we spent Saturday shopping for a new bed. We then get that home only to realize the corner is damaged! Ugh!
I had to get on the computer to type this out, because I just can't with the mobile bump today.
My IL's came down to visit on Saturday. MIL brought up Easter and what we were planning to do since DD's birthday is that day. We had already volunteered to host Easter on Saturday due to the difficulties with traveling on Sunday. I mentioned that we would celebrate Easter and then just have a cake for DD's birthday. This was supposed to be 8 people (just the immediate family). Well dear old MIL pulls out her phone and proceeds to text DH's grandma -- who is BSC. Then MIL's sister. In a matter of two minutes the small family function turned into a party with 18 people invited. I was so livid I could barely contain my emotions. I specially said I didn't want to have a big party for DD every year and would rather do some smaller ones. This caused DH and I to have a huge fight after his parents left. I could honestly care less whether his grandma is hurt that we didn't do a party, but MIL doesn't give a crap that this isn't her child.
This Monday was rough. I left for work at 3:45am and got home at 5:40pm. I had tons of employee problems and other issues to solve while training to train someone in the field. I'm getting tired of doing two positions at the same time.
Also my 14 month old is very rarely his happy self anymore. A lot of screaming. Won't eat what we feed him unless it's cheese or fruit. Multiple wake ups at night. Im hoping it's all just from teething.
I had to get on the computer to type this out, because I just can't with the mobile bump today.
My IL's came down to visit on Saturday. MIL brought up Easter and what we were planning to do since DD's birthday is that day. We had already volunteered to host Easter on Saturday due to the difficulties with traveling on Sunday. I mentioned that we would celebrate Easter and then just have a cake for DD's birthday. This was supposed to be 8 people (just the immediate family). Well dear old MIL pulls out her phone and proceeds to text DH's grandma -- who is BSC. Then MIL's sister. In a matter of two minutes the small family function turned into a party with 18 people invited. I was so livid I could barely contain my emotions. I specially said I didn't want to have a big party for DD every year and would rather do some smaller ones. This caused DH and I to have a huge fight after his parents left. I could honestly care less whether his grandma is hurt that we didn't do a party, but MIL doesn't give a crap that this isn't her child.
I'd tell her that if she doesn't uninvite everyone then she isn't invited either.
@mamaelle27 sorry about your Lo being sick! DS is prone to croup...it bloooows! We usually end up in the ER for steroids and breathing treatments. I'm nodding my head in solidarity, mama!
My bitch is just today. I don't work Mondays, but I had to do my CPR/FA/AED recertification. It was SEVEN HOURS. Seriously. I've done this certification more times then I can count over the past 17 years. I know it changes, but can't I just do a mini class, fill me in on what's different and move along? And to top it off, DS always transitions to daycare easily and this morning he just wanted to stay with me
Oh, and I don't get paid for today...I'm going to march into my HR tomorrow and ask if I can at least comp the hours for my leave. I'm annoyed.
@devow27, Thanks, I've heard a bunch of stories like that so I was on high alert. But I'm happy to report she slept through the night, so I think the oral meds they gave her are working, thankfully. Here's hoping she has a happy and comfortable day.
DD brought home a stomach bug from preschool, so she puked all day Sunday. My husband spent that night puking. He has the grossest pukes ever. Hellacious start to the week.
MC Sept 2010 BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012 TTC again since July 2014 First IUI 9/26/16: BFP! EDD 6/19/2017 It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
Re: Monday B*tchfest 1/23
Seriously though, my bitchfest goes out to my body. It is almost as though an alarm clock goes off around 20 weeks and my body said "Ooohhh... we're just about halfway. Lets have a meltdown" [queue heartburn, back pain, hemorrhoids, etc. This literally happened with both prior pregnancies and I just want to say this to my body (who I'm naming carol)...
My MB is that this is my first full 5 day work week since before the holidays and I am super bummed that it's only Monday.
Me: 29 DH: 35
Married: 9/29/12
DS #1: 3/8/15Shes talking about code and residential ceiling lights right now.
Me: 29 DH: 35
Married: 9/29/12
DS #1: 3/8/15K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
My IL's came down to visit on Saturday. MIL brought up Easter and what we were planning to do since DD's birthday is that day. We had already volunteered to host Easter on Saturday due to the difficulties with traveling on Sunday. I mentioned that we would celebrate Easter and then just have a cake for DD's birthday. This was supposed to be 8 people (just the immediate family). Well dear old MIL pulls out her phone and proceeds to text DH's grandma -- who is BSC. Then MIL's sister. In a matter of two minutes the small family function turned into a party with 18 people invited. I was so livid I could barely contain my emotions. I specially said I didn't want to have a big party for DD every year and would rather do some smaller ones. This caused DH and I to have a huge fight after his parents left. I could honestly care less whether his grandma is hurt that we didn't do a party, but MIL doesn't give a crap that this isn't her child.
Also my 14 month old is very rarely his happy self anymore. A lot of screaming. Won't eat what we feed him unless it's cheese or fruit. Multiple wake ups at night. Im hoping it's all just from teething.
My bitch is just today. I don't work Mondays, but I had to do my CPR/FA/AED recertification. It was SEVEN HOURS. Seriously. I've done this certification more times then I can count over the past 17 years. I know it changes, but can't I just do a mini class, fill me in on what's different and move along? And to top it off, DS always transitions to daycare easily and this morning he just wanted to stay with me
Oh, and I don't get paid for today...I'm going to march into my HR tomorrow and ask if I can at least comp the hours for my leave. I'm annoyed.
DH: 29
DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017
BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
TTC again since July 2014
First IUI 9/26/16: BFP!
EDD 6/19/2017
It's a girl!
Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz