June 2017 Moms


I have been experiencing really bad insomnia lately. I am up till 4am a lot of nights just staring at the felling of looking at my phone because I cannot fall asleep. I had insomnia with my son, but never this bad. It has been going on now for about a month. Does anyone have any natural home remedies I could try to get my brain to just shut off so I can sleep?! And is anyone else experiancing insomnia? I'm sure there are a few of you, it is commen innoregnancies. I just never thought it could get this bad! 

Re: Insomnia...

  • Oh man, I have had the worst insomnia. I had it with my first and now again with this one. I will fall asleep around 9 like I've been drugged but then I wake at 1:30-2am and I am up for the day. I"this happens a few times a week. have to be up and out of the house by 6 every morning. This is miserable. 

    I try try to get up walk around get a drink and get back into bed with out lights or looking at my phone. I noticed I have a much better chance of going back to sleep if I don't see the light of my phone. I give it 30-45 mins before I cave and turn on the Mindy Project and tune into the Bump. 
  • Unisom is pregnancy safe if you're ok with taking something.  Might at least give you a good night or two to catch up a little if you're not in to taking it full time. 
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  • Ugh. I've it it so bad too. I didn't have it at all with dd. I'm not too bad about going to sleep at night, but if dd wakes us up, I'm up for hours. She's only 3 1/2 so she's been peeing the bed lately, having nightmares, and just waking up lonely. On the rare occasion she sleeps through the night I can too. 
  • Calm powder (Magnesium powder in hot water) has worked like a charm for me.

    I have issues with insomnia outside of pregnancy and now it's just worse. Extra benefit of the Calm: it keeps me regular!!

  • Thank you guys! I will defiantly try some of these in hopes that they work. 
  • Benadryl is also AOK and plus side no allergies! 
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