June 2017 Moms

High Risk Pregnancy Check In 1-17

I didn't see one started today, I apologize if I overlooked it.

High Risk Reasoning:
How far along are you:
How are you feeling:
Important Dates:
Anything else to add:

Married 2007
DS - 5/2010
DD - 6-2013
TTC #3 - Cycle #9

Re: High Risk Pregnancy Check In 1-17

  • High Risk Reasoning:  Type 2 Diabetic - currently on Metformin, Humalog Lunch/Dinner and Trashiba at bedtime
    How far along are you: 
    18w, 5d
    How are you feeling: I am currently fighting off a terrible cold or upper respiratory/sinus yuckiness.  Migraines that cause me to get physically sick, but my blood glucose numbers have been great since I added the lunch/dinner insulin.
    Important Dates:  Endo appointment - next Thursday at 20 weeks, 20 week ultrasound Jan 31
    Anything else to add:  I would love to touch base with any other Type 2's out there to swap some recipes if anyone is up to it.
    Married 2007
    DS - 5/2010
    DD - 6-2013
    TTC #3 - Cycle #9

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