June 2017 Moms

PGAL Check In 1/16

First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Welcome! Please Introduce yourself

How far along are you? 

How are you doing? 

Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 

Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes

GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? 

Re: PGAL Check In 1/16

  • Sorry I have been so absent for so long! Things have been crazy for me recently...just really busy. I'll quick reintro...I'm 29 (30 in a few weeks), DH is 30 almost 31. We live in Vermont, started TTC #1 in May/June 2015. Three losses between January - July 2016, MMC with a D&C, CP, and NMC. 

    How far along are you?
     17+5, 6/21 EDD

    How are you doing? Feeling good! Once my nausea went away around 14 weeks I felt like I could really start to enjoy pregnancy. I'm still really tired all the time, not sleeping through the night, but I hear that's life as a parent. I suppose I'm just training early! :smile: I'm loving feeling a little bit of baby's movements. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? Anatomy scan scheduled for 2/1 at 20 weeks. 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I had my first baby/pregnancy related dream that wasn't a loss dream the other day, and have had a good one every night since. It feels like I'm really turning a corner with my PGALIF anxiety. 

    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? 
    I'm currently reading the AAP's "Your baby's first five years," but I won't count that. I recently finished The Couple Next Door and while it was a great mystery I'd recommend (a la Gone Girl or The Girl on the Train), all TWs for a missing baby. 
  • First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Welcome! Please Introduce yourself

    How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    Our ER trip shook my confidence, but we're hanging in there.

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    1/24. It seems too far away. Anatomy scan is 2/7.

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes
    Meh. I've got nothing today.

    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? 
    "Dear Mad'm" It is a diary from an older woman who moved to live on top of a mountain in her 80's. It is very near where I grew up, so it's neat to read about familiar landmarks.
    Married 8/29/09
    MC: 9/14
    Goober #1 born: 8/17/15
    MC: 9/16
    Goober # 2 EDD: 6/27/17
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  • How far along are you? 
    How are you doing? 
    I'm starting to do a lot better now that I'm feeling daily movement from baby. It's like baby can sense when I'm worried something is wrong because it usually gives me a little kick right at that time. 
    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    Next appt is the anatomy scan on Jan 30. I can't wait!
    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes
    I've got nothing 
    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? 
    I'm currently reading the Last Anniversary by Liane Moriarty. I love her books and would recommend all of them.
  • BellaO21BellaO21 member
    edited January 2017
    First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Welcome! Please Introduce yourself

    How far along are you? 18+3

    How are you doing? I'm doing okay... yesterday was the 1yr anniversary of the m/c so my PGAL brain is going crazy right now- I'm out of town, didn't pack my fetal Doppler and I haven't felt Victoria move yet. I'm sure she is fine but it would be nice to just hear her HB right now. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 2/9 is our anatomy scan! 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: rant is on myself for deciding it was a good idea to work 10- 13 hour days in a row while being 9 hours from home  :/

    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? Honestly, I'm not sure as it's been awhile- I'm sure it was an Emily Giffin book though.. I would recommend them if you want/like a light drama read lol  
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • How far along are you? 

    How are you doing? 
    Really good. I posted yesterday in the Movements thread about feeling the baby at least once a day since 16w and then getting unnerved because I went a few days with no discernible movement, which I know is completely normal at this point, but I am happy to report that Murphy's Law came into effect and I felt the baby a bunch yesterday afternoon and then a bunch this morning. It is so darn comforting.

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? 
    Anatomy scan in t-minus 8 days, which just so happens to also be my birthday!!

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes
    I am currently in an extremely dumb fight with DH and I want to ring his neck. We don't have big blow-ups often but this was a pretty good one and I just don't want to even see his face right now. Hate when this happens.

    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? 
    It was worth reading. I had some issues with it, but I read it faster than a lot of books I have read recently so I would recommend it.

    Me: 36;  DH: 38
    DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
    MMC & D&C Aug 2016
  • How far along are you? 17+6 weeks

    How are you doing? Good. 

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? Next Friday I have my anatomy scan

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I wish this stupid cold would go away. I miss breathing. 

    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? Honestly I don't remember.. I need to read more. 

    Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!

  • How far along are you? 18 + 5

    How are you doing? Good!  MS is almost gone, I get a little heartburn in the evening if I let myself get too hungry so I have to have snacks (oh darn).

    Next appointment? Or, alternatively, next milestone you're looking forward to? I had my anatomy scan on Monday and of what they could see they don't have any concerns.  Little lady was facing my spine and refused to turn around so I have to go back on feb 9th.  I feel like the anatomy scan was kind of my last anxiety hurdle for awhile!! 

    Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes

    GTKY: What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it? I need to read more to.  Eek!  Embarrassing!!
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