July 2017 Moms

Wednesay Ticker Change 1/11/17

**Not sure who has been starting this since osucma has been MIA, but I didn't see it yet so here we go!

This is for everyone with an EDD of 7/5, 7/12, 7/19, and 7/26. 

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Upcoming appointments this week?

Any new symptoms or changes?


GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities?
Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker

Re: Wednesay Ticker Change 1/11/17

  • How far along are you? 15 weeks!!

    How big is baby? Cinnamon roll, Box of Crayons, Naval Orange

    Upcoming appointments this week? The doc that did our NT scan is letting us come back tomorrow for a scan to determine the sex!!!! I am so excited!

    Any new symptoms or changes? I have been having a lot of cramps/pains recently. Nothing major, more annoying than anything. I am sure it's a combination of RLP and just general stretching. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I have a sore throat and it sucks. 

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities? Prior to being pregnant, we played on a touch football team Saturday mornings and it was so fun. I miss it. We also live near a pretty large metropark system so we loved hiking with the pups as well. Recently, we bought ourselves an xbox so we have been pretty addicted to playing Halo together lol
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Looks like I officially go here now since my doctor is using my LMP for my edd instead of O date and measurements.  Hopefully it doesnt change again haha. 

    How far along are you? 
    12 weeks! 

    How big is baby? Plum or chicken nugget

    Upcoming appointments this week?  Had one yesterday! Baby looks good and I had my panorama blood work done. 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Nope.  Ready for some change though.  I'm so tired of being so sick and tired! 
    Rants/Raves/Questions?  The doctor couldn't find the heart beat with the doppler yesterday so she popped me over to the ultrasound room and I got to see a wiggly, healthy baby! Apparently c-section scar tissue can push your uterus to a little different place.  Baby was higher than she was expecting which is why she couldnt find him/her.

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities? We love to go to the gun range.  And enjoy the rare crossfit workout together.  Other than that a fun dinner out is always good for us! 

    Me: 33 DH: 33

    Married: 6.9.12
    DS born: 4.9.14
    DD born 7.27.17

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  • @GeorgiaWife6912 YAY Welcome to Wednesday :)

    That had to be terrifying that she couldn't find the heartbeat, but pretty cool you got an impromptu ultrasound out of it! At my last appointment (last week) she struggled for a few minutes before finally finding it. I swear I wasn't breathing during that time. Then even when she did find it, it was super muffled. Apparently I have an anterior placenta (which nobody told me - they finally posted my NT results on my online portal and it said it on there) so that is probably why in my case. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • @rae1 I had an anterior placenta when I was pregnant with my DS so it wouldn't surprise me if I had one again this time, but I haven't had an NT scan yet or anything so I don't know.  It was definitely terrifying for those 5 minutes.  Especially after the scare we had in the beginning (not sure if I've posted here about that but LTDR is that when I went for my 8w u/s they couldnt find a baby or sac or anything.  Baby ended up being fine but I didn't get any answers for over a week- It was the worst week of my life).  So this, being my first appointment after that, was already anxiety ridden.  I'm sure that's why she didn't even bat an eye before doing another ultrasound. 

    Me: 33 DH: 33

    Married: 6.9.12
    DS born: 4.9.14
    DD born 7.27.17

  • How far along are you? 15 weeks!!

    How big is baby? Hass Avocado or Navel Orange

    Upcoming appointments this week? Not this week! My next one is in 2 weeks.

    Any new symptoms or changes? Feeling more stretching on my abdomen today, also having a weird tenderness in my tailbone. I was laying sorta funny on Sunday afternoon and I thought that might have caused it, but it shouldn't still be sore. Anyone else experience something similar? I also officially have a noticeable bump that isn't just bloat. I took a picture of it this morning because it was clearly there, even though I hadn't eaten anything yet!! I can't wait to start feeling movement. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? DH and I are closing on the house on Friday, and I'm so excited! We are in our apartment until the end of the month, so I'm glad we'll have 2 weeks to gradually move everything over, and paint over the lime green living room before moving in! January is going to be so busy, but the faster the better, because next month we get to find out the sex of the baby!!

    GTKY: What is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities? We love biking when the weather is warm and trying new restaurants. We almost always go somewhere new, and we have a favorite breakfast cafe we sometimes go to on Sundays. We don't have many cold-weather hobbies and our schedules have both been busy recently so mostly we just enjoy the quality time going out to eat or just watching a movie at home. 
  • @Rae1 so exciting that your doctor will do an extra ultrasound to find out the sex!

    @GeorgiaWife6912 welcome to Wednesday ticker change! Glad you got to see your healthy wiggly baby yesterday, what an unexpected treat. :)

    @kat0607 congrats on closing on your house! We were in the same situation when we moved re: paint colors. Our house was a complete renovation and the contractor painted our kitchen HOT PINK (why, god why?). The color was offensive in itself but paired with dark cabinets and green granite countertops it made it unbearable. We repainted before we moved in because I couldn't even look at it.

    How far along are you?

    How big is baby? the size of a peach!

    Upcoming appointments this week? I have a regular OB appointment on Monday. 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Overall feeling really good, except for occasional sciatic pain.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? We got our NT scan results and first round of blood tests and are low risk for downs. This is such a relief to us as I have two family members with down syndrome.

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities? Travel, hands down. DH and I are both adventurers and have been so blessed to go so many places together. Our favorite trip was our honeymoon to South Africa and Zambia. Our other more day to day hobbies are cooking, running, and spending time with our two doggies. 
  • @oheliza44 ICK that sounds horrible haha! When we first looked at the house, DH said the color "wasn't so bad", and I couldn't believe my ears. I need to get in there and paint over it before he gets too attached. :lol:
  • @kat0607 yes you definitely do! We did so much painting but still have a few rooms to do- our guest bathroom is smurf blue. (Again, what was the contractor thinking?) Random suggestion but we've tried just about every brand of paint and like Behr Marquee the best so I would recommend using that. I get pretty bad headaches and that is the only paint brand that doesn't kill me from the fumes. Also, you don't need to prime so it's great for covering over colors without the extra step.

    (I don't work for Behr or Home Depot, so this is just an unbiased suggestion from a woman who spent a good part of 2016 painting my house. Lol)
  • @oheliza44 thank you so much for that suggestion!! I had actually begun researching paint brands especially with limited fumes so I'll definitely look into that! 
  • How far along are you? 
    14 weeks! 
    How big is baby? 
    A peach
    Upcoming appointments this week?
    Tomorrow! Just a quick check with the Doppler. Waiting 4 weeks between appointments is SO hard. 
    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Nausea/vomiting seems to be gone. My boobs only started hurting this week, they seemed to trade off with my m/s. I am still exhausted. I am really hoping 2nd tri brings more energy soon and this isn't just the way I am now..
    I am home on another snow (ice) day today!! I told myself I was going to make it count and gets so much done. Yeah... I haven't really left the couch. 
    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities?
    In the summer we like to go fishing and hiking together. In the winter I force him to play board games or watch movies with me because I hate the cold. 
  • How far along are you? 
    11 weeks

    How big is baby? 
    Size of a lime. 

    Upcoming appointments this week?
    I had an appointment today.  I'm  still on bed rest for at least another week and will go back next Thursday for another check- up. 

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Apparently I'm having some vitamin deficiencies,  so I'm taking a few more supplements in addition to my prenatals. 

    I am so sick of bed rest!  I just want to clean my house.  My husband is terrible about cleaning and my other 2 children are destroying the house. 

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities?
    We enjoy playing video games and going to movies together. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 13 weeks!

    How big is baby? lemon!

    Upcoming appointments this week? nope

    Any new symptoms or changes? I thought my fatigue was going away last week but nope, extra tired this week. Ugh. Acne is also out of control. Haven't had this many zits at once since I was like 14.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? None right now!

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities? honestly, relax and watch netflix or movies. Lol take our dog for walks, idk! I just complained to dh that we need a hobby together lol

  • How far along are you? 12 weeks

    How big is baby? Plum

    Upcoming appointments this week? A week from today! That's when I'll get my blood drawn for the genetic testing and be able to find out the sex!

    Any new symptoms or changes? I'm finally starting to feel a little better. Can stomach coffee again (hallelujah!) and have more energy! Definitely feeling more cramping/stretching like a lot of you all! Which seems weird since this is my second, I would have thought it would already be stretched out. I didn't have this at all last time!!

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Took DD to the doctor today when her cough turned into wheezing. Thankfully she tested negative for RSV, but they think she has asthma :(

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities?
    We don't get a lot of time together. Honestly our favorite thing to do it workout together or watch tv! Haha

  • How far along are you? 
    14 weeks! Finally. Feels like a marathon
    How big is baby? 
    Peach! Which I think is adorable, but I say that every week. 
    Upcoming appointments this week?
    Tomorrow! Just a regular check up, unfortunately seeing a CRNP (which btw, I love CRNP, I had one at my regular doctor and I wish she could deliver my baby she rules). I just have about a billion questions this week and I feel like she won't be able to answer a lot of them for me. Sigh. 
    Any new symptoms or changes?
    I think I'm starting to get colostrum leaking. FTM so I could be wrong, but I'm getting this whitish dried liquid on my nipples, very small amounts, but I don't know what else it would be. It gets rubbed off and then more comes. First noticed it yesterday. 
    Rant and a rave in one actually. Got much clearer information on my insurance, and my deductible is 4000, and every test and ultrasound will run through the deductible before the insurance covers anything. My appointments have no co-pay which is nice, but the lady I talked to in the beginning of the pregnancy made it out like a lot more was covered and the deductible would only be 300. On the plus side, I get to have my birthing center birth now because no matter what the facility I'm paying out of pocket up to 4000, and the birthing center will be cheaper. On the negative side, I'm paying up to 4000 out of pocket, so I'm in the process of figuring out what kind of testing etc. etc. I really need and what I can skip or wait until I'm having a problem. Example: I'm not doing the blood work for the genetic testing anymore. NT scan came back low risk, and that's good enough for us. 
    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities?
    Can I say anything without sounding like a cornball? We love to mix it up. My favorites are mini-golfing and going to see movies at the drive ins. I can't wait til we live in a warmer climate again and we can actually leave the house all year long. Winter drives me nuts. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • @GeorgiaWife6912 my ob also couldn't find a heartbeat at my appointment last Friday. Or at least he said it was faint because my heartbeat was overriding it based on where the baby was positioned. I didn't get an ultrasound but he said he was not concerned at all. This never happened with either of my other two so I felt disheartened afterwards even though he told me not to worry about it. 
    Baby Q born on 7/20/2017
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @Creedon778 my OB wasn't concerned at all either but since we had that scare in the beginning, Im pretty sure she knew she had to do an u/s or else I was not going to be ok leaving.

    Me: 33 DH: 33

    Married: 6.9.12
    DS born: 4.9.14
    DD born 7.27.17

  • How far along are you? 13 weeks

    How big is baby? lemon

    Upcoming appointments this week? 2 more weeks, and then it's just the Doppler and a check up, no ultrasound.

    Any new symptoms or changes? I don't want to jinx myself, but I think I'm feeling a little bit more energized... I hope this sticks around. Headaches have begun over the past week, usually in the evenings when I get home from work.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I feel like everybody has more ultrasounds and dr. appointments than I do! I'm jealous I hate having to wait so long. Next ultrasound won't be until 20 weeks, March 1st.

    GTKYWhat is your favorite thing to do to spend time with your SO? Any fun hobbies or activities? My husband and I like to go to a lot of Trailblazer games. We are big fans and have a half season, so we spend a lot of time on that together. We also like to snowboard, but that's not happening for me this winter.
  • @Creedon778 my doctor couldn't find mine either. She also said it was totally normal and I was right on the edge of being able to find it or not. I also have a tilted uterus, not sure if that's maybe related. It was sure disappointing but it sounds like it's pretty common at this stage.
  • @CrystalPDX thanks for sharing. It is good to know others had this issue but hopefully we will all hear next time!
    Baby Q born on 7/20/2017
    Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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