How far along are you?
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Re: STM+ Check In 1/11
How far along are you? 12 weeks!
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Most seem to have subsided now. Finally getting my appetite and energy back!
Rant/Rave/Questions? Just ready for my appointment next week and get my blood draw to find out the sex!
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? We had our favorite girl name "stolen"(we had kept it a secret, it was just a coincidence) a couple months before we were due (team green) and were so disappointed and he hated the boy name I had picked out. So we were pretty desperate. Luckily, one day I found Everleigh and sent it to him and we actually ended up liking it more than the other name. And luckily she was a girl and we didn't have to fight about the boy name. This time around we agreed on names really fast!
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Pizza. it's just something I don't really get sick of.
How far along are you?
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Just overall first tri grossness. I go back and forth between thinking this is way worse than last time and that this is pretty much the same. Maybe I was better at distracting myself last time!
Babysitting for a friend's older toddler today- so much Elmo, lol!!
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
DD's name was pretty easy. I'm second guessing all of our choices this time! I think it'll feel more real once we know the sex of the baby in a couple of months.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Mac and cheese! Velveeta shells and cheese are my fave, nom nom.
My symptoms are starting to be a little better but not gone. My hormones are raging this time. I cry so much. But my daughter is going through painful teething and it's breaking my heart when she cries. I'm hungry all the time. I eat every 2 hours. My first pregnancy was a breeze. Barely felt any of the symptoms. Maybe just a tiny bit. This time it's the full experience.
My question is that today I had the NT and afterwards she pricked my finger for blood. I was asking her what that was for but could not get a straight answer for how it checks the risk for down syndrome and the rest.
For our girl, my husband one day suggested a name and I started bonding with it. We still had options but a week before she arrived I said I really want that name (which he no longer liked as much). We needed a name to work in 2 languages so it way very limiting. Now we're facing the same thing. I need to know the sex first but I have names that are already vetoed.
My comfort food is also mac and cheese. You really can't beat that.
How far along are you? 14 weeks + 1 day
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? sciatica pain, frequent urination, food cravings/aversions. With DS I didn't have anything so this is much different! Nausea seems to be gone. Headaches come and go.
Rant/Rave/Questions? I still haven't gotten my blood work results! Ugh. Had it drawn on 12/28. And I know it doesn't really mean anything, but I hate the phrase Advanced Maternal Age. I'm sorry. I just turned 35. I am not old! In a Rave: I just registered DS for kindergarten last night. He will start in August. Excited to only still have to pay for 1 in daycare!
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? I heard the name Colt and I loved it. This time around we are Team Green. Makes it much more difficult because we have to pick out names for a boy and a girl!
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? pasta! I could eat pasta every day! Oh..and ice cream...
How far along are you? 13w 6d
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Only exhaustion at this point, which I am very grateful for!
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
We like traditional names. So I have two daughtes, Elizabeth and Catherine (Ellie and Cate). I think they flow well. I have no idea about this time around..
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Poutine!! Yummmm
@plumpous I'm not sure exactly "how," but I know that's how they did it for me last pregnancy too. Pricked my finger and stuck the blood on a card to send off. I do remember thinking that was a weird way to collect a sample haha.
@cynth0104 my doctor thinks the AMA thing is a bunch of crock haha. At least for 35. FX your results come back soon!
How far along are you? 12 weeks
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Still pretty nauseous (much worse than last time), exhausted (probably about the same as last time), I'm MUCH more emotional this time than last, even being more nauseous this time, my food aversions were MUCH worse last time.
Rant/Rave/Questions? I think I'm good?
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? We waited until we knew the sex. A boy name really wasn't that hard for us. We wanted something not too common, but not too different either. His middle name is a family name. Cooper Robert
We haven't started talking about names this time. I think, again, a boy will be MUCH easier. I dont know if we will ever agree on a girl name. I'm stuck on one but DH doesn't like it at all. Sooo.... we'll see.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? I'm with @LuLiLaEv I LOVE me some pizza!
Me: 33 DH: 33
Married: 6.9.12
DS born: 4.9.14
DD born 7.27.17
How far along are you? 13+4
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Still nothing I find too reportable. Nauseous here and there, back is starting to hurt when I sleep which happened around this time too. I'm starting to think that I'm ignoring symptoms since they seem so tame compared to how atrocious I felt last time.
Rant/Rave/Questions? Will I ever stop checking the toilet paper for blood?
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? We picked a girl name very easily, had a very hard time with a boy name but finally settled on something we both didn't love but were ok with. Thankfully DD came out a girl and we're still both in love with her name. Again this time we have girls names pretty narrowed down but the field is still open for boys. My SIL and BIL are due in March with a boy and I have a really strong feeling that they're going to use our favorite boy name so we will go back to the drawing board! We've got plenty of time...
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Pizza. Forever pizza. Frozen, cold, hot...doesn't matter. JUST PIZZA.
How far along are you? 15+3
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Just insomnia, everything else has gone away! I had insomnia with my other pregnancies, but I don't think it was this early.
Rant/Rave/Questions? I thought I had one, I don't.
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? DH and I are both teachers, so it's difficult.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Mexican or ice cream. Depends if I want sugar or not.
my happy boy
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancy?
The headaches have been a nuisance this week, and I've been chronically exhausted, but that could also be from dealing with my in-laws staying with us for the past week and getting the house squared away after having our furniture delivered. All I want to do is sleep! Also, the pregnancy rhinitis can seriously stick it where the sun don't shine because I'm SO over not being able to breathe.
Rant: I know it hasn't come across this way, because I've been complaining pretty bitterly about my in-laws recently, but I really do try to keep the peace and to foster a relationship between my husband and his mom, as I'm aware that someday, I'll be the mother-in-law for my son's partner and I don't want to be pushed out of his life. I really do try. But both of them are seriously driving me nuts. We were at Cabela's yesterday and my husband and his dad were drooling over guns, which left my tired, second-trimester-with-twins butt sitting on a bench waiting for them with my mother-in-law, who spent the next twenty minutes questioning if I was sure I wanted to give breastfeeding a try with twins and insisting that she was "only thinking of me and my time" when I finally got frustrated and told her it was important to me (after 20 minutes of pushing my patience about how much easier it would be to just give them a bottle and I could "just get free money from WIC!" which, for the record, we don't qualify for, as my husband makes too much, but that's not the way it worked in her day, so there's no way I could possibly know what I'm talking about on this one). I finally snapped at her that while I appreciated her thinking of me, I was thinking of the babies, so that was what was going to happen. WHY do people insist on having g such pushy opinions about this?? Who the Hell cares how I feed my babies, as long as they're fed?? Meanwhile, I have my father-in-law pushing my hormonal buttons, saying things like "we did all sorts of things mom wouldn't let you do, didn't we?" to my son after having watched him for an hour. Cause that inspires all sorts of confidence for me to leave my child in his care again...
Sorry, major rant. I'm just so done trying to not lose my temper, and I don't want to drag my husband into it because he doesn't see his folks all that often and they're not here very often, so I can suck it up for another couple days, but I'm definitely venting right now. Thanks for being my sounding board. But it Saturday yet?
How did picking out a name go with your previous child/children? How is it going this time?
With our son, it was super easy. We had pretty much chosen his name before he was conceived (two old family names). This time around, we thought we had squared it away, but then we got thrown a loop and found out there's two, so I'm waiting to find out the sexes before we decide if we need to rack our brains more for more names.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Everything bagels toasted with cream cheese are my happy place right now, although anything made with potatos is pretty much heaven as well.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
my happy boy
How far along are you? 15+5
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Tons of gas pains and I'm assuming RLP (didnt have either with my first but doctor says its normal). Some days I can hardly move because it hurts.
Rant/Rave/Questions? DH and I plan (as in really hope) to have 3 kids. This is #2. If one more person makes a comment like "if this one is a girl you aren't really going to have a third are you?" I am going to lose my damn mind. We aren't planning the size of our family based on the sex of our children thank you very much. This whole idea that the "perfect family" is one boy and one girl drives me nuts.
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? I seriously wanted to smack DH about 100 times during the name discussion. He refused to discuss names at all until after the A/S and then didnt contribute a single viable option but vetoed everything I came up with. I was really stuck on one name so added it to every list I showed him and shortly before I was induced he agreed to it. This time same rule applies so we cant discuss names until after the A/S. I'm compiling my lists now and hopefully he takes part in the discussion this time around.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Homemade Mac and Cheese...mmmm now I want some
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
How far along are you?
12 weeks 1 day
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Feeling like the old me for the most part! At this point with my daughter, I was still prettt nauseated most of the time and occasionally throwing up.
Not really
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
We we're thinking of names FOREVER and not agreeing on ANYTHING. Our daughter didn't have a name until day 2 after she was born lol. I'm hoping it'll be somewhat easier this time since it's girl #2 and we already talked about girl names a lot. But we're not even discussing it right now because I'm just not in a hurry to start that stress.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Soup! I've been making all the soups lately. Yesterday it was a potato lentil soup. It was yummers! Just so satisfying in this weather.
BFP September 2013 - MMC at 12 weeks
BFP February 2014 - early loss/CP at 4.5 weeks
BFP May 2014 - MMC/ complete molar pregnancy at 11 weeks
BFP December 2015 - DD born 8/18/2015
BFP November 2016 - pending...
How far along are you? 11w4d
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Still tired and occasionally nauseous. Been getting dizzy spells and headaches now. Really wondering if 2nd tri will be great since this pregnancy is SO much different than my last three. Except for Diastasis in my last pregnancy really didnt have symptoms or problems. This time around not so lucky. Also completely zen compared to completely emotional and hormonal last 3 times.
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
With DS2 & DS3 we used family names for middle names. DS2 first name was a friend of mine who passed in a car accident in high school. DS3 we liked his name and finalized it after anatomy scan. We are using the girl name we had pucked out last pregnancy this time around if a girl and for a boy we're going with family names for both first and middle name.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Notmally pizza. I could eat it whenever. Right now though is Pasta. Helps with my nausea.
How far along are you?
13 weeks
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
I'm just so tired all.the.time. Always. But I can't sleep!
I was really sick with my last one and with this one I've never been nauseous and haven't vomited. I'm very grateful for that. No real symptoms otherwise!
Is anyone else even more terrified of birth this time? Like I know what's coming so that makes me more afraid? I'm really nervous about the epidural...I tired the natural route last time and lasted 4 hours. I'm not really wanting an unmedicated birth but the thought of an epidural sends me into panic.
We have such a healthy wonderful DD that I'm scared she got all the good stuff. Isn't that a terrible thought?
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
Once we heard my husband's best friends wife suggest a name pairing that we had been considering, I cried. We knew that was her name the moment we heard it! My husband is a third generation so if it's a boy, it'll be the fourth. I've got the girl name I want but husband isn't fully on board so we'all see!
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Just about anything home-cooked! Salmon is my favorite food and I just can't eat enough when I'm pregnant
How far along are you? I don't even know. Supposedly 10W5D, but I am measuring around 11W2D now, which is cool, whatever, healthy baby and all that.
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? I feel sort of sick all day. I never had this in my first pregnancy (with my daughter). I did a bit with my second, and I'm looking forward to this being done with in a few weeks (hopefully). My skin is shitty. Same as with my daughter. And I'm "showing." Like, I know it's not the baby, but I look like I did when I was 16 weeks pregnant with my daughter.
Rant/Rave/Questions? Meh.
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? My husband hated every single thing I picked except one girl name, and that's how we ended up with my daughter's name. I have a favorite boy name and a few girl names I like this time around, but my husband literally never loves anything I try.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Sandwiches. And ranch dressing.
Me: 35 DH: 38 | Married: 6/2013 | Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16
I keep thinking I feel worse this pregnancy, but DH (who has the better memory) says my symptoms are the same. Overall, I'm doing pretty well. Feeling sensitive and whiney and tired and achey, if I let myself.
I am still nursing DS twice/day and owwwww. Need to buy some lanolin.
We primarily use family names, which makes it pretty easy. DS is named for my beloved grandfather/family patriarch, who passed away a few weeks before we found out I was pregnant. His MN is after an author of sentimental value to DH and me (both literature majors).
This baby will have two family names if he's a boy. If girl, her first name won't be a family name (just a random name we love), but her middle name will be. Unlike last time, I like both our girl and boy names equally.
Comfort food:
Peanut butter. Or mashed potatoes. Or Grandma's matzoh ball soup.
How far along are you? 14w 4d
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Exhausted, nauseous. Other pregnancies were ms the whole time, all day.
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time? Super easy with the other 3 but this time around it's been challenging. I've literally started a list with names going by alphabet I've only made it H so far.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food? Cornflakes, pita bread and hummus or scrambled eggs and toast.
How far along are you? 13+1
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies? Nothing major, extremely starving some days and random bouts of nausea.
Definitely not gaining as much weight as I did with dd!
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
Dh didn't help as all except to veto most names during our monthly name convo. We had the girls names narrowed down to 2-3 and no clue with the boy names. When dd was born I had hardly looked at her and dh declared she was my number one name on the list.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Mmmm pizza, Mexican food, peanut butter, or desserts. Pretty much all food comforts me unless it's a salad.
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Still nausea through the day and vomiting, mostly at night.
Rant/Rave/Questions? No
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
I was team green with my DD and had her name picked out with no alternates. I had a couple boys names but nothing I really LOVED. This time it's a littleness harder. We aren't team green and don't have any for sure names that we really love.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Mac n cheese
How far along are you?
12 weeks
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
headaches. I'm not as exhausted all the time anymore.
got nothing!
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
Horrible, lol. We were Team Green last time and had one firm boy name and a list of girl names. I was about 95% sure on one girl name. After they pulled her out (c/s), instead of announcing "it's a girl!" he goes "it's a (DD's name)!" Guys, it wasn't even on our list. I took that name out around month 5!
I was so out of it i didn't stop him or anything, and it was just so dramatic and he was so excited i was fine to just keep it as-is.
Needless to say, I will be naming this girl. I've already got a feeling this one is a Mar.g.ot and it goes so well with DD's name and our last name. If we meet her and she's not a Ma.rgo.t, I'd have a few back up options
I'm also considering using the unused boy name for this girl's middle name.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
I love hanoi-style pho so much. I love soups and noodles, I'd say that's my favorite comfort food.
How far along are you?
What symptoms are you having? How does it compare to your previous pregnancies?
Nausea is finally gone, and appetite is coming back. Still pretty tired , but nowhere near the level of exhaustion as before.
Just loving DS so much right now. He's three so I alternate between meaning that wholeheartedly and meaning it sarcatically. I totally identify with the concept of a "threenager." And then he's the smartest, snuggliest little man two minutes later.
How did picking out a name go with previous children (child)? How is it going this time?
DS has a family name. I had no choice. In DH's family, the oldest male is "Patrick," and then they alternate middle and confirmation names each generation. It goes at least 5 generations back, so I wasn't touching that. So I basically get to pick this time. I always loved Seamus, but the minute I got my BFP, I completely jumped to Eamon. Idk why. Same with the girl name. I desperately wanted Maeve and now I'm leaning towards Maura. I think I'll make a gut choice after the anatomy scan. My mother didn't help much, telling me she "just couldn't be excited about those names." Wow thanks mom.
GTKY: What is your favorite comfort food?
Pizza (but I'm a pizza snob, so New York pizza only) and red wine (which I'm much less picky about, sadly lol).
I clearly have a passion for pizza. I'll eat any pizza but when I want good pizza I DONT SETTLE.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
We spent 6 weeks of this summer out of state or out of the country, and I refused to eat any pizza during those weeks. It was torture.
William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
@ktewart if you haven't yet, check out the bump community for special topics and groups regarding multiples and tandem bf. BTW, the SIL I mentioned also had a toddler running around (15 months old) when the twins arrived and she still managed somehow.