June 2017 Moms

Mental Health check in 1/10

erinh84erinh84 member
edited January 2017 in June 2017 Moms
Hi ladies. I think it's been a few weeks since the last MHCI. I did a quick search, but didn't see another one posted. Like last time, I'll just leave it open ended for whatever you want to talk about. I know we'll all be supportive and be here to offer advice if needed.

Re: Mental Health check in 1/10

  • erinh84erinh84 member
    edited January 2017
    I know there has been a thread posted recently about anxiety. Sorry I didn't jump in on that thread, but I can definitely relate. 

    Possible tw*
    My DS is 14 months old. This past October 3 people who run a sex trafficking ring here in Dallas cornered me in a grocery store and tried to grab my son out of my shopping cart. I had noticed them following me, so I had a strong hold on him and they weren't able to get him. It was very traumatic and the police know who they are but haven't been able to locate their whereabouts.

    Anyway, I was diagnosed with PTSD soon after and put on anxiety meds and started going to therapy. I basically became agoraphobic and was terrified to be out in public with my son. I've gotten a lot better as the months go by, but I still struggle with anxiety on a daily basis.

    This week has been especially hard because DS has been sick for 3 days and anxiety has reared its ugly head again. I know kids get sick and it's normal, but this is the first time he's ever been sick and that anxious feeling is back because it's out of my control, just like when he was targeted to be kidnapped. I think I'm going to make a therapy appointment this week. I know therapy has helped me a lot. If you are dealing with any kind of trauma, I highly recommend it.

    eta: spelling is hard today.
  • @erinh84 I cannot even imagine the scenario which you described! That is truly horrifying. I am so sorry that happened. You got through it though and were able to protect your babe! Maybe, in time and with therapy, you can begin to think of the experience as an empowering one. As far as your son being ill, i can completely relate. DD is also 14 months old and got sick for the first time last month. She's my first baby, too. I got to worked up that I imagined the worst happening, even though she just had a low grade fever and was a little grumpy. 
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  • I am so sorry @erinh84 that you and your son had to go through that.
  • @erinh84 that is a horrible thing to have to go through. I'm glad you and your son are ok. That's amazing that you've been able to do the work you've done so far to address the agoraphobia and PTSD. Big hugs to you!
  • Thank you guys. I can honestly say it has made me hyper aware of my surroundings at all times. I never leave home without my pepper spray.
  • @erinh84 That sounds like a very traumatic event! I can't imagine! I'm glad that therapy has been helpful for you and hope your LO feels better soon! 

    The weather has been so gloomy here lately. I had to go into work early for a meeting today and came and left work in the dark. I just felt so sad all day at work. Since suffering from depression, I'm always more concerned on the days my mood is gloomy. I'm always worried I won't be better the next day and that this feeling will overtake me. Luckily my DH picked up my favorite food for dinner. Hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow, but still slightly fearful. 
  • @kyreno11 thank you. I definitely feel you on the gloomy weather depression. I had really bad seasonal depression when I lived in Oregon and it was so rainy. I used to use a happy light in the winter months to help with depression. I hope you feel better tomorrow.
  • Thank you for this thread! I started the anxiety thread Sunday night when I was really struggling. Glad to have a check in with you ladies.

    @erinh84 I am SO sorry this happened to you. I have a friend have a similar situation at our local Target several months ago. She had her 2 little girls (both under 3) and she noticed a man and woman following her. When the man approached her she started screaming as loud as she could "NO! GET AWAY! SOMEONE HELP!" repeatedly and people started to stare, they got into a car and raced away. It was like 2 in the afternoon.. The police told her this had been happening around this location multiple times recently (the shopping center is near the interstate - quick get away to God knows where), they had the 2 people's discription that matched hers. Thank goodness they haven't been successful. I now am hyper vigilant when in public.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @EmeraldNC I'm sorry that happened to your friend too. It's so scary how common it is. 
  • I have been very low here lately. It's affecting my ability to function. I haven't been able to keep up with household chores and the house is a mess, which just puts me in a worse mood. It seems like I'm caught in a downward spiral right now. 
  • I'm feeling anxiety about pregancy constantly worried my water has broken, ever since I had my bleed and went to the ER I can't stop worrying. I'm literally counting the days to viability maybe then I will chill out... highly doubt it though. :( I hate even telling people that don't understand it. My mil is like you can't be stressed, blah blah I think to myself if you only understood anxiety.
  • @erinh84, holy crap that is scary!  I'm sorry you went through that!

    I'm having a lot of anxiety regarding the adoption.  I worry about the baby, I worry about the expecting mother, I worry about her changing her mind.   After TTC for nearly 4 years, and being THIS CLOSE, I'm worried it'll all fall apart.  But, I'm also having anxiety over the grief I know our birth mother will feel if she does go through with it...it's an emotional rollercoaster.

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

  • I am so sorry ladies who are feeling overwhelmed right now.  I was very much in that place Sunday evening.  For right now, it has passed.  I am truly praying for everyone who has shared on this thread.  Anxiety is one of the worst things to experience on a consistent basis.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My mind tends to work in worst case scenarios, and I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones making it worse or what, but every little thing with my daughter makes me so nervous lately. I'm definitely thinking about talking to someone because I'm driving my poor husband crazy. 
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