Hey there. I'm 19 weeks today, and still waiting to feel some kicks or movement! It's my first pregnancy, so I've heard it can take a little while. Any thoughts?
Hey, Kelsey! We have a movements thread where you can commiserate with other moms waiting to feel kicks.
That said, I'm 18+3 (STM+) and I'm not quite sure if I've felt any movements yet or not. I'm hoping I just have an anterior placenta preventing me from feeling any. Hang in there. As a FTM it was hard to discern what was a kick or flutter or gas.
Re: Waiting for movement...
That said, I'm 18+3 (STM+) and I'm not quite sure if I've felt any movements yet or not. I'm hoping I just have an anterior placenta preventing me from feeling any. Hang in there. As a FTM it was hard to discern what was a kick or flutter or gas.