June 2017 Moms

Waiting for movement...

Hey there. I'm 19 weeks today, and still waiting to feel some kicks or movement! It's my first pregnancy, so I've heard it can take a little while. Any thoughts?

Re: Waiting for movement...

  • Hey, Kelsey! We have a movements thread where you can commiserate with other moms waiting to feel kicks.

    That said, I'm 18+3 (STM+) and I'm not quite sure if I've felt any movements yet or not. I'm hoping I just have an anterior placenta preventing me from feeling any. Hang in there. As a FTM it was hard to discern what was a kick or flutter or gas.
  • citymommarcitymommar member
    edited January 2017
    I'm 18.5 weeks with first pregnancy and I might have felt something last week. But not this week. 
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