July 2017 Moms


what do you girls think my baby is going to be? I was 11 weeks in this ultrasound some people say that boys grow faster than girls is it true?

Re: Help

  • Hi there.  I have honestly never heard that boys grow faster than girls and this type is thread isn't typically very well-received on these message boards.  

    We have an Old Wives Tales thread a bit further down the page if you'd like to check in there but please keep in mind that it's just for fun.  None of us can actually tell you whether you are having a boy or a girl.  Congrats on your pregnancy.
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  • edited January 2017
    what do you girls think my baby is going to be? I was 11 weeks in this ultrasound some people say that boys grow faster than girls is it true?
    QFP.  For when OP deletes after she finds out we don't read ultrasound photos here.
  • abmommy15 said:
    Looks like a butternut squash to me.  Congrats!
    It actually does haha! 

  • At 11 weeks there is no way that your baby's sex can be determined on ultrasound. Also even if it were possible, most of us here are not radiologists/OBGYNs/ultrasound techs. If your ultrasound tech/doctor couldn't tell you, then we certainly can't
    TTC history in spoiler
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    Baby G born June 2017
    TTC#2: July 2018
    BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
    BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21

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  • what do you girls think my baby is going to be? I was 11 weeks in this ultrasound some people say that boys grow faster than girls is it true?
    QFP.  For when OP deletes after she finds out we don't read ultrasound photos here.
    What is QFP? 
  • @mrscate88 Quote for posterity (prevents dirty deletes)
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  • abmommy15 said:
    Looks like a butternut squash to me.  Congrats!
    Well I was going to say looks like a big gummy bear... we must be hungry! 
  • Someone said it before.  We are being punked.
    YESSS! Seriously, on my former BMB, we were punked by another BMB. They started several ridiculous threads like we have had lately. Maybe that's happening again. 

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  • I don't know.... looks like a nutter butter to me. 
  • Is this real life???
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

  • Yup, called it! Must be a slow day on the May & June BMBs...

  • At least we never fail to give life to their Drama Llama thread lol.
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  • @mrscate88 Quote for posterity (prevents dirty deletes)
  • why. just why. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • Why don't these people just get the blood test done so they can find out early? 
  • @LuLiLaEv Because it's more fun to annoy everyone around them, including themselves. 

    So if there is ANY legitimacy to this at all, there is NO WAY you can tell from a side angle shot at 11 weeks. Come on. Your U/S tech may MAY be able to give you a clue, but that's it. It's just a hint. Mine gave us a "probably boy" at 12 weeks 4 days because you could see a large growth between his legs that was a little too big to be a girl. But she could still be wrong. We can't tell from this angle. 11 weeks is probably too early period. And get off the crazy internet train. Boys grow faster than girls, yeesh. 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
  • @jayjenni13 it's definitely a girl. You're welcome.
  • From that angle it looks like a baby bird. 
  • You guys are killing me with the replies. 
    Lilypie - (FR0w)
  • It looks sort of like a wiener dog...but also like a burrito. A big one, though, totally loaded up with beans and shit. So, it's probably a boy. I'd put it at at least 85% that it's a dude.
      ****TW: Pregnancy, loss and children mentioned****
    Me: 35  DH: 38  |  Married: 6/2013  |  Pregnancy #1, APurp born 10/2014
    Pregnancy #2, BFP 6/4/2016, MMC at 9W, D&E: 7/21/16 | Pregnancy #3, BFP 11/22/16

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  • what do you girls think my baby is going to be? I was 11 weeks in this ultrasound some people say that boys grow faster than girls is it true?

    If an OB / doctor can't tell you until about 20 weeks what makes you think we can?

    Here's my opinion / guess - since each pregnancy is different I am guessing you're having a human baby.

    Like a PP said, there's an old wives tales thread going on. Try there.
    Me:35 | DH: 32
    Married: 06-2024
    TTC #1: Since November 2015
    Restarted TTC "count" Oct. 2016
         due to previous issues.
    BFP: 11/4/2016 
    BFP: 07/17/2024
  • I mean there's a 50/50 chance it could be a baby. But that's also just a guess.
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