July 2017 Moms

*Sunday Ticker Change 1/8*

For anyone due 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30.

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Upcoming appointments this week?

Any new symptoms or changes?


GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat?
married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


my happy boy

Re: *Sunday Ticker Change 1/8*

  • How far along are you? 

    15 weeks today!

    How big is baby? 
    According to TB it's an orange!

    Upcoming appointments this week?
    Yup, Tuesday morning!

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Things seem to be good!

    Bummed I'm already starting to struggle with tummy sleeping - boo!

    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat?
    My favorite food was for sure anything Mexican, and my drink would be a Bloody Mary. This pregnancy all I want is a Bloody Mary... spicy V8 just isn't cutting it!
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

  • How far along are you?

    11 weeks

    How big is baby? 


    Upcoming appointments this week?


    Any new symptoms or changes?

    Same old, come on 2nd tri, please get here soon.


    DD slept in until 8:45 today- I feel like a new woman!  (This never happens...)

    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/ok eat?

    Fish tacos and a seasonal beer are my go-to when we are out to eat.  I'm still eating tacos occasionally but damn, I miss that beer!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • How far along are you? 13 weeks

    How big is baby? A lemon

    Upcoming appointments this week? not until February

    Any new symptoms or changes? The nausea and fatigue are starting to go away!!! I've been getting some nasty headaches, but Tylenol has been helping.  I think they're from too much screen time (she says as she bumps), since it's worse when I've spent the day teaching from my Surface or working on curriculum on the computer.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm so excited to feel like I can eat normal food again.  Still nervous to try cooking something, but I'm working up the nerve.  Of course, I've been eating crap for so many weeks now, it's hard to stop...

    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat? 
    Red wine and pizza.  Or hibachi. Or fondue.  I'll still go for pizza.  I haven't been missing the wine at all, though, and the rest has been NOT happening with the nausea.
  • lph4248lph4248 member
    edited January 2017
    How far along are you? 14! 2nd trimester by all counts :)

    How big is baby? Lemon or peach

    Upcoming appointments this week? New OB this Wednesday 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Finally enjoying salads again!


    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat? 
    Ice cream. I miss it.
    ~DD arrived July 4, 2017~
  • edited January 2017
    How far along are you? 
    15 weeks!

    How big is baby? 
    Naval orange

    Upcoming appointments this week?
    No. Need to reschedule next week's since a business trip came up.

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    I just don't feel great. Probably my fault for lack of sleep/insomnia, and maybe not drinking enough water. Some days I feel normal and then the next day, I just have a general yuckiness. RLP picking up, too. And the hormones. Lots of crying lately.

    Amid all this, if I don't focus on it, it is sometimes like I'm not even pregnant. If I spotlight my symptoms, I notice them, but big picture I'm good.

    DH is so wonderful. When I am crying, he knows exactly what to say to comfort me and not make me feel crazy. 

    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat?
     we are a craft beer family, too! Every now and then, I would love a good stout or brown ale. Alas. @satsumasandlemons
    I also miss sushi. I wouldn't avoid it if we came across it, but am not going to seek it out the way I would if not pregnant. 
  • How far along are you? 15 weeks

    How big is baby? a navel orange or a cinnamon roll... and now I want cinnabon lol

    Upcoming appointments this week? nope, next Monday

    Any new symptoms or changes? Nothing new... still waiting for the surge of energy ...I did feel a flutter or two in my lower abdomen yesterday but I know it's still kinda early and probably gas but secretly I like pretending it's the baby lol. The heartburn is still killing me something fierce though

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Yesterday was my birthday! We went out to celebrate today because the roads were bad yesterday with the all-day snow and we saw Hidden Figures which was awesome! I definitely recommend it!

    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat? 
    My favorite alcoholic drink hands down is the Amaretto Sour. That's probably the only drink I miss. I had a virgin pina colada today, and I honestly didn't miss the alcohol.  I used to be a big fan of tuna, and I know I can still have some but I had an acid reflux/vomiting incident halfway through a tuna sandwich a couple weeks ago and I haven't been able to stomach it since :-/
    TTC history in spoiler
    Me: 31 Him: 37
    Married: Oct 2015
    Baby G born June 2017
    TTC#2: July 2018
    BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
    BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21

    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy  Baby Tracker

  • Happy birthday, @manillabar!!! I've been wanting to see hidden figures - I basically cry when I watch the trailer so I'm pretty sure im
    going to love it 
  • @virginiaunicorn11, I would love a stout, for sure, actually. 

  • How far along are you? 

    11 weeks

    How big is baby? 
    A lime, which seems like a huge jump!

    Upcoming appointments this week?
    Nope, next week though

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    I haven't thrown up in 3 days! Still plenty of nausea and fatigue though.

    I've been doing absolutely nothing the few mornings a week my girls are both in school and it is glorious. 

    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat?
    I love wine. Love.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I missed this on Sunday (and yesterday, lol)!

    How far along are you? 
    12 weeks on Sunday! Movin' right along!
    How big is baby? 
    According to Ovia, the side of a ripe apricot.
    Upcoming appointments this week?
    Not 'til next week
    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Mentioned this in the symptoms, but the frequent urination. 
    Nausea is welcome to leave at any time. I feel like every time my app tells me "the placenta is doing more work so your hormonal symptoms should lessen!" I want to call it a lying liar that lies.
    GTKY: Prior to pregnancy, what was your favorite thing to drink and/or eat?
    I've really been jonesing for a good margarita (rocks and salt please). I can still have my favorite foods, except for my favorite cheese, Humboldt Fog. But my favorite meal is a good pasta with homemade tomato sauce and crusty bread, and I can have plenty of that!
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