May 2017 Moms

Thursday ticker change 1/5

How far along are you?

How big is baby?

Any appointments this week?




GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter?

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Thursday ticker change 1/5

  • How far along are you?
    22 weeks

    How big is baby?
    I saw on someone else's ticker it's the size of a half a dozen bagels

    Any appointments this week?
    I'll have one on Monday and it will the first since the anatomy scan. As per my post from the other day, I definitely want to ask about breast pumps, though I also just got some info from my insurance company.

    General SPD stuff, some heartburn coming and going, and some nausea coming and going.

    I'm hungry. I mostly want carbs. I expect I'll be over the recommended range for weight gain this time around, oh well.


    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter?
    Other than world / political events, I am dreading trying to get around (walking) in the snow & ice.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How far along are you? 22 weeks

    How big is baby? Papaya

    Any appointments this week? I just had a regular check-up on Tuesday. Nothing exciting happened at that appointment, which is a good thing! :) I'm all set until the next one on January 31st.

    Symptoms? None really! I've been feeling pretty good lately. 

    Cravings? Clementines. I eat several a day! Ha. I loved them during my first pregnancy, too.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I went to a Meet the Doula night earlier this week and I met a couple potentials! I've just got to make a final decision so we can put down a deposit to reserve the date.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter? While I do love snow, it's kind of a bummer when it falls on a day that I have to work (I'm just PRN) because it can be tricky getting to and from work depending on how much we get. We don't get a ton here and as such I think the city isn't as prepared as other places for clearing roads.

    BabyFruit Ticker

    DH: 34/Me: 35
    Married: Feb 2008
    DD: June 2011
    TTC# 2: April 2014
    BFP!! 8/29/16 --> EDD: 5/11/'s a GIRL!!! :)
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  • march2008 said:

    Cravings? Clementines. I eat several a day! Ha. I loved them during my first pregnancy, too.

    I also crave clementines but with heartburn already starting to kick in I try to avoid them because of the acid. :(

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • How far along are you? 21 weeks

    How big is baby? Endive. Just like most everybody.. wtf?

    Any appointments this week? None. I think the next one isn't until... the 16th? I should probably check ha

    Symptoms? Just an occasional RLP here and there

    Cravings? I can't quite let up on the carbs =X 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm just counting down to the day we close on our house (2 weeks) then the day we are moving (3.5 weeks). I started four boxes today and now I'm like oh great, this is going to be fun. At least it will be the last time we move, at least for a long time hopefully. And it will be nice to be closer to some of the places we frequent to, including the women's center and hospital.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter? Winter here in NC is pretty mild so far. It's our first winter here but we learned recently that everything will shut down if it snows or if there's a lot of ice. We're expecting some snow this weekend, so it will be interesting to see how that goes, especially considering we lived in upstate NY for several years earlier in our relationship, plus DH grew up in MA. DD has "seen" snow when she was around 6 months but I don't feel that really count because it was just a lot of keep the baby instead and warm/dry. I'm anxious to see how she reacts this weekend if we get a little blanket!

  • How far along are you? 20 weeks

    How big is baby? Banana

    Any appointments this week? Anatomy scan tomorrow

    Symptoms? Not too many. Bit sore this week in general, especially my shoulders and back, but that's where I store my tension. Overall, feeling pretty good.

    Cravings? Definitely varies by day and week. Still eating more pickles than normal.


    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter? Also dreading walking on the ice. I've already slipped around a few times this winter.
  • How far along are you? 23w

    How big is baby? grapefruit, whish seems smaller than an endive to me)

    Any appointments this week? monthly ultrasound on Tuesday followed by monthly OB on Wednesday

    Symptoms? back ache

    Cravings? does wine count?


    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter? I love the snow but I got scared this morning when my house phone and cell rang at the same time to notify us of the school cancellation. I dread the horrible drivers!

    11.2011 - DS1

    02.2013 - loss at 6 wks

    06.2014 - DS2

    10.2015 - loss at 12 wks

    03.2017 - DD

  • @mcvgal Yes, wine! I forgot about that one. I've been craving wine and feta cheese for months.
  • How far along are you?
    20 weeks, halfway to my due date!

    How big is baby?
    Size of a banana

    Any appointments this week?
    Not until the end of the month. I have my baby's ultrasound pictures hanging on our fridge so every time I walk past them I stop and admire the little being growing inside me.

    I am feeling more movement now. Also, my bump has grown so I think I'm finally showing.

    Just chocolate, but that's not new since I craved chocolate before I was pregnant too.

    Both of my sisters are going through some life changes right now. One is by choice and one isn't. I feel kinda stuck because all I can really do for them is offer my support and be a listening ear. I just hope the decisions they make have no long term consequences. The feeling of helplessness stinks.

    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter?
    I'm excited for winter to be over. I don't mind the snow but I hate cold westher and ice.

  • RedInLoveRedInLove member
    edited January 2017
    How far along are you? 20w

    How big is baby? Banana

    Any appointments this week? No

    Symptoms? Tired. Keep tinkling when I sneeze, cough, laugh, pick up toddler, stand up, whenever. 

    Cravings? No

    Rants/Raves/Questions? None

    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter?
    Snow removal, since DH travels for work. I need to call our landscaper and see if there's room on his plow list for the winter. 

    photo May2014jpg photo MomTatWhiteNew40jpg

    It’s not that I don’t like you, it’s that I don’t know you. Stranger Danger.
  • How far along are you?
    21 weeks!

    How big is baby?
    Endive, getting big

    Any appointments this week?

    Boobs leaky/achy, and I think she must have rolled into my back again today because it is killing me!

    Doughnuts. Particularly chocolate covered with sprinkles. And carbs of all kinds! Also lemonade?

    All my kids came back to school today and were super excited to see that my belly grew :) So cute and sweet and way too honest. 
    We're trying to fix up things here and there before baby comes and I feel like all the projects are only halfway done and I just want to finish them. I won't crawl in the attic to fix the bathroom vent, but it's been two months so I think I can safely hire an electrician without and gripe from DH haha

    GTKY: What are you most excited about OR what do you most dread about this winter?
  • I am 23 weeks and baby is the size of a grapefruit, wow!! My appt this week was on Tuesday. She was active and my mom & sister were excited to attend and hear/record her heartbeat. 

    Symptoms: sleeping is horrible. Occasional backache. Feeling movement. 

    Cravings: Same as earlier, tons of milk, pizza, things with icing,  bananas, breakfast sandwiches/burritos. My food aversion (salad) has ended, thankfully! 

    No rants/raves/questions right now. 

    GTKY: Winter--I am excited for snow days but it doesn't look like I'll have many. I am excited for fuzzy socks, a comfy fire, hot chocolate & warm foods. I am not excited for bundling up, wearing layers, hot then cold hot then cold (going inside & outside), and the lack of pretty things to look at outside. 
  • I had my anatomy scan this afternoon. Little girl is measuring right on track and the doctor came in at the end and verified that everything looks good! She also asked if I feel her strongly (to which I replied yes) cause her movements are quite dramatic.
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