September 2017 Moms



Re: Progesterone

  • @Daisy621 that does not look comfortable! I'm on crinone, which is similar to vagisil 
  • Mine are little red pills with no applicator..pic is a little bigger than actual size

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     #1: 8wks MMC 4/16
    #2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
  • Loading the player...
  • My OB previously had me on capsules like this

    and I had no issues with it staying in. I don't know why the RE uses the compounded bullets. Anyone know the difference? I'll be sure to ask on Monday. The new stuff cost me over $200 for a 60 day supply and I also worry not much is even getting absorbed. I'm constantly having to shove it back in. :(
    DD 6/2007
    DS 4/2009
    m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
    m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
    DD 12/2013
    mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks  <3
    Twin girls! 8/26/2017

  • Mine are little red pills with no applicator..pic is a little bigger than actual size
    This is the kind that I am  on too.
  • I was just put on it as a precaution. I had spotting with my first pregnancy but she was born perfectly healthy on her due date. He doesn't think I need it but he put me on it this time pending the blood test. 
  • TMI

    Ahhhhh! When the progesterone leaks out in the middle of the night, it feels just like blood and convinces me for several minutes each night I'm having another miscarriage. It freaks me out so bad.
  • @Daisy621 that's the worst! Mine look a lot smaller than yours, but I put them in while laying down and I think that helps.. I stay in bed for 15-30 minutes before getting up. Sort of inconvenient but I figure worth it if it works.
  • I just got my DPO 16 (11dp5dt) results of my progesterone and it was 22.1 on progesterone in oil injections (by an RE) every other day. I just talked to my nurse and she said they like anything over 18. 

    You may see some dr's don't prescribe progesterone in any form as they don't believe it helps extend pregnancy but instead extends what would be a miscarriage for a little bit. Some dr's believe the low progesterone level is a sign that the pregnancy isn't going to be a success or viable so don't prolong the situation. 

    when I had a cp this summer when my original beta's were low they did a progesterone draw and decided to give me progesterone to maybe help beef things up at my obgyn. Things ended for us about a week and a half later.
    End of TW:
    Me: 37 DH: 32 TTGP Since 2014 INFERTILITY INFO (Medicated, IUI's, IVF/FET) IN SPOILER
    October 2014-April 2015: Without Medication or Doctor Guidance No Periods/No O BFN 
    Medicated April-December 2015: Clomid (didn't work) and so we tried Femera/Letrozole. Progesterone Met 1000 Not diagnosed PCOS but treating the same. Anovulatory. TI No US No O BFN 

    - TW - 
    January 2016-October 2016: Letrozole 2.5mg-7.5 mg, Pregyl or Ovideral Trigger Shot.
    9 cycles of IUI
    (7 Cancelled due to no mature follicles) (2 attempted IUI's with mature follicles)  

    IUI # 2 June 2016 and July 2016:  Met 1000, Estrogen (21 days), Progesterone (5 days) Femera 5m 6/28/16 Ultrasound CD14 = 25 follie. Pregnyl Trigger CD14 IUI 7/13 1stBeta (DPO 15): 7.6 (Surprise BFP...but Low #'s) 2ndBeta (DPO 17): 18 3rdBeta (DPO 19) 52.8 Progesterone Prescribed (spotting) 4thBeta (DPO 26) 6.9 Chemical Pregnancy BFN

    IVF and FET (diagnosed with PCOS) 204 pounds at start of IVF
    IVF # 1 October and November 2016: CCRM - Minneapolis 10/14 Consult and CD 3 testing, 10/14 started (OCP Antagonist - BCP) BCP, 10/21 1 day work up, Doxycycline 100mg 10 days, 10/24 stop bcp, Bloodwork US 10/29, 10/30-11/8 Stims 2 vials of Menopur, Dexamethasone, 225 of Gonal-F daily (dropped to 120). CCRM Vitamin Cocktail (like 20 of them), Monitoring (11/2, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8), Retrieval 11/10 (38 eggs, 30 mature, 16 fertilized ICSI), 11/16 8 Blasts 11/30 CCS testing results 3 Normal 5aa's (2 boys and 1 girl) 1 Unknown 4 Abnormal (All girls) 

    Fet #1 January 2017: CCRM - Minneapolis bcp/lupron/suppository/p4 in oil QOD AF 12/7, 12/8 start meds. 1/3 lining and blood work check 14/15 mm, BW check 1/6. 1/9 transfer with acupuncture 1 CCS/PGS Normal 5aa hatching Progesterone around 26ish? Lower estrogen level 207 (wanted above 300 but over 200 was acceptable), started 1 estrace, progesterone in oil every other day, vivelle dot patches 4 every other day, 3x estrodiol daily, vitamin cocktail. POAS: - 4dp5dt and 5dp5dt, 6dp5dt frer very very very faint line. 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt + on Accuclear. 8dp5dt pregnant on a clear blue easy digital. 214 pounds at FET
    1/18 #1 Beta 91.1
    1/20 #2 Beta 215.9
    2/3 6 week US 2 sacs? Twins? but only 1 heartbeat/pole good heartbeat Stopped taking baby asprin Added in DHEA Veg Vitamin (also got the report that they transferred a girl 5aa eggo) 
    2/10 7 week US 2 sacs (likely vanishing twin) only 1 heartbeat/pole etc good heartbeat 137
    2/24 9 week US 1 eggo sac good heart beat 182 1 very small fluid sac (shrinking) 
    2/24 9 week 2 days start weening. Graduated from RE (CCRM is now starting weening as soon as 8.5 weeks)
    3/7 10 Weeks 5 days  weened completely of FET meds A1C 5.3% (Normal)
    3/9 11 Weeks 1 day my progesterone level was 15 and my estrogen level was 881 (I freaked out!)
    3/16 12 Weeks 1 day baby heard on doppler 164 HB
    4/14 16 week 2 days Ultrasound baby is looking good with all good numbers sized 17 weeks. Also got to hear her on the doppler for a few mins too. 

    5/5 19 Weeks 2 days going in for "20" week anatomy ultrasound got measurements but need to come back as wasn't able to get all the measurements
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 4.6 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (78%) HC 17.0 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (70%) AC 14.5 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (69%) Femur 3.1 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (63%) Humerus 3.1 cm 20 weeks 2 days (84%) Cerebellum 2.0 cm 19 weeks 5 days
    CisternaMagna 6.2 mm Nuchal Fold 4.5 mm
    HC/AC 1.17 FL/AC 0.22 FL/BPD 0.68 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 309 grams - 0 lbs 11 oz
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 19 weeks 5 days +/- 10 days.

    6/9 24 Weeks 2 days Glucose Test 1 hour (Failed) 190
    6/16 25 Weeks 2 days Ultrasound and 1st Baby Shower 
    6/20 25 Weeks 6 days Glucose Test 3 Hours (Failed) 95 (95), 183 (180), 213 (155), 198 (140) etc
    6/21 26 Weeks Recommended to a perintologist
    6/22 26 Weeks 1 day start monitoring blood sugar levels 
    6/30 27 Weeks 2 day A1 (blood sugar test ordered)

    7/5 28 Weeks Echo and 3d Ultrasound
    AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 2.6 Q2: 3.2 Q3: 4.8 Q4: 5.6 AFI Total = 16.3 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal 
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 7.2 cm 28 weeks 5 days* (60%) HC 26.4 cm 28 weeks 4 days* (48%) AC 23.3 cm 27 weeks 4 days* (36%) Femur 5.2 cm 28 weeks 0 days* (36%) Humerus 4.8 cm 28 weeks 0 days (49%)
    HC/AC 1.13 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.73 Ceph Index 0.77 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1142 grams - 2 lbs 8 oz (37%)
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 28 weeks 1 day +/- 14 days.

    7/10 28 Weeks 5 days Dietitian Appt and Lactatcian Consultant and A1 blood draw 5.4% (normal) 218.5 pounds
    7/20 30 Weeks GD consult. 6 Lantus at 7pm daily. Novolog 1 unit for every 15 gm carbohydrate if consumed more than 30 gm at brkfst or 60 gm at lunch or supper 215.6 pounds
    7/20 30 Weeks Transferred care to OB due to high risk. 216 pounds

    8/2 32 Weeks Ultrasound (not cooperative and still breech) and then weekly NST's
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.0 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (44%) HC 29.2 cm 31 weeks 6 days* (22%) AC 26.9 cm 31 weeks 0 days* (24%)  Femur 6.3 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (57%) Humerus 5.7 cm 32 weeks 6 days (71%)
    HC/AC 1.08 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.78 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1808 grams - 3 lbs 15 oz (29%)
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 31 weeks 6 days +/- 18 days.
    AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.4 Q2: 2.9 Q3: 2.9 Q4: 4.4 AFI Total = 13.6 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal

    8/8 32w6d upped to 1:10 for dinner 
    8/11 Baby Shower
    8/13 Baby Shower
    8/16 34 weeks NST good reading Upped to 8 at bed for fasting and 1:7 for dinner 
    8/18 Dr Appt

    8/24 35 weeks 1 day (was suppose to be scheduled for 36 weeks) Weeks Ultrasound/GD Dr Appt/OB Appt 
    Frank Breech
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.9 cm 35 weeks 6 days* (67%) HC 31.7 cm 35 weeks 1 day * (35%) AC 30.2 cm 34 weeks 2 days* (33%) Femur 6.9 cm 34 weeks 6 days* (57%) Humerus 6.0 cm 34 weeks 6 days (64%)
    HC/AC 1.05 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.80 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 2494 grams - 5 lbs 8 oz (39%)
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 35 weeks 1 day +/- 21 days.
    AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.3 Q2: 3.8 Q3: 2.4 Q4: 3.8 AFI Total = 13.4 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal

    8/31 36 Weeks
    9/7 37 Weeks
    9/10 Water broke...I got it tested at the emergency room it it showed it was negative. More water breaking and didn't go to the dr.
    9/11 37 weeks 4 days Called the Dr and got retested for water breaking...
    10:30pmish Baby Girl Born via Emergency C Section (Frank Breech Baby) 6lbs 3oz  -
    9/13 Dropped to 5 pounds 10oz and had jaundice 
    9/13 38 weeks

    9/22 39 Weeks 2 days C Section Scheduled for 10am (arrive at 8am) Equinox/Solstice
    EDD 9/27
  • Question: anyone on progesterone suppositories still able to have sex? I have to start them tonight but I wanted to have one last fling beforehand if it was going to be awhile. My poor SO has been neglected lately!

    ****TW Signature****
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD born 04/28/2002
    Married DH 03/25/2017
    1st MMC 08/13/2016 2nd MMC 02/14/2017
    BFP 06/16/17 Rainbow DS Born 02/05/2018

  • Question: anyone on progesterone suppositories still able to have sex? I have to start them tonight but I wanted to have one last fling beforehand if it was going to be awhile. My poor SO has been neglected lately!
    Wondering the same thing...

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     #1: 8wks MMC 4/16
    #2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
  • I have heard the progesterone chemical is bad for a guy to get on himself....
    We were told once we started meds no sex. 
    Me: 37 DH: 32 TTGP Since 2014 INFERTILITY INFO (Medicated, IUI's, IVF/FET) IN SPOILER
    October 2014-April 2015: Without Medication or Doctor Guidance No Periods/No O BFN 
    Medicated April-December 2015: Clomid (didn't work) and so we tried Femera/Letrozole. Progesterone Met 1000 Not diagnosed PCOS but treating the same. Anovulatory. TI No US No O BFN 

    - TW - 
    January 2016-October 2016: Letrozole 2.5mg-7.5 mg, Pregyl or Ovideral Trigger Shot.
    9 cycles of IUI
    (7 Cancelled due to no mature follicles) (2 attempted IUI's with mature follicles)  

    IUI # 2 June 2016 and July 2016:  Met 1000, Estrogen (21 days), Progesterone (5 days) Femera 5m 6/28/16 Ultrasound CD14 = 25 follie. Pregnyl Trigger CD14 IUI 7/13 1stBeta (DPO 15): 7.6 (Surprise BFP...but Low #'s) 2ndBeta (DPO 17): 18 3rdBeta (DPO 19) 52.8 Progesterone Prescribed (spotting) 4thBeta (DPO 26) 6.9 Chemical Pregnancy BFN

    IVF and FET (diagnosed with PCOS) 204 pounds at start of IVF
    IVF # 1 October and November 2016: CCRM - Minneapolis 10/14 Consult and CD 3 testing, 10/14 started (OCP Antagonist - BCP) BCP, 10/21 1 day work up, Doxycycline 100mg 10 days, 10/24 stop bcp, Bloodwork US 10/29, 10/30-11/8 Stims 2 vials of Menopur, Dexamethasone, 225 of Gonal-F daily (dropped to 120). CCRM Vitamin Cocktail (like 20 of them), Monitoring (11/2, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8), Retrieval 11/10 (38 eggs, 30 mature, 16 fertilized ICSI), 11/16 8 Blasts 11/30 CCS testing results 3 Normal 5aa's (2 boys and 1 girl) 1 Unknown 4 Abnormal (All girls) 

    Fet #1 January 2017: CCRM - Minneapolis bcp/lupron/suppository/p4 in oil QOD AF 12/7, 12/8 start meds. 1/3 lining and blood work check 14/15 mm, BW check 1/6. 1/9 transfer with acupuncture 1 CCS/PGS Normal 5aa hatching Progesterone around 26ish? Lower estrogen level 207 (wanted above 300 but over 200 was acceptable), started 1 estrace, progesterone in oil every other day, vivelle dot patches 4 every other day, 3x estrodiol daily, vitamin cocktail. POAS: - 4dp5dt and 5dp5dt, 6dp5dt frer very very very faint line. 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt + on Accuclear. 8dp5dt pregnant on a clear blue easy digital. 214 pounds at FET
    1/18 #1 Beta 91.1
    1/20 #2 Beta 215.9
    2/3 6 week US 2 sacs? Twins? but only 1 heartbeat/pole good heartbeat Stopped taking baby asprin Added in DHEA Veg Vitamin (also got the report that they transferred a girl 5aa eggo) 
    2/10 7 week US 2 sacs (likely vanishing twin) only 1 heartbeat/pole etc good heartbeat 137
    2/24 9 week US 1 eggo sac good heart beat 182 1 very small fluid sac (shrinking) 
    2/24 9 week 2 days start weening. Graduated from RE (CCRM is now starting weening as soon as 8.5 weeks)
    3/7 10 Weeks 5 days  weened completely of FET meds A1C 5.3% (Normal)
    3/9 11 Weeks 1 day my progesterone level was 15 and my estrogen level was 881 (I freaked out!)
    3/16 12 Weeks 1 day baby heard on doppler 164 HB
    4/14 16 week 2 days Ultrasound baby is looking good with all good numbers sized 17 weeks. Also got to hear her on the doppler for a few mins too. 

    5/5 19 Weeks 2 days going in for "20" week anatomy ultrasound got measurements but need to come back as wasn't able to get all the measurements
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 4.6 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (78%) HC 17.0 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (70%) AC 14.5 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (69%) Femur 3.1 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (63%) Humerus 3.1 cm 20 weeks 2 days (84%) Cerebellum 2.0 cm 19 weeks 5 days
    CisternaMagna 6.2 mm Nuchal Fold 4.5 mm
    HC/AC 1.17 FL/AC 0.22 FL/BPD 0.68 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 309 grams - 0 lbs 11 oz
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 19 weeks 5 days +/- 10 days.

    6/9 24 Weeks 2 days Glucose Test 1 hour (Failed) 190
    6/16 25 Weeks 2 days Ultrasound and 1st Baby Shower 
    6/20 25 Weeks 6 days Glucose Test 3 Hours (Failed) 95 (95), 183 (180), 213 (155), 198 (140) etc
    6/21 26 Weeks Recommended to a perintologist
    6/22 26 Weeks 1 day start monitoring blood sugar levels 
    6/30 27 Weeks 2 day A1 (blood sugar test ordered)

    7/5 28 Weeks Echo and 3d Ultrasound
    AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 2.6 Q2: 3.2 Q3: 4.8 Q4: 5.6 AFI Total = 16.3 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal 
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 7.2 cm 28 weeks 5 days* (60%) HC 26.4 cm 28 weeks 4 days* (48%) AC 23.3 cm 27 weeks 4 days* (36%) Femur 5.2 cm 28 weeks 0 days* (36%) Humerus 4.8 cm 28 weeks 0 days (49%)
    HC/AC 1.13 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.73 Ceph Index 0.77 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1142 grams - 2 lbs 8 oz (37%)
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 28 weeks 1 day +/- 14 days.

    7/10 28 Weeks 5 days Dietitian Appt and Lactatcian Consultant and A1 blood draw 5.4% (normal) 218.5 pounds
    7/20 30 Weeks GD consult. 6 Lantus at 7pm daily. Novolog 1 unit for every 15 gm carbohydrate if consumed more than 30 gm at brkfst or 60 gm at lunch or supper 215.6 pounds
    7/20 30 Weeks Transferred care to OB due to high risk. 216 pounds

    8/2 32 Weeks Ultrasound (not cooperative and still breech) and then weekly NST's
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.0 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (44%) HC 29.2 cm 31 weeks 6 days* (22%) AC 26.9 cm 31 weeks 0 days* (24%)  Femur 6.3 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (57%) Humerus 5.7 cm 32 weeks 6 days (71%)
    HC/AC 1.08 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.78 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1808 grams - 3 lbs 15 oz (29%)
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 31 weeks 6 days +/- 18 days.
    AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.4 Q2: 2.9 Q3: 2.9 Q4: 4.4 AFI Total = 13.6 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal

    8/8 32w6d upped to 1:10 for dinner 
    8/11 Baby Shower
    8/13 Baby Shower
    8/16 34 weeks NST good reading Upped to 8 at bed for fasting and 1:7 for dinner 
    8/18 Dr Appt

    8/24 35 weeks 1 day (was suppose to be scheduled for 36 weeks) Weeks Ultrasound/GD Dr Appt/OB Appt 
    Frank Breech
    MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.9 cm 35 weeks 6 days* (67%) HC 31.7 cm 35 weeks 1 day * (35%) AC 30.2 cm 34 weeks 2 days* (33%) Femur 6.9 cm 34 weeks 6 days* (57%) Humerus 6.0 cm 34 weeks 6 days (64%)
    HC/AC 1.05 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.80 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 2494 grams - 5 lbs 8 oz (39%)
    THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 35 weeks 1 day +/- 21 days.
    AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.3 Q2: 3.8 Q3: 2.4 Q4: 3.8 AFI Total = 13.4 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal

    8/31 36 Weeks
    9/7 37 Weeks
    9/10 Water broke...I got it tested at the emergency room it it showed it was negative. More water breaking and didn't go to the dr.
    9/11 37 weeks 4 days Called the Dr and got retested for water breaking...
    10:30pmish Baby Girl Born via Emergency C Section (Frank Breech Baby) 6lbs 3oz  -
    9/13 Dropped to 5 pounds 10oz and had jaundice 
    9/13 38 weeks

    9/22 39 Weeks 2 days C Section Scheduled for 10am (arrive at 8am) Equinox/Solstice
    EDD 9/27
  • Well even if my poor fiancé will be neglected for awhile, I have to thank you ladies for warning about the orange/reddish tint of your discharge because of the red color of the suppository. It isn't that bad because I was prepared for it. :smile:

    ****TW Signature****
    BabyFruit Ticker
    DD born 04/28/2002
    Married DH 03/25/2017
    1st MMC 08/13/2016 2nd MMC 02/14/2017
    BFP 06/16/17 Rainbow DS Born 02/05/2018

  • My re had me take progesterone starting cd 17. My pill is red so it has a pinkish red discharge. Luckily he warned me about this or it would have freaked me out a little. I have not had my progesterone level drawn for this pregnancy, but they did my hcg and it doubled. I have my first appointment at 7 wk so about two more weeks to wait. 

    @daisy621 those look uncomfortable. 
  • I have heard the progesterone chemical is bad for a guy to get on himself....
    We were told once we started meds no sex. 
    Good to know. Going to ask about this at my appointment on Monday regarding the red pill...will let you ladies know what they say!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

     #1: 8wks MMC 4/16
    #2: 13+4 T21 + Hydrops 3/17
  • ashley2824ashley2824 member
    edited January 2017
    Question: anyone on progesterone suppositories still able to have sex? I have to start them tonight but I wanted to have one last fling beforehand if it was going to be awhile. My poor SO has been neglected lately!
    I asked my Dr. She said it's fine, just to do it before you "take" the medicine at night. It grosses me out so we've been holding off. 

    ETA I'm on crinone gel
  • Question: anyone on progesterone suppositories still able to have sex? I have to start them tonight but I wanted to have one last fling beforehand if it was going to be awhile. My poor SO has been neglected lately!
    I asked my Dr. She said it's fine, just to do it before you "take" the medicine at night. It grosses me out so we've been holding off. 

    ETA I'm on crinone gel

    My doctor told me the same thing - do the sex before you "take" the night dose. :) I am on a suppository from a compounding pharmacy.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 34 | DH: 31
    Married: Nov. 7, 2015
    TTC Since: February, 2016
    BFP: December 20, 2016

  • edited January 2017
    I put my progesterone in 20 minutes ago and I'm worried it came out. This might be way TMI, but 10 minutes ago I felt this clump all of a sudden, and it was the melted sticky coating from the suppository. Is 10 minutes long enough? This has never happened, I've been taking it the same way for the past month 
  • @heatherwilson321 if it were me, I'd redose to be safe. An accidental extra dose is less dangerous than a missed dose, provided you do not have other health concerns (like needing blood thinners, I think? I am not in the medical field at all.)
  • @GhanimaAtreides I am on blood thinners, so it might not be so good.
  • @heatherwilson321 I've had that happen too, I think it's just the coating and the actual medicine inside gets absorbed pretty quickly. 

    My Dr just upped my dose to 3 tines a day :-(
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Maybe this has already been discussed here, but I thought I'd ask anyway. I am also on progesterone because it was low and it was thought that is what attributed to my other miscarriages. I lost one it five weeks and another one at 12 but it was only 9 weeks along. Does anybody know if progesterone will delay a miscarriage even if the baby is not viable? Or will I have to wait till my next appointment to hear the heartbeat and then quit progesterone to allow miscarriage if there is no heartbeat? 
    Did this make any sense?
  • @septpromise my Dr said sometimes it does delay a miscarriage for an "unhealthy" PG, but there are plenty of women that have to be on progesterone and have healthy babies. If I'm understanding your question, yes I guess you'd have to wait until your next appt. to determine whether there is a heartbeat/if you should continue the progesterone. 
  • I am on the progesterone suppository once a day right now. We never tested my levels but after. Previous loss she put me on it as soon as I got a positive test. I have heard plenty of success stories from people with low levels. I'd try and relax( I know impossible) good luck.
  • Anyone on progesterone having larger corpus luteum cysts than normal? I have 2 on my right side, one is 5 cm and the other 2 cm, and the pain they're causing me is comparable to labor. I've already been to the ER and they said all I can do now is take tylenol. I'm wondering if the progesterone I'm taking could be making them so large and painful. 
  • @heatherwilson321 I wasn't told this, but it kinda makes sense. My dr said a cyst is there to produce progesterone, so a supplement might make it larger. I have one on the larger side at 3.7 cm and then other small ones on my left ovary. I would try to get into your OB tomorrow and see what they say, they're more experienced with this than an ER Dr. Sorry you're still experiencing pain. 
  • I saw my OBGYN on Friday before the ER, I'll have another appointment soon, I think their plan is to just monitor. I'll be off the progesterone at week 10, so hopefully they'll start shrinking in 2 weeks when I stop it.
  • @heatherwilson321 ugh that's a sin you have to just deal with this pain. 
  • SuperKristy85SuperKristy85 member
    edited February 2017

    @septpromise There are a lot of doctors that don't believe in prescribing progesterone because they think it only delays the inevitable but there are also plenty of doctors that believe in prescribing it to help so the answer to your question seems to be highly debated in the medical community.  What it wont do however is completely prevent a miscarriage that is going to happen. If the baby has chromosomal abnormalities, its going to abort regardless of the supplements even if they may delay it slightly. But you could also have a perfectly normal baby with no defects that will not be able to progress if your body isn't producing the progesterone it needs  to support the pregnancy. I would personally take the risk of slightly delaying a miscarriage to the risk of losing my baby that would otherwise be fine.Also... Im not sure if this shows in huge font and bolded to everyone or if my computer is just going crazy but it wont let me change it.... 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Is anyone else kind of freaked out about coming off progesterone? I'm supposed to come off of it at 10 weeks, and I'm just worried about not using it anymore. 
  • @heatherwilson321 I'm suppose to use mine up til week 12 and yes,  I'm a little anxious about it but I'm told the placenta is suppose to take over after that....
  • So crazy the different time frames drs stop progesterone. My dr is having me stop at 11 weeks, so only a little over a week left! :#
  • With my last pregnancy I used the progesterone up to the beginning of my 11th week. This time around, they are having me continue up to the beginning of week 13. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    DS1: 08/22/2008
    DS2: 08/6/2010 
    MC1: 2011 
    MC2: 2012
    Dx: LPD 
    TTC#3 - Clomid + Ovidrel + Progesterone = BFP
    DS3: 05/23/2013 

    TTC #4 - BFP 1/14/17
    HCG (1/16) - 59
    HCG (1/18) - 211
    Progesterone (1/16) - 38.7
    First U/S (2/6)  

  • I'm 10 weeks today and going off the progesterone, it's kind of scary. Is anyone else going off their progesterone this early?
  • @heatherwilson321 I stopped taking progesterone at 8 weeks because I am expecting twins.

    I was really nervous like you, but ever since I've stopped my ms has been much less. That's the only thing I've noticed since not taking it anymore. I was on 100mg two times a day and the ms I experienced in the last 2.5 weeks was almost unbearable, but now it's much more manageable.

    My RE said that the would test my progesterone levels after a few days of being off the supplement if I was feeling uneasy about it. 

    I have graduated to my ob/gyn, so my next appointment is with them on Wednesday. I will see if they check my levels before calling back my RE.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My doc has me on the progesterone thru week 14. I am actually really over taking them. I'm 10 wks, and have been taking it since 4wks. 
  • With my 3rd pregnancy I took progesterone until 27 weeks.  I continued testing low even though the placenta is supposed to take over.  You can demand your OB check your levels if you are worried.
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was on mine until week 10. Actually....I was getting really annoyed with it (I was on the suppositories) so I wasn't taking it quite as often as I was supposed to starting at about 8.5 weeks. I was a little nervous about it, but I am still doing well at about 12.5 weeks. I was told the placenta takes over at some point in the first trimester, and I think I remember it is at week 10.

    Just for reference, my first blood test was at about 13dpo and my progesterone was at 12. My doctor put me on the progesterone because she wanted that number to be at 20. A blood test a week later showed I did come up to 20.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 34 | DH: 31
    Married: Nov. 7, 2015
    TTC Since: February, 2016
    BFP: December 20, 2016

  • I've been told to take my progesterone until 13 weeks? It makes me so dizzy! I'd love to come off it sooner I wonder why there's a 10 - 13 week diferencial 
  • My midwife explained progesterone as a chicken vs the egg thing. If your progesterone low because you're miscarrying?....Or are you miscarrying because your progesterone is low? But -- it doesn't hurt to try.

    My first pregnancy ended in a MC. My second pregnancy, my progesterone wasn't super low, but def on the lower end, so my doc had me do suppositories through the first trimester. Ended in a healthy baby girl. We had two more miscarriages this past October and November. So when I got pregnant again in December, my midwife immediately started me on progesterone just to be safe. I go on Wednesday for my 12 wk appt ... fingers crossed for good results.

    I also second someone else's comments -- the (sorry TMI) "leakage" from the suppositories always has me panicking that I'm miscarrying again, until I get to the bathroom and see that it's clear. I'll be glad when I no longer have to worry with that. 
  • @heatherwilson321 Im 12 weeks and still on it but my Dr told me he normally takes his patients off at 10 weeks and I am the exception. I have been progressively lowering my dose tho and I REALLY hope I can go off of it soon. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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