Anyone else diagnosed or believe they have this? I'm fairly certain I do cause the pain I've been feeling is aligned with what I've read about it. It's painful but I've been able to manage, I know you guys aren't doctors but just hoping to get some insight from anyone who is also or has experience with this before. My main concern is how it may affect labor, goal is all natural *fingers crossed*. My next appointment is this Friday so I'll definitely press it more with my Dr, it's been dismissed as ligament pain before but I know it isn't normal pain.
Re: Symphysis Pubis Disfunction / Pelvic Girdle Pain
I would give it time (if you haven't already) and definitely discuss it with your doctor.
@underthesea thanks for the suggestions, that's what I was concerned about and why I plan on sticking to med free because I don't want to be locked into one position. I'm also paranoid I might get a fracture or break something and not know until after labor but that's just me prepping for the worst possible scenario lol
I haven't been diagnosed with it, but I feel like so have it. Turning over in bed is a nightmare of pain. I feel like it's ripping apart. I haven't mentioned it to my doctor yet because I feel like it's par for the course of being pregnant, but I think I'm going to mention it this week because it brings me to tears often.
Don't worry too much about fracturing something while pushing. That will just tense you up and inhibit your pelvis from relaxing. I wish you the best of luck with it. When are you due?
DD2: EDD 1/16/17 - Born 1/12/17 at 39w3d
@underthesea it's incredibly frustrating! Idk about you, but it's been the cause of my "waddle" and it's been the most annoying thing to have people comment on the way I walk and think it's cute or imitate me, when really it's because I'm in pain. I'm really sorry you're having to cope with SPD along with the other ligament issues, I truly hope everything works out well for you as well and the physical therapy helps. I will have to look into that facebook group, I'm due the 19th but baby has been measuring 2 weeks ahead my past 2 appointments so I have a growth ultrasound this Friday to see if I need to be induced earlier.