June 2017 Moms

New Year's Resolutions?!

edited January 2017 in June 2017 Moms
How will this year be different?

Re: New Year's Resolutions?!

  • Make this into a New Years resolution thread instead?!?! @NYCProf
  • kassyfry said:

    Make this into a New Years resolution thread instead?!?! @NYCProf
    Done! Happy New Year!
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  • My resolution is to do better with monthly budgeting for my household.  We almost always go over budget on variable expenses like food (both eating in and out).  With #3 on the way and the insane increase in cost of daycare looming, I need to get better about sticking to budgets and setting the family up for long term success.  
  • mrtmrt member
    I want get 10,000 steps per day more often. I've been averaging about 7000 per day, and if I spent like 30 minutes a day on the treadmill watching TV instead of on the couch watching TV, I would feel better, and keep my weight gain under control and probably lose it easier after baby too.
  • edited January 2017
    Love everyone's resolutions!!
    1) Try my best to focus and finally finish/defend dissertation. It's been way too long and I'd love to walk across the stage with baby girl bump.

    2) Save money by cooking more, eating / ordering out less.

    3) Have more faith, be more positive, believe in miracles and pray more.

    4) Make new friends and attract more positive people.

    5) Tune out negativity and learn how to cope around uncomfortable situations.  

    6) Eat better and exercise!
  • 1) put more money into paying down our debt instead of blowing it on things we don't need. 

    2) eat more veggies. I'm horrible at it

    3) be more organized

    Mom to Madison- 5 and Lillian 2....and now surprise baby #3!
  • Be more present with my husband and kids by putting the phone down.

    Getting super serious about paying down some debt we acquired while I was a SAHM for two years.  

    Eat better and start a regular workout routine.    
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

  • For the next 6 months I'd like to work at being healthy by eating more whole foods and not go overboard with the weight gain. I was doing great until we took 2 weeks of vacation during the holiday. Last pregnancy I gained almost 50 lbs.  :(

    Afterwards, I want to really focus on getting a solid workout routine set. I always struggle with finding the time to workout even though I have plenty of time to surf the web.
  • @FSUNole31 I need to work on putting my phone down. I've done better when I'm with my son but my poor husband has lost me to the phone lately. This is a good one, I'm adding it. 
  • 1. Lay off the cheese
    2. Be more organized with grocery shopping (coupons, sales, etc.)
    3. Put more effort into cooking. I always stick to what is easy/comfortable.

    Happy New Year, everyone! 
  • @Wino0920 I am itching to purge my house. I can't wait for our regular schedule and routine to resume so I can just get rid of so much stuff without my husband making up fake reasons to keep things. 
  • These are all great! I plan to focus on keeping myself healthy, read more and spend less on junk. I love the idea of putting the phone down and cooking through the week.
  • 1) Stop cussing in front of DS. His vocabulary for 21 months is really good so I know it's a short matter of time before he turns around and yells damnit or shit at us...or someone else...

    2) Continue to move my body even on the toughest days during and after pregnancy. DS makes this easier as we're on the go quite a bit but I want to do meaningful movements (yoga, walking, stretching) that benefit my mental health as well. 
    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
    Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017 
    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d450a" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • Totally stealing the "more present" one and the cooking one. I've gotten into a big rut and it doesn't help that I have the pickiest husband on the planet and it's rubbing off on my boys too.
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  • devow27 said:
    1) Stop cussing in front of DS. His vocabulary for 21 months is really good so I know it's a short matter of time before he turns around and yells damnit or shit at us...or someone else...

    I really need to work on this too! Good one @devow27 !
  • @MotherofDragons I used to be like your husband and now, I itch to throw everything away!
  • 1) learn to cook and be not depend on others so much for food
    2) put the phone down and learn to live without it again
    3) keep my new home clean, uncluttered and organized (I'm a slob so this will be a challenge)
  • 1) Keep the house cleaner 
    2) Go to church more regularly 
    3) Cook dinner more 



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  • I started a bit before the new year by deactivating my social media accounts. Facebook/Instagram were the #1 reason I'm on my phone too much. I'd also like to read as much or more than I watch TV and eat out less. 
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • 1-Right now the nursery is my office/massage room, so I really need to buckle down and get that organized and transitioned over to an actual nursery... which means getting rid of a lot of things.. lol
    2-I also want to make sure I continue to eat healthy and get back into some kind of work out routine so that I can hopefully bounce back easier after the delivery.
    3- I'm borrowing the putting the phone down one too! Lol
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • meilay said:
    I started a bit before the new year by deactivating my social media accounts. Facebook/Instagram were the #1 reason I'm on my phone too much. I'd also like to read as much or more than I watch TV and eat out less. 
    I need to do this with instagram!
  • 1. Be more supportive of causes I believe in 
    2. Finish paying off the last of our student loans
    3. More yoga 
    4. Visit places I have not been
    5. Less tv, more reading
  • 1. Stop eating fast food. It's a waste of money and makes me feel terrible. 
    2. Meal plan each week instead of winging every trip to the grocery store.
    3. Be more productive when DD is napping instead of being a worthless lump.
  • Survive life with 3 kids?? I'm a little nervous for how this babe will shake up our lives but also ready for the challenge.  

    This is small but organize and print pictures.  I've gotten so behind and I know it's not going to get better unless I just do it! I would also like to make photo books.  
  • @devow27 my twins that turn 4 in less than 2 weeks have now added 'damn it!' to their phrases thanks to DH getting frustrated with one of their Christmas toys while getting it put together this weekend... I always thought it would be me!!  :D
  • Basically everything you all said. More present, less spendy, more frugal, less bitchy.
  • I'm all for the being more present. I'm also a real worrier and my fiancé and I have been in several years of transition with school and new careers. It's been stressful and not easy but it's coming to an end and this year I intend to enjoy myself more. 

    -Have a happy and healthy baby of coooourse.
    -Hurry less in the morning and don't spend money on coffee to go (bought a new coffee machine that makes lattes for this already and it's heaven)
    -Go on a vacation with just my fiancé. 5 years, two kids and we've never fit that in
    -Finish grad school strong and get a job by September
    -Eat well and exercise and blah blah blah
    -Seriously consider hiring/affording a professional to clean our house once or twice a month. We have a new, bigger house, with a new baby, and I'll have a new full time job. One of my biggest stressors is making sure the house is clean, so if I can take some of that stress off, why not?

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