Hopefully I didn't miss this and it's already posted, first time starting a thread!
For those with an EDD of 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23, and 6/30...
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Appointment updates?
Any new symptoms or changes?
(Borrowed from Tuesday!) GTKY: Share your favorite NYE memory!
Me: 34, FTM, DH: 34
BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17
Re: Friday Ticker Change - 12/30
How far along are you? 17 weeks
How big is baby? a turnip
Appointment updates? none this week, but eagerly awaiting 2nd trimester blood test results as we got no risk assessment stats for our NT (baby was too far along)
Any new symptoms or changes? wondering, hopefully, if my nausea is starting to abate ever so slightly, also feeling bigger and noticing the bump when bending and moving more, grateful for no prominent headaches or heartburn (knock on wood)
Rants/Raves/Questions? so so enjoying some time off this week - I'm self-employed so it can be hard to pull the trigger on unpaid vacation, but it's been so worth it and so nice! also went with DH to a new restaurant last night (which we loved!) to celebrate our anniversary of 7 years!
(Borrowed from Tuesday!) GTKY: Share your favorite NYE memory! 6 years ago DH and I celebrated our first anniversary by returning to the site of our first date in San Francisco, went to Beach Blanket Babylon and a few days later headed to Tahoe and the Sierras for some beautiful powder and snowboarding!
Happy new year!
BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17
How far along are you? 17 weeks
How big is baby? Pomegranate
Appointment updates? Not until the end of January.
Any new symptoms or changes? None
Rants/Raves/Questions? None
(Borrowed from Tuesday!) GTKY: Share your favorite NYE memory! NYE isn't really my holiday. I don't have a favorite memory, but the memory that sticks out the most is 2003, I went to a house party, I thought I was looking so good, I wore high heels, which aren't my thing, and I was trying to impress a guy. Well when we were leaving the party, I fell down a flight of wooden stairs and busted my ass in front of him. We never went out. Womp.
How big is baby? an artichoke or (if we prefer to be less healthy, but more tasty) a tall frappuccino with whipped cream
Appointment updates? Not so patiently waiting for an anatomy scan in mid January
Any new symptoms or changes? Nope
Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm kind of excited that we're finally working on clearing out the room that will be the baby's room. Progress is slow, but at least we're moving forward. Question - I might pose this in another thread to get to more people, but does anyone know of maternity jeans that stay up? I bought a Gap pair secondhand because I normally love their stuff, but they keep falling down and my regular jeans with a bellyband really aren't doing much better.
(Borrowed from Tuesday!) GTKY: Share your favorite NYE memory! I'm not hugely into NYE. Even in college I pretty much stayed home and now I either stay home or go to whatever gig my husband has for the evening since working NYE is pretty standard for musicians.
How big is baby? Artichoke
Appointment updates? Mid-January
Any new symptoms or changes?
My bump is really growing. This is my first and I'm surprised how big and high it is.
Still taking one diclegis each night and throwing up about once per week. I just wish I would start feeling better at 18 weeks.
(Borrowed from Tuesday!) GTKY: Share your favorite NYE memory!
My mom always made guacamole for new years and I love guacamole. I might have to go buy the stuff to make it tomorrow.
@kyreno11 - I feel the same as you re: the bump and how high/big it is - my first time too! Also still taking diclegis, just went down from 4 per day to 3, hope you start feeling better too!
BFP: 9/30/16, EDD: 6/9/17
For those with an EDD of 6/2, 6/9, 6/16, 6/23, and 6/30...
How far along are you? 15 weeks
How big is baby? Orange
Appointment updates? Next appointment is in two weeks
Any new symptoms or changes? Felt super light headed and dizzy the past few days, took my blood pressure and it was pretty low. I'm thinking I need to drink more water.
Rants/Raves/Questions? I had to go back to work today
(Borrowed from Tuesday!) GTKY: Share your favorite NYE memory!
My first New Years with DH. We had jut started dating on Christmas and went out to Dallas for the New Years party. That sounds miserable now, but we had so much fun!