December 2016 Moms

Baby/Bump's first Christmas

Christmas is finally over! No more stress about the holiday! 

How did the little ones make out? 

How did momma and daddy make out?
What was the best or favorite gift you received or gave? 

Re: Baby/Bump's first Christmas

  • We attended a family xmas eve party with LOTS of people & noise, and she did great! Slept in someone's arms (mine, my mom's, my sister's) almost the entire 3 hours we were there! Christmas day we facetimed with relatives and had dinner at my parents, and she did well there too. We did have a bit of fussiness during dinner, which meant my meal got a little cold, but that's not so bad.

    DH and I held it together! One of my friends cautioned me that RSV was going around, so FTM paranoia and anxiety was high... but I survived. We ran late to church and dinner, which was annoying. I hate being late. We also forgot the presents for my family at home. Mommy brain...

    Sappy but my favorite gift was just time spent with family. We got some good family photos too, which will be great to have :smile: 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • PensiveCrayonPensiveCrayon member
    edited December 2016
    Still pregnant, which was much to the relief of my priest and his wife, who is the choir director at church. There were three services between Christmas Eve and Christmas, and H and I sing in the choir. I was also in a quartet on Christmas Eve. So they were really hoping I wouldn't go early!

    Baby didn't really get many Christmas gifts, other than a few stuffed animals from Dad, and apparently my sister couldn't resist a Very Hungry Caterpillar onesie! I bought a couple Baby's First Christmas items just in case, so I guess I can return them now, haha.

    As for me, I got the subscription to the GymnasticBodies online workout program that I very much wanted. Now if only this child would evacuate so I can get started on it! :)

    ETA: And as for my favorite gift I received, H and I got two sets of half-sized beer tasting glasses (each one a different shape for specific beers) and fourteen beers from his parents. needs to come so I can start using my gift!!!
    Me: 31 | DH: 31
    Together since 2003 | Married 2010
    TTC #1 January 2016
    BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016
    Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017

    TTC#2 March 2018
    BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
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  • @slartybartfast  That makes me feel better... I do an online photo book for them each, but haven't managed to get our 6th child's done yet... I'm sure I will in time. 
    Our toddler was beyond thrilled with her stocking "Orange" too... she just kept repeating it over and over until we got it peeled. Simple is good. 
    I love it that your baby enjoyed her Christmas cream!  <3

    Due December 27th with baby #7

  • Our Christmas was low key and great.  We didn't go home so we face timed family and it worked well!   We told everyone that DS came too close to Christmas to make Santa's list so he got nothing from us haha.  His grandparents and aunts and uncles got him a bunch of clothes, diapers and a few toys.  His best present was a lillebaby carrier from my mom.  It was the last big item on our registry so she bought it for Christmas.

    The best gift I got was a shared gift with DH - a TiVo mini from my brother.  
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Me: 34 DH: 36
    Married 10/15/11
    M/C October 2014
    BFP #2 4/3/16  EDD 12/8/16  DS 11/19/16

  • Christmas was most excellent this year. My mom hosted her extended family and DD did great. There were about 25 people there throughout the day and she slept basically the whole time.

    DD received some more sleepers and some stuffed animals from family for xmas, including a Jigglypuff that is currently bigger than she is.

    Per the xmas tradition my brother gave me a Totoro themed sweater which is awesome.

    Me:27   H:30
    Till death do us part: 7.2.2011
    Trying to conceive since 01.2014
    Low AFC and azoospermia
    IVF #1 03.2016 - BFP 03.28.2016
    Due: 12.05.2016

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • Little boy decided to stay put. So our family came to us which had been the plan all along. We had a very restful holiday.

    Leif didn't get presents since our due date was so close to Christmas and since he decided to stay put anyways.

    Dh got me a gift card for a spa day so that was kind of a shock! And my Dad got me a new kitchen aid! Mine had been my mom's and was well over 20 years old. Dh got his roomba he wanted earlier in the month. 
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • We had a wonderful Christmas! 2yo and LO both had a good year, tried to keep it reasonable, at least from us... grandparents, meh, who can control them ;-)
    DH spoiled me this year with beautiful Kendra Scott earrings and a digital picture frame. I got him the Bose speaker he'd been lusting over, he was so excited :-D

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • We went overboard for baby even though we hadn't planned on getting him anything. A tummy time mat, 5 new cloth diapers, 2 pairs of maxaloones, Christmas pajamas, a hardcover version of "Twas the Night Before Christmas," and a "Baby's First Christmas" ornament. He also got an ornament, plush blanket, and clothes from FI's family. We haven't done Christmas with my family yet but we will this weekend. We were able to do Christmas with my grandmother and she got him a toy that plays classical musical for the car and also an activity bar for his car seat. 

    My favorite gift for me was a Phillips Sonicare toothbrush from FI's family. Having HG my whole pregnancy has made me obsessed with oral/dental hygiene so it was the perfect gift. By obsessed I mean I probably brush my teeth too much... like 4 times a day. I just can't stand the feeling of my mouth not being clean though. 
  • @ashleaf2018 I'm on my second Sonicare and I love it. That's the perfect gift for you too, if you're concerned about dental health. My friend was so obsessed with oral hygiene that she was over-brushing her teeth. Her dentist had her to switch to one of those and to let it do the brushing because she was taking off the enamel. 

    Our Christmas was amazing. I got to introduce Eaton to his great-grandparents and it was just a heart melting experience. I put him in each of their arms and he just snuggled up and slept there. My grandparents did a large portion of my raising, and so it means everything to me that I have the chance to share my son with them.  <3

    From us, Eaton got a box of his formula and a lamb wubbanub for Christmas. The kid loves his paci and he loves to eat so we covered his bases. :) We went to Target today and bought a baby's 1st Christmas ornament 2016 for him. 

    He got some of those stuffed animal headed handkerchief sized blankets, bibs, and some clothes from his auntie, money from his great grands, and some formula from his grandpa. I LOVED him having his own little gifts. It's so awesome to have a new family member and seeing all my folks love on him.

    As for me, my favored gift from DH is the airpod headphones from apple. I cant wait to drive and exercise cord free. I also got a good bit of money and gift cards to put toward some clothing shopping (I needed this badly). I got DH some Xbox accessories, engraved pens so folks will stop stealing his at work, and a new glasses case for his Oakleys.   
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @ea301 haha well thank you!! I have taken pictures for nieces and nephews before and had zero experience with infants at the time... They turned out horrible!! I've done a lot of research since (especially lately) and am definitely no pro, but found a few tricks that really help. Lighting is a huge deal for sure..If you can get natural daylight inside its best. Also, if LO eats and goes total comatose that's the perfect picture taking time...They become so moldable! 
    Married: 6/6/14
    DS: 12/20/16
    EDD: 11/29/18
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • a very low-key & hectic Christmas for us as well... DS2 didn't get much other than from our families because we knew both boys would be spoiled by them. We got a few things for DS1. My favorite recieved gift was my new shirt from FIs grandmother, and FI LOVED his bottle of Jameson (his favorite whiskey -- everyone keeps asking if little one is named after that and NO, why can't we just like the name Jameson?!) 

    We went to the Christmas Eve children's service at church and that didn't go over well with my almost 4 year old. You would have thought he was the devil incarnate the way he cried and screamed half the service!

     DS1 didn't get home from his father's until 12 on Christmas day, so I didn't get to experience the wake up "SANTA CAME" and excitement that I know he must have done. He only had 2 hours to open his gifts from us and play for a bit before we had to head off to my aunt's house, which was ultimately disappointing. First year we've celebrated there with my family and she changed it all up from the normal, but as long as my boys are happy - I'm happy :) 
  • Lisa3379Lisa3379 member
    edited December 2016
    Christmas was great. Both families came to our house and we had brunch, open gifts, and had a huge dinner. My dad and MIL kicked ass at making all the food, I kinda felt bad since we were technically hosting - I felt like I should've done more, but MIL insisted. She's awesome. :smile:

    I got a bunch of kitchen stuff and AFI tickets. Date night coming up! And evidently a lot of cooking now that I'll be a stay at home mom, haha. 

    I gave my boyfriend a few work shirts and two coupons for paternity "leave" - whenever he wants, he can get "leave" the house and go snowboarding, lift ticket cost on me. 

    Let's see... Max got some books, a stuffed Curious George (it's like tradition in our family to have one), and some other stuff. My favorite gift came from his daddy. When we were in Germany last, he was in the middle of ordering a BMW but was unsure of what color to get. We went to BMW World in Munich to see a color in person to verify that he liked it. Anyway, the shop at BMW had a little car that was almost the exact same color, and I thought it would be cute if father and son had matching cars, but we didn't get it because hauling that back to the US would've been ridiculous. Well, daddy remembered and ordered it. Max won't be able to use it for months, but it's still neat. 

  • Ours was low key also. They usually are but I really appreciated it this year. My parents were in town so that was nice. We got together with my brother and his family and just had finger foods. My parents got Scarlett an exersauxer. It was really cute to see Niece and nephew (7 and 5) so excited to give her gifts. They had picked out some of their favorite books, and then had a little musical rattle set so she could be in their "band". DH and I just got her one small toy..just because we felt like we should. I'm really excited for future Christmases when she's older and has more awareness.
  • Christmas is finally over! No more stress about the holiday! 

    How did the little ones make out?  LO did well.  He got a bunch of books and clothes (which is what we were hoping).  Only one toy that makes noise from a distant family friend, which we will probably donate.

    How did momma and daddy make out?  We did ok.  We don't exchange gifts with each other.  We got some clothes that we asked for from my parents, a few other things, and gift cards.  The in laws gave us money.
    What was the best or favorite gift you received or gave?  I gave my nieces superhero capes and masks, which they had been wanting, and they were so excited.  They ran around the house in them for quite a while.
  • Ours was interesting. Christmas eve my parents and 2 brothers came to our house. Usually I cook something super fancy but this year I cooked an appetizer and my mom brought a sandwich tray. So it was easy which was good cuz both kids were fussy all day. 

    Christmas morning was just us. 2.5yo saw the presents and said "what!?!". She's sarcastic at 2.5. God help me! She got a big girl bike (12 inch with training wheels), some doc mcstuffins toys, and a bunch of books and puzzles. She gave up opening stuff after about 10 things and just wanted to ride her bike so we stopped opening presents. She went from crying when sitting on the bike to riding around the block in under 30 minutes! I was super impressed. Then we watched finding dory while eating lunch then it was toddler nap time. Newborn got a few toys that she'll eventually use as toddler would have noticed if Santa skipped the newborn. 

    After nap we went to my parents for presents/dinner. Newborn was cranky but toddler was well behaved for presents. She got a different kind of bike for over there (she's there once a week) and my parents bought her a little battery quad. Spoiled kid! 

    My older brother is crazy (literally) and had been struggling with the visit this week. He was released from the hospital on Christmas eve but is very much out of it still. He really was pissing me off during presents because even though he's 30, he complained about every gift he got! I know he's depressed and all the other stuff, but his attitude just rubbed me the wrong way. He doesn't live here so he doesn't get big items that he'd have to fly home with (but my parents take him clothes shopping when he's here...that's his big gift), but this year he was in the hospital before Christmas so they hadn't been shopping yet. So my mom wrapped some ordinary items he needs like toothpaste and nail clippers. He started crying. I got toothpaste's kinda a thing in our family. 

    Anyways.......we finally finished dd1s gifts last night. Now I gotta put things away somehow! 
    DD1 5/23/14, DD2 12/5/16   Baby #3 on the way!

  • Spent the first half seeing what seemed like every doctor in the hospital trying to get all the tests and stuff done so we could jailbreak early. Made it home about 2. Then we had a revolving door of visitors a couple at a time bringing Christmas to us. Definitely did not feel like our traditional christmas but one that will always be remembered. 
  • Ben made out like a bandit! We didn't get him anything, unless you count the copies of Grimms and Hans Christian Anderson fairytales (original stories, not edited) we bought before he was born for his library. My parents and ILs spoiled him. He got lots of clothes, some stuffed animals and toys for when he is older.

    Mom and dad made out well, too. DH got several history books he is planning on enjoying, some DVDs, gift cards, a tool kit for the house, and his big gift was my dad is going to take him out to get his own fishing gear. He was super surprised. I got new boots (tradition), stuff from Pampered chef, cross stitch books and DH bought me a beautiful dolphin necklace. I have to say that was my favortie gift.

    For Hanukkah we both got Amazon gift 5 cards. Prime is dangerous lol. And here's a family photo:

    Married 4/12/13
    TTC since 6/13
    Diagnosed w/ PCOS 4/9/15 - R/E recommended lifestyle change
    BFP 4/10/16 - DS born 12/16/2016
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    SURPRISE! BFP 3/8/18
    Pregnancy Ticker

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