Okay our sweet little January babies have their first Christmas under their belt! Post your favorite Christmas picture (or two) of your little


It was hard to choose but here are two of my favorites...she loved a squeaky teether she got and had lots of fun pulling things out of her stocking! I think she loved the wrapping paper most of all though!!!
Re: Favorite Christmas picture!
Ok, three pictures because I have no self control
Between grandparents and aunts & uncles, this little guy got spoiled ROTTEN! He was so overwhelmed by christmas, today he's enjoying the peace and quite of home and playing with his new toys. And to think birthdays are coming up ao these LO can get spoiled even more.
Married 2012
TTC #2 since July 2016
PCOS diagnosed 2008
Freya had SO much fun! I love seeing all these cute LOs!
Enjoying his new chair
Hanging out in front of the tree. Such fun memories from his first Christmas!
i feel that over here too. This one is
my fave of Christmas
Two years, two losses and three IUIs...
We are having TRIPLETS!
EDD 1/26/16
GGB born November 2015!