Hey ladies! I was looking around at where to post this, and this board seemed to fit best

As titled, I'm new to IVF and scheduled to start my stims on the 31st. Also planning on a fresh transfer.
what brought me to this stage of our IF journey (long story short) was after a year of trying naturally, Then tests, removing a polyp then only to get pregnant and end up having an EP and removing a fallopian tube, and a couple of failed IUIs we decided to give this IVF a try.
So when we first agreed to finally go ahead with it, it was end of November, I just got my period, and my DH and I asked our RE- are the holidays going to interfere with the timing of this cycle? my RE's response was- no not at all, this whole process could be give or take 6 weeks. Us of course, the Naive ones were like 6 weeks?? that isn't so bad! we can do that!
Our RE gave us also the option to try the PGS testing, but he didn't think we had to given our circumstances and our age(me32 & DH 37) so he didn't push us on it, we decided to skip it so we could try with a fresh embryo.
Anyway, this is where I feel like we are a little blind sighted- after going through 3 weeks of the bcp, I was told by my nurse to get another set of pills since we were infact going to be effected by a few days because of the holidays. So of course I'm like, hmmm ok just a few more days right? then most recently they find in my DH semen there is a slightly elevated level of white blood count, so that may delay some time too. Here is where I'm starting to think, can there be any other delays in this process that is super common?? has anybody actually gone through an IVF cycle within 6 weeks time? Is that unrealistic? I understand the delay with the holidays, but I'm just wondering if most people get delayed because maybe the stims aren't working as they should... and if so how long is it before they correct that? what are any other possible bumps along the way? if you have any other ideas or experiences on what could delay things please let me know! really appreciate it!
Re: new to IVF and in need of a reality check!
TTC for 8 years.
Started in 2008 with timed intercourse, ovulation testing, no official monitoring.
OB-GYN recommended Clomid and timed intercourse, attempted for 6 straight months.
First surgery June 2009 (OB-GYN): diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis and large hydrosalpinx on right tube.
Second surgery (July 2009, RE performed this): Right tube had to be removed, lots of adhesions removed.
Attempted "trying on our own" as per RE recommendations, unsuccessful 5-6 months.
HSG performed December 2009: left tube open.
February 2010: started Femara and timed intercourse, attempted 6 months, no BFPs.
Took a break for a while.
January 2011: started IUI process, ovaries never properly responded to medications, 6 failed attempts, never actually completed an IUI.
Took 2012-2014 off due to depression and frustration (side note: did complete grad school to become a nurse practitioner- great distraction).
2015: started seeing RE again, went through tons of testing and HSG, left tube now blocked, only option is IVF.
September 2015: Started first official IVF cycle, cancelled in October due to large cyst on left ovary.
October 2015: started on birth control for 2 months.
December 2015: attempted to start another IVF cycle, cysts on both ovaries on initial ultrasound, left was huge, cancelled to aspirated cyst.
January 2016: Cyst back, surgery for ex-lap, cyst and adhesions removed.
March 2016: Attempted second IVF cycle, estrogen way too high, cyst back, cancelled again.
April 2016: Third attempted IVF cycle, 7 eggs retrieved, 2 mature (but not great) embryos made to fresh transfer, neither implanted.
May-Sept 2016: Break to regain sanity.
Sept-Oct 2016: Attempted fourth IVF cycle, very successful, cyst still on left but we ignored. 7 mature "great looking" eggs retrieved, 4 mature embryos made it to day 5 transfer. Transfer aborted due to large amount of endometriosis fluid in uterus.
FET of 2 embryos completed on 12/12/16.
12/22/16 1st Beta 179 BFP!!!
12/24/16 2nd Beta 449!!
EDD 8/30/17 with two girls!!!!!
Audrey (4lb 8oz) and Olivia (6lb 6oz) born 8/10/17!!
TTC for 8 years.
Started in 2008 with timed intercourse, ovulation testing, no official monitoring.
OB-GYN recommended Clomid and timed intercourse, attempted for 6 straight months.
First surgery June 2009 (OB-GYN): diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis and large hydrosalpinx on right tube.
Second surgery (July 2009, RE performed this): Right tube had to be removed, lots of adhesions removed.
Attempted "trying on our own" as per RE recommendations, unsuccessful 5-6 months.
HSG performed December 2009: left tube open.
February 2010: started Femara and timed intercourse, attempted 6 months, no BFPs.
Took a break for a while.
January 2011: started IUI process, ovaries never properly responded to medications, 6 failed attempts, never actually completed an IUI.
Took 2012-2014 off due to depression and frustration (side note: did complete grad school to become a nurse practitioner- great distraction).
2015: started seeing RE again, went through tons of testing and HSG, left tube now blocked, only option is IVF.
September 2015: Started first official IVF cycle, cancelled in October due to large cyst on left ovary.
October 2015: started on birth control for 2 months.
December 2015: attempted to start another IVF cycle, cysts on both ovaries on initial ultrasound, left was huge, cancelled to aspirated cyst.
January 2016: Cyst back, surgery for ex-lap, cyst and adhesions removed.
March 2016: Attempted second IVF cycle, estrogen way too high, cyst back, cancelled again.
April 2016: Third attempted IVF cycle, 7 eggs retrieved, 2 mature (but not great) embryos made to fresh transfer, neither implanted.
May-Sept 2016: Break to regain sanity.
Sept-Oct 2016: Attempted fourth IVF cycle, very successful, cyst still on left but we ignored. 7 mature "great looking" eggs retrieved, 4 mature embryos made it to day 5 transfer. Transfer aborted due to large amount of endometriosis fluid in uterus.
FET of 2 embryos completed on 12/12/16.
12/22/16 1st Beta 179 BFP!!!
12/24/16 2nd Beta 449!!
EDD 8/30/17 with two girls!!!!!
Audrey (4lb 8oz) and Olivia (6lb 6oz) born 8/10/17!!
I think I wasn't prepared to have as few of viable eggs at the end. We retrieved 35+, 30 were mature enough, 16 were able to be fertilized (dh is only 31 with good sperm), only 8 survived to day 6 and out of that only 3 tested normal.
Also see if you can possibly not fill your prescription in full...we ended up with a lot of extra meds that either we didn't use at all or ended up using in a lower dose. Probably would have saved us at least 1k plus....we paid 6k oop. That didn't inclue FET mess which I didn't realize would be pricey.
Me: 37 DH: 32 TTGP Since 2014 INFERTILITY INFO (Medicated, IUI's, IVF/FET) IN SPOILER
Medicated April-December 2015: Clomid (didn't work) and so we tried Femera/Letrozole. Progesterone Met 1000 Not diagnosed PCOS but treating the same. Anovulatory. TI No US No O BFN
- TW -
January 2016-October 2016: Letrozole 2.5mg-7.5 mg, Pregyl or Ovideral Trigger Shot.
9 cycles of IUI (7 Cancelled due to no mature follicles) (2 attempted IUI's with mature follicles)
IUI # 2 June 2016 and July 2016: Met 1000, Estrogen (21 days), Progesterone (5 days) Femera 5m 6/28/16 Ultrasound CD14 = 25 follie. Pregnyl Trigger CD14 IUI 7/13 1stBeta (DPO 15): 7.6 (Surprise BFP...but Low #'s) 2ndBeta (DPO 17): 18 3rdBeta (DPO 19) 52.8 Progesterone Prescribed (spotting) 4thBeta (DPO 26) 6.9 Chemical Pregnancy BFN
IVF and FET (diagnosed with PCOS) 204 pounds at start of IVF
IVF # 1 October and November 2016: CCRM - Minneapolis 10/14 Consult and CD 3 testing, 10/14 started (OCP Antagonist - BCP) BCP, 10/21 1 day work up, Doxycycline 100mg 10 days, 10/24 stop bcp, Bloodwork US 10/29, 10/30-11/8 Stims 2 vials of Menopur, Dexamethasone, 225 of Gonal-F daily (dropped to 120). CCRM Vitamin Cocktail (like 20 of them), Monitoring (11/2, 11/4, 11/5, 11/6, 11/7, 11/8), Retrieval 11/10 (38 eggs, 30 mature, 16 fertilized ICSI), 11/16 8 Blasts 11/30 CCS testing results 3 Normal 5aa's (2 boys and 1 girl) 1 Unknown 4 Abnormal (All girls)
Fet #1 January 2017: CCRM - Minneapolis bcp/lupron/suppository/p4 in oil QOD AF 12/7, 12/8 start meds. 1/3 lining and blood work check 14/15 mm, BW check 1/6. 1/9 transfer with acupuncture 1 CCS/PGS Normal 5aa hatching Progesterone around 26ish? Lower estrogen level 207 (wanted above 300 but over 200 was acceptable), started 1 estrace, progesterone in oil every other day, vivelle dot patches 4 every other day, 3x estrodiol daily, vitamin cocktail. POAS: - 4dp5dt and 5dp5dt, 6dp5dt frer very very very faint line. 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt + on Accuclear. 8dp5dt pregnant on a clear blue easy digital. 214 pounds at FET
1/18 #1 Beta 91.1
1/20 #2 Beta 215.9
2/3 6 week US 2 sacs? Twins? but only 1 heartbeat/pole good heartbeat Stopped taking baby asprin Added in DHEA Veg Vitamin (also got the report that they transferred a girl 5aa eggo)
2/10 7 week US 2 sacs (likely vanishing twin) only 1 heartbeat/pole etc good heartbeat 137
2/24 9 week US 1 eggo sac good heart beat 182 1 very small fluid sac (shrinking)
2/24 9 week 2 days start weening. Graduated from RE (CCRM is now starting weening as soon as 8.5 weeks)
3/7 10 Weeks 5 days weened completely of FET meds A1C 5.3% (Normal)
3/9 11 Weeks 1 day my progesterone level was 15 and my estrogen level was 881 (I freaked out!)
3/16 12 Weeks 1 day baby heard on doppler 164 HB
4/14 16 week 2 days Ultrasound baby is looking good with all good numbers sized 17 weeks. Also got to hear her on the doppler for a few mins too.
5/5 19 Weeks 2 days going in for "20" week anatomy ultrasound got measurements but need to come back as wasn't able to get all the measurements
MEASUREMENTS BPD 4.6 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (78%) HC 17.0 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (70%) AC 14.5 cm 19 weeks 4 days* (69%) Femur 3.1 cm 19 weeks 6 days* (63%) Humerus 3.1 cm 20 weeks 2 days (84%) Cerebellum 2.0 cm 19 weeks 5 days
CisternaMagna 6.2 mm Nuchal Fold 4.5 mm
HC/AC 1.17 FL/AC 0.22 FL/BPD 0.68 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 309 grams - 0 lbs 11 oz
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 19 weeks 5 days +/- 10 days.
6/9 24 Weeks 2 days Glucose Test 1 hour (Failed) 190
6/16 25 Weeks 2 days Ultrasound and 1st Baby Shower
6/20 25 Weeks 6 days Glucose Test 3 Hours (Failed) 95 (95), 183 (180), 213 (155), 198 (140) etc
6/21 26 Weeks Recommended to a perintologist
6/22 26 Weeks 1 day start monitoring blood sugar levels
6/30 27 Weeks 2 day A1 (blood sugar test ordered)
7/5 28 Weeks Echo and 3d Ultrasound
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 2.6 Q2: 3.2 Q3: 4.8 Q4: 5.6 AFI Total = 16.3 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
MEASUREMENTS BPD 7.2 cm 28 weeks 5 days* (60%) HC 26.4 cm 28 weeks 4 days* (48%) AC 23.3 cm 27 weeks 4 days* (36%) Femur 5.2 cm 28 weeks 0 days* (36%) Humerus 4.8 cm 28 weeks 0 days (49%)
HC/AC 1.13 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.73 Ceph Index 0.77 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1142 grams - 2 lbs 8 oz (37%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 28 weeks 1 day +/- 14 days.
7/10 28 Weeks 5 days Dietitian Appt and Lactatcian Consultant and A1 blood draw 5.4% (normal) 218.5 pounds
7/20 30 Weeks GD consult. 6 Lantus at 7pm daily. Novolog 1 unit for every 15 gm carbohydrate if consumed more than 30 gm at brkfst or 60 gm at lunch or supper 215.6 pounds
7/20 30 Weeks Transferred care to OB due to high risk. 216 pounds
8/2 32 Weeks Ultrasound (not cooperative and still breech) and then weekly NST's
MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.0 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (44%) HC 29.2 cm 31 weeks 6 days* (22%) AC 26.9 cm 31 weeks 0 days* (24%) Femur 6.3 cm 32 weeks 2 days* (57%) Humerus 5.7 cm 32 weeks 6 days (71%)
HC/AC 1.08 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.78 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 1808 grams - 3 lbs 15 oz (29%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 31 weeks 6 days +/- 18 days.
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.4 Q2: 2.9 Q3: 2.9 Q4: 4.4 AFI Total = 13.6 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
8/8 32w6d upped to 1:10 for dinner
8/11 Baby Shower
8/13 Baby Shower
8/16 34 weeks NST good reading Upped to 8 at bed for fasting and 1:7 for dinner
8/18 Dr Appt
8/24 35 weeks 1 day (was suppose to be scheduled for 36 weeks) Weeks Ultrasound/GD Dr Appt/OB Appt
Frank Breech
MEASUREMENTS BPD 8.9 cm 35 weeks 6 days* (67%) HC 31.7 cm 35 weeks 1 day * (35%) AC 30.2 cm 34 weeks 2 days* (33%) Femur 6.9 cm 34 weeks 6 days* (57%) Humerus 6.0 cm 34 weeks 6 days (64%)
HC/AC 1.05 FL/AC 0.23 FL/BPD 0.78 Ceph Index 0.80 EFW (Ac/Fl/Hc) 2494 grams - 5 lbs 8 oz (39%)
THE AVERAGE GESTATIONAL AGE is 35 weeks 1 day +/- 21 days.
AMNIOTIC FLUID Q1: 3.3 Q2: 3.8 Q3: 2.4 Q4: 3.8 AFI Total = 13.4 cm Amniotic Fluid: Normal
8/31 36 Weeks
9/7 37 Weeks
9/10 Water broke...I got it tested at the emergency room it it showed it was negative. More water breaking and didn't go to the dr.
9/11 37 weeks 4 days Called the Dr and got retested for water breaking...
10:30pmish Baby Girl Born via Emergency C Section (Frank Breech Baby) 6lbs 3oz -
9/13 Dropped to 5 pounds 10oz and had jaundice
9/13 38 weeks
9/22 39 Weeks 2 days C Section Scheduled for 10am (arrive at 8am) Equinox/Solstice
EDD 9/27
With that being said, make sure your office isn't giving you the run around just because it's convienent for them!
Me: 1, possibly 2, blocked tubes
DH: severe MFI
Married and TTC since 2/15
Started stims 7/21/16, ER 8/2 --> 17 eggs, 5 blasts after PGS testing.
Fresh transfer 8/8/16: Chemical Pregnancy
FET #1 9/13: PGS tested 5AA, BFN
Endometrial biopsy 10/18/16: normal result
ERA test 10/18/16: "receptive" result
FET #2 1/3/17: natural cycle, BFP!!! TWINS!! EDD: 9/21 (8/31 with twin adjustment)