My Monday bitchfest goes out people who don't shovel their sidewalks. We literally live next to an elementary school, and our city does not have buses, so lots of kids are walking to school. We got 5 inches of snow on Thursday, and then a bunch of rain on Saturday, so everything is totally iced over. The sidewalks are basically ice luges now. My position (and the law) is if you own your home, you need to be able to clear the sidewalk in a timely manner or hire someone to do it for you. I just wish the laws were enforced more. I almost yelled out at someone yesterday pulling into their driveway as I tried to navigate their ice rink of a sidewalk while walking my dogs.
Me: 31 DH: 31 DS born 6/2017, became a heart angel 8/2018 CP 3/2019
I'm irritated by an overabundance of sticky threads. Things that get referenced frequently, whatever. But I hate that the Bump stickies all of their ads and then leaves them at the top of the page for months after they're OBE.
@Xath agree with you on that. I'm just frustrated with people in general. Seriously, everything to do with any other person. I almost yelled at a lady in the grocery store today because she was in my way. My family won't stop talking about "joking about" how I've not been feeling great. I feel bad enough, please for the love of god STFU about it already. Just leave me alone.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
My go-to breakfast has been cereal with milk. For some reason, toast with butter is too heavy, it sits like lead in my stomach and doesn't settle it as well. So last night I sent my husband to the market to get cereal. He got cereal.
This morning I was up wicked early and couldn't sleep. Then I realized the nausea was coming on, and rushed into the kitchen for my morning cereal. DUDE HAD FINISHED THE MILK LAST NIGHT. I was so mad I cried.
Ugh @Cait32 Towing companies are such a shady business. We had our car towed out of our private spot when we were back in the States. Called the cops, and because the towing company reported they were towing it, the police couldn't do anything. The tow company held my car ransom until we paid them, even though they had no right to tow in the first place.
It was because the arrangement they made with the condo property manager differed from the actual condo parking bylaws. We had the association reimburse us for the tow, but it was incredibly frustrating experience.
My ob/gyn's office is closed between christmas and new years which means i have to wait an extra week to get my blood drawn for the NIPT tests. It's such a first world problem and it's only a matter of days. I know this. but... ugh.
@Xath agree with you on that. I'm just frustrated with people in general. Seriously, everything to do with any other person. I almost yelled at a lady in the grocery store today because she was in my way. My family won't stop talking about "joking about" how I've not been feeling great. I feel bad enough, please for the love of god STFU about it already. Just leave me alone.
Yes, I hate all people and can't stand having to deal with anybody. It's so bad, especially because it's so uncharacteristic of me and people expect me to be a certain way and when I'm not, they really take notice and ask me "are you ok" over and over again, which just irritates me even more. I haven't announced yet, so I can't tell people it's mostly because I'm pregnant, so I just have to sit there and deal and/or be bitchy. I've chosen to cocoon myself in my house and avoid people as much as possible...
@supermom83 I just got into an argument with a coworker who doesn't know i'm pregnant. like, we were yelling at each other. ugh. I alternate between crying over Aleppo and the news and being annoyed as f$ck at everyone directly around me. except DD, she's pretty much golden.
My husband promised to take a package to the post office today for me because that would be easier than walking over to where I was on the couch and helping my choose the correct box size so I could pay for, print the shipping label and have the mailman pick it up on the front porch yesterday.
Well he gets to the post office today and freaks out about the line and says he doesn't have time to wait.
So I printed the label, and setup the pickup for tomorrow.
Granted it's only a day later than it would have been but who in their right mind doesn't know the post office is going to be jam packed the week before Christmas?!
I lost my ID somewhere and now I have to go sit at the DMV tomorrow for who knows how long. But on the plus side I'm shelling out $500 for new tires tomorrow.
My DH is being kind of a jerk the past few days. And I have no fuse. I'm either 'hey babe' or 'what the fuck did you just say to me?!' I hate it. I have been sick since the first week of's almost January. I'm over it. Yet yesterday when I mumbled from the couch that I felt like I was going to puke DH rolled his eyes and said he's so annoyed because I'm always sick and he's annoyed by it. Are you kidding me?!?!? Then I have my in laws trying to start holiday drama. I hope they feel like ass hats when they find out I'm pregnant now.
@ashaw512 I feel your pain on the tires. DH needs new ones soon and I am dreading it. I love how I don't mind dropping that same amount on other things, but tires are one of those necessary but completely boring purchases. Adulting sucks sometimes.
Edit because my iPhone randomly capitalizes words and it sucks.
@PurplePumpernickel OMFG. I am over here all worked up on your behalf now. So not cool. I take milk in my coffee, and DH has learned always to have an extra half gallon in the fridge for me, after he made a similar near-fatal error.
@ashaw512 I just got two new front tires on my minivan last weekend. $ DH and I decided we would forgo giving each other gifts this year for Christmas to save some money since we've had a lot of random unexpected expenses this past month (all house related!) So my Christmas gift this year was tires lol Fun!
@ashaw512 I just got two new front tires on my minivan last weekend. $ DH and I decided we would forgo giving each other gifts this year for Christmas to save some money since we've had a lot of random unexpected expenses this past month (all house related!) So my Christmas gift this year was tires lol Fun!
I hear that! Two years ago our Christmas gift to each other was getting our dog fixed. It really seems that whenever one big expense comes up, a bunch more do as well!
Not a bitch exactly, but awkward. When I met my husband 3 years ago I moved to him (he owns a few businesses and rental properties so it makes it easier to manage). Before we were together he dated a few women from town and this is a small place where everyone knows everyone and their I was glad to be "an outsider". My husband is 10 years older than me had he dated a couple older women (his exwife for example was 9 years older than him so she is 18 years older than me), let's just say when my van got stuck in a drift outside my driveway this morning having his ex's college-aged son push me out was an experience.
Google. Google is my enemy today. I should have known better but in an honest attempt to figure out if my sudden digestive issues were common late in the first trimester, I saw some posts (from people, not experts/respected sources) about a link with miscarriage. The nurse on call at my doctor told me she'd never heard of that connection, so I KNOW I should go with that, because everything is linked with everything on the internet, but I'm still more worried than I was before I googled. Stupid Google.
@lph4248 Google is the devil. I did this same thing early in the pregnancy, and I eventually just had to stop. Everything I looked up was DOOM, and ya know what? Here I am, 11 weeks, with a very strong heart beat. I'm bitching about myself today. I just can't seem to be happy with this pregnancy. If I feel horrible, I'm convinced it's because something is wrong with the baby. If I feel great, I'm convinced something is wrong with the baby. I'm worried about gaining too much weight and never losing it, AND not gaining any. I'm worried about getting too many vitamins and not getting enough. I have to calm down, I'm driving myself nuts.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@lph4248 Dr Google is the devil. You can search just about any symptom and it will convince you that you are dying. Listen to your Doctor she has a medical degree!!
@kerils and telling yourself not to worry or stress will not help, then you start stressing about not stressing and wondering why you are stressing. All I can say is the stress and worry are completely normal, this is one of the biggest, scariest and most important things that you have such little control over. I will tell you despite all the positives and reassurances I got from my doctor I didn't really relax until after I reached the "viability" milestone. I will say that if the worry and stress start to interfer with your life and are having noticeable negative effects you do need to talk to your OB about it.
@ashaw512 dang I need to shop with you. I got my tires on sale back in September for $1000. Plus Dh put them on so we didn't have to pay to mount and balance them. But they're awesome in the snow, I had to drive home during two snow storms and I didn't slide once. Now I need to get some new wipers soon. edited: actually I forgot I backed into the garage yesterday so I need to fix a cracked bumper first
@morgarita Next time you need tires, you should look at (I am not affiliated with them). I got a snow tire package with tires and wheels for my old Camry for about $500 and they were awesome! Especially if your H can put them on himself, this is definitely the way to go.
Me: 31 DH: 31 DS born 6/2017, became a heart angel 8/2018 CP 3/2019
@morgarita Oh wow! That's crazy! I guess I didn't look at prices for other car models, so maybe the ones for my car were super cheap or something. A bunch of my family have gotten tires from there and everyone has been happy with them.
Me: 31 DH: 31 DS born 6/2017, became a heart angel 8/2018 CP 3/2019
@SpongeWorthy Yes I do love them tho, we get tires from them a lot. I didn't mention they were for the truck we use for towing so they're snow/mud tires, I usually drive it during the winter except I actually recently stopped except snowy days, it was getting to hard to get into and out of.
Ugh I need a Wednesday bitchfest. I'm super nauseous and trying to have bland food. I brought dry Cheerios from home in a tupperware container and they taste like dish soap. Blech!
Can I bitch even though it's not Monday? My MIL is driving me nuts, I am soooooo angry! (Sorry, step-MIL) Normally she doesn't get on my nerves as I have a great relationship with her but I'm just fed up.
She messages me yesterday saying that they are going to be down from the 28th - 3rd but that she's "not feeling well" and "just wants to stay put." So they will be staying about an hour and a half from us. Now while we still see the person they are staying with as family, technically she's not. She's my FIL's brothers ex-wife. So ... I'm not going to stay with my kids but ... anyways. It was the 21st ... and you just know that you're not going to be feeling well on the 28th? A FULL WEEK away?! While I was fuming about it I realized that she said this exact same thing last year. It seems to be her "go-to" excuse to not really care about anyone else's schedule. (Actually, last year my Mom and I were actually concerned there might be something wrong with her that she wasn't telling us but that turned out to not be the case) Then I reminisced about last year when she turned down Christmas dinner with my family (our parents know and like each other) and then turned down the invitation to come to my birthday dinner as well.
I'm sorry that you're not feeling well but I'm growing a human so NEITHER AM I! I am tired 24/7. I do not want to drive an hour and a half both ways. The part that pisses me off the most is that they are on a 3 week holiday. Do you know what I get? 2 days! 2 ... FREAKING ... DAYS! The 23rd and the 26th and only because I booked them off. She tells me she's going to their old town to bottle wine. I'm sorry, what?! You can go there to bottle wine but you can''t make the extra minuscule drive to my house?! Then she asks if we can get together that day, on the 3rd. Again, I work! And so does my husband! It must be nice to get a 3 week holiday then expect everyone else who has to work during that time, to come to you.
To top it off, my cousins are going to be here from the US at the same time (I'm in Canada) and I get to see them maybe once a year if I'm lucky. Plus next weekend is my birthday so my family is going to want to get together and do something as well. How am I supposed to fit cousins, in-law's and my birthday into a measly weekend? I very much enjoy my weekends these days. I need them to recharge for the week. Again. Growing a human = exhausting.
UGH! I AM STILL SO ANGRY!!! After this incident I have noticed this trend where everything is done on her schedule. I'm also quite pissed off that they aren't staying with us. They only ever have once. We have a beautiful, brand new home and when they're here they have their own room (with an actual bed, not an air mattress) and they get the main bath to themselves as we have an ensuite. I just don't get it. I have half a mind to tell her that we are too busy and can't come. *angry*face*
@stokesm21 I think you're also well within your rights to tell MIL that you aren't feeling well either, and maybe you can compromise and she can come to you, but you'll stay put at your house? I'm sure she's not laying on the couch of the person whose home she's staying in.
@stokesm21 I think you're also well within your rights to tell MIL that you aren't feeling well either, and maybe you can compromise and she can come to you, but you'll stay put at your house? I'm sure she's not laying on the couch of the person whose home she's staying in.
I don't even mind meeting up. It's her lack of compromise that's driving me nuts. "I'm not feeling well so you drive 1.5 hours away and come see me." And you're right. I'm sure she will be all over the city when she's here and not actually cooped up in his Aunt's home for 7 days. I even told her I have no time off and that didn't seem to affect her position any. *sigh*
@stokesm21 what would happen if you just refused to go there and see them? Not saying you should do it I'm just curious if she would bitch about it or just come see you. It would be even more frustrating if after all this you didn't see them and she just bitched about it forever.
Can I bitch even though it's not Monday? My MIL is driving me nuts, I am soooooo angry! (Sorry, step-MIL) Normally she doesn't get on my nerves as I have a great relationship with her but I'm just fed up.
She messages me yesterday saying that they are going to be down from the 28th - 3rd but that she's "not feeling well" and "just wants to stay put." So they will be staying about an hour and a half from us. Now while we still see the person they are staying with as family, technically she's not. She's my FIL's brothers ex-wife. So ... I'm not going to stay with my kids but ... anyways. It was the 21st ... and you just know that you're not going to be feeling well on the 28th? A FULL WEEK away?! While I was fuming about it I realized that she said this exact same thing last year. It seems to be her "go-to" excuse to not really care about anyone else's schedule. (Actually, last year my Mom and I were actually concerned there might be something wrong with her that she wasn't telling us but that turned out to not be the case) Then I reminisced about last year when she turned down Christmas dinner with my family (our parents know and like each other) and then turned down the invitation to come to my birthday dinner as well.
I'm sorry that you're not feeling well but I'm growing a human so NEITHER AM I! I am tired 24/7. I do not want to drive an hour and a half both ways. The part that pisses me off the most is that they are on a 3 week holiday. Do you know what I get? 2 days! 2 ... FREAKING ... DAYS! The 23rd and the 26th and only because I booked them off. She tells me she's going to their old town to bottle wine. I'm sorry, what?! You can go there to bottle wine but you can''t make the extra minuscule drive to my house?! Then she asks if we can get together that day, on the 3rd. Again, I work! And so does my husband! It must be nice to get a 3 week holiday then expect everyone else who has to work during that time, to come to you.
To top it off, my cousins are going to be here from the US at the same time (I'm in Canada) and I get to see them maybe once a year if I'm lucky. Plus next weekend is my birthday so my family is going to want to get together and do something as well. How am I supposed to fit cousins, in-law's and my birthday into a measly weekend? I very much enjoy my weekends these days. I need them to recharge for the week. Again. Growing a human = exhausting.
UGH! I AM STILL SO ANGRY!!! After this incident I have noticed this trend where everything is done on her schedule. I'm also quite pissed off that they aren't staying with us. They only ever have once. We have a beautiful, brand new home and when they're here they have their own room (with an actual bed, not an air mattress) and they get the main bath to themselves as we have an ensuite. I just don't get it. I have half a mind to tell her that we are too busy and can't come. *angry*face*
I have a few family members that ONLY get together on their terms. Zero compromise. I quit bending over backward because the relationship seemed to be 'a one way street'. Now we see each other once every few months....and they live in the SAME TOWN as us!!!!! Some people are just so selfish. In sorry you have to deal with this.
If my father asks me one more time if he can post things on FB and then has a hissy fit when I say no, I might end up without a father. Seriously, I get that he's excited because it's his first grandchild, but IT'S NOT YOUR NEWS TO TELL. Let me do this my way and stop getting all bent out of shape that I'm not announcing it to the world yet. Grow the eff up.
Married: 10/13/2013
TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
@stokesm21 what would happen if you just refused to go there and see them? Not saying you should do it I'm just curious if she would bitch about it or just come see you. It would be even more frustrating if after all this you didn't see them and she just bitched about it forever.
I honestly think they wouldn't come see us if I refused and I feel like it would be all her. FIL would probably come himself. He likes seeing us. But thankfully she's not the type to bitch about that kind of stuff. Maybe they don't actually like me and this "great" relationship I have with her is all in my head?! lol DH wasn't impressed when I told him she expected us to drive there. He usually gets a week off but since the holidays are falling on the weekends, rumour at the shop has it that they'll still be working next week so again, we get no time and are still expected to make the trip.
@lfk2013 When I told my family (super early btw) they lost their minds not being able to tell anyone they felt like immediately. Every day it was "but can't I tell yet?". I ended up with a lot of people knowing really early because they just couldn't handle keeping it secret.
Hubby and Me Friends since 2008 Started dating: July 1st, 2013 Engaged: July 1st, 2014 Married: July 1st, 2016 R born: July 8th, 2017 N born: June 30th, 2019 Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022 (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
@kerils - Yeah, my parents haven't been able to keep their mouths shut to their friends. I'm ok with that, as long as nothing is put on social media before we're ready. I only have to put up with his constant complaining for 2 more days.
Married: 10/13/2013
TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
Re: Monday Bitchfest 12/19
CP 3/2019
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
This morning I was up wicked early and couldn't sleep. Then I realized the nausea was coming on, and rushed into the kitchen for my morning cereal. DUDE HAD FINISHED THE MILK LAST NIGHT. I was so mad I cried.
It was because the arrangement they made with the condo property manager differed from the actual condo parking bylaws. We had the association reimburse us for the tow, but it was incredibly frustrating experience.
DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
Well he gets to the post office today and freaks out about the line and says he doesn't have time to wait.
So I printed the label, and setup the pickup for tomorrow.
Granted it's only a day later than it would have been but who in their right mind doesn't know the post office is going to be jam packed the week before Christmas?!
Edit because my iPhone randomly capitalizes words and it sucks.
I'm bitching about myself today. I just can't seem to be happy with this pregnancy. If I feel horrible, I'm convinced it's because something is wrong with the baby. If I feel great, I'm convinced something is wrong with the baby. I'm worried about gaining too much weight and never losing it, AND not gaining any. I'm worried about getting too many vitamins and not getting enough. I have to calm down, I'm driving myself nuts.
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
edited: actually I forgot I backed into the garage yesterday so I need to fix a cracked bumper first
CP 3/2019
CP 3/2019
Married August 2016
TTC #1 September 2016
BFP 10/31/16
EDD 7/16/17
She messages me yesterday saying that they are going to be down from the 28th - 3rd but that she's "not feeling well" and "just wants to stay put." So they will be staying about an hour and a half from us. Now while we still see the person they are staying with as family, technically she's not. She's my FIL's brothers ex-wife. So ... I'm not going to stay with my kids but ... anyways. It was the 21st ... and you just know that you're not going to be feeling well on the 28th? A FULL WEEK away?! While I was fuming about it I realized that she said this exact same thing last year. It seems to be her "go-to" excuse to not really care about anyone else's schedule. (Actually, last year my Mom and I were actually concerned there might be something wrong with her that she wasn't telling us but that turned out to not be the case) Then I reminisced about last year when she turned down Christmas dinner with my family (our parents know and like each other) and then turned down the invitation to come to my birthday dinner as well.
I'm sorry that you're not feeling well but I'm growing a human so NEITHER AM I! I am tired 24/7. I do not want to drive an hour and a half both ways. The part that pisses me off the most is that they are on a 3 week holiday. Do you know what I get? 2 days! 2 ... FREAKING ... DAYS! The 23rd and the 26th and only because I booked them off. She tells me she's going to their old town to bottle wine. I'm sorry, what?! You can go there to bottle wine but you can''t make the extra minuscule drive to my house?! Then she asks if we can get together that day, on the 3rd. Again, I work! And so does my husband! It must be nice to get a 3 week holiday then expect everyone else who has to work during that time, to come to you.
To top it off, my cousins are going to be here from the US at the same time (I'm in Canada) and I get to see them maybe once a year if I'm lucky. Plus next weekend is my birthday so my family is going to want to get together and do something as well. How am I supposed to fit cousins, in-law's and my birthday into a measly weekend? I very much enjoy my weekends these days. I need them to recharge for the week. Again. Growing a human = exhausting.
UGH! I AM STILL SO ANGRY!!! After this incident I have noticed this trend where everything is done on her schedule. I'm also quite pissed off that they aren't staying with us. They only ever have once. We have a beautiful, brand new home and when they're here they have their own room (with an actual bed, not an air mattress) and they get the main bath to themselves as we have an ensuite. I just don't get it. I have half a mind to tell her that we are too busy and can't come. *angry*face*
Met: 08/2001 ~ Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
I don't even mind meeting up. It's her lack of compromise that's driving me nuts. "I'm not feeling well so you drive 1.5 hours away and come see me." And you're right. I'm sure she will be all over the city when she's here and not actually cooped up in his Aunt's home for 7 days. I even told her I have no time off and that didn't seem to affect her position any. *sigh*
Met: 08/2001 ~ Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
Met: 08/2001 ~ Dating: 07/2004 ~ Engaged: 11/2009 ~ Married: 06/2011
TTC: Since 09/16 ~ BFP 10/28/16 ~ EDD 7/5/17
Team Pink * Canadian Bumpie
Friends since 2008
Started dating: July 1st, 2013
Engaged: July 1st, 2014
Married: July 1st, 2016
R born: July 8th, 2017
N born: June 30th, 2019
Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
(maybe I only ovulate in October XD)