How far along are you?
How big is baby? And if you know, what is the sex?
Appointments this week?
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
Re: Friday Ticker Change (12/16)
17 weeks!
A pomegranate (or a large order of McDonald's fries...mmmmmm....)
Feeling baby squirm!
Shout out to State Farm for being awesome about replacing our car seat after last week's car accident (I posted about it somewhere- car was totaled, everyone's okay). They have been awesome. I also was able to find a woman who teaches car seat safety who needed our type of car seat for her demos, so our old one won't go to waste! Winning. Another car related note- I got a Hyundai Santa Fe this week, and I am in love.
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
Oh far as shows go, at different ages, I was really into the shows on TGIF (Full House, Step By Step, Boy Meets World) and SNICK (Are You Afraid of the Dark, Clarissa Explains it All, Alex Mack, etc). I'm nto sure I could pick a favorite. Subject in school was, and has always been, english/lit. Toys- I was pretty obsessed with my Tamagotchi for a long while.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
This is a crazy question! Hmm. I was a big Barbie girl, but I also loved to play outside. I liked all subjects in school and anything Disney channel.
@kayemjay2 I'm so sorry about your wreck, but I'm so glad to hear everyone and everything turned out alright! That is so amazing that they replaced your car seat!
The size of a banana or a paper airplane. We are team green, so it's a surprise! Only ~20 weeks left and we will find out. At first I thought it was boy but now I'm strongly thinking girl.
AS was on Monday. I have some anxieties about it but only because our process is to have the tech take measurements, send the info to the radiologist, and then the radiologist sends a report to the primary care provider (midwife in my case). Anyways, I have an appointment with my midwife on 12/21 and she will share the results then. I'm assuming there is nothing immediately concerning.
Still dealing with morning sickness and get so sick when I don't take my diclectin. Guess I'm staying on it the entire pregnancy. My mom had the same issue when she was pregnant with me, MS the entire time!
Rave: We got to see LO on Monday! That was exciting!
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
I was a pretty quiet kid. I had few friends and mostly enjoyed sticking to myself (still do!). I loved to read and was reading basically any chance I got, so naturally English was a favourite subject. I also enjoyed spending time with the friends that I did spend time with. We would often make up dances to songs and perform
them for friends and family. I was in dance classes as a child and I'm the most uncoordinated person ever, props to me for having the confidence to display my serious lack of coordination! I did typical "girl" things like play dolls and house and barbies but also was quite the tomboy. I loved catching frogs and turtles, playing in the bush behind our house and building tree forts, riding bikes, making mud pies, etc. We also used to go looking to catch snapping turtles, which looking back was so dangerous but we loved it!
Me: 26 DH: 28
TTC #1 since 06/2014
BFP #1 09/23/15. MMC discovered 11/24/2015
BFP #2 08/24/16 EDD 05/08/17
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
I watched Wizard of Oz daily, or more than once a day, for several years in a row. I would pretend my name was different, and if someone called me by my given name, I would ignore it. I always loved Barbie dolls.
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
Show: Rugrats then Full House
Subject: Music or English
Toys: Barbies
Random: I loved artsy stuff and find myself doing a lot of crafts with DD.
Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
Favourite Shows: Full House, Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Subjects in School: English, Art and Social Studies
Toys: Barbies, A Lion King Doll, and Crafts
Random Fact about my Childhood: I was the only girl, with a brother and all boy cousins growing up so I played a lot of video games and did a lot of traditionally "guy" stuff, but still managed to turn out kinda girly. I think this is really going to motivate me to try not to enforce strong gender roles on my kids
Children: 1 (girl, 3 years)
TTTC #1 since April 2015, Started Treatment Dec 2015
5 Cycles of IF treatment until BFP! (IUI, Gonal-F, Letrozole)
Born: May 22, 2017
TTTC #2 since September 2020, Currently in Testing phase
19 weeks!
A Gameboy, 2.0 is a boy.
I'm having some pain. I think it's RLP, but it's not going away. Other than that just exhaustion.
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!)
Show: hmm I can't think of a favorite
School: History
Toys: When I was 8 my family chipped in and bought me an American Girl Doll, Felicity. I still have her (she isn't in great shape though ha)
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!) I was super into playing baby dolls and dreaming of being a mommy some day, haha. I learned how to read at 3, and I loved it (still do!). I always marked well above my grade level for reading comprehension. I loved watching like My Little Pony, Care bears, Gummi Bears . I also had a few American Girl Dolls along with all kinds of accessories including an American Girl Doll Figure skating outfit (yes, I figure skated).
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
How big is baby? And if you know, what is the sex? Artichoke. We don't know sex and are leaning towards not finding out.
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! I was also a big fan of TGIF, Saved by the Bell, and 90210. I liked Barbies and playing school as a kid.
GTKY: Things about you as a kid! What was your favorite show(s)? Subject in school? Type of toys you played with? And anything random that comes to mind! (stolen from Thursday's!) I loved Full House, Saved by the Bell for shows. My favorite subject in school was social studies/history. When I was little I played a lot of Barbies, played house, played school (I was the teacher and made my younger siblings be my students), and read a lot. I also played outside a ton.
BFP #1 10/8/13, EDD 6/4/14, DS #1 6/9/14
BFP #2 5/1/16, EDD 12/16/16, MMC 5/27/16
BFP #3 8/29/16, EDD 5/5/17, DS #2 5/11/17
BFP #4 2/28/21, EDD 11/9/21