March 2017 Moms

Thursday Ticker Change - 12/15

This is for those of us with the following due dates:  March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th.

How far along are you?

How big is baby?

Upcoming appointments this week?

Any new symptoms or changes?


GTKY: What, if anything, have you purchased for baby so far?
DS 12.02.11

Pregnancy Ticker

Re: Thursday Ticker Change - 12/15

  • How far along are you? 26 weeks

    How big is baby? Kale, bowling pin, eggplant, coconut

    Upcoming appointments this week? I have a checkup on Tuesday at which time the doctor will order my glucose test. Then I'll be going every two weeks. That's crazy to me. 

    Any new symptoms or changes? I'm actually feeling pretty good! The bump has definitely grown over the past two weeks. I'm hoping I can get through 3rd tri without having to size up in maternity tops. It's going to be a close call. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I have to go through the bins of DS's clothes and decide what to keep. There are so. many. I was out of control with that. Some stuff still has the tags on. 

    GTKY: What, if anything, have you purchased for baby so far? I already have a boy at home, so I don't think we need much in the way of clothes (see above), but I bought this baby a new take home outfit, hat and lovie. That's about it. We're nailing down furniture choices, but will need to get the room cleaned out before we can actually buy anything. 
    DS 12.02.11

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 27 weeks, or technically 27+5

    How big is baby? Lettuce, bunch of bananas

    Upcoming appointments this week? Have one this afternoon with the other midwife. I met one of them at the last appt 4 weeks ago, so I get to meet the second one today. So happy to be a midwife patient! 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Heartburn! I've never experienced it before so I had no idea what it felt like, and my husband finally clued me in to what the issue was after I complained for so long. Man is it uncomfortable! I know that there's the old wives tale of having heartburn because of baby having hair, but my son had a head full of hair and I never experienced that with him. Hoping to get a prescription/recommendation on what to take today.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: my parents were kind enough to buy us a new crib, plus the conversion rails to make a full size bed down the road, crib bedding, mattress, and matching hamper. They know that my husband and I can afford these things, but they still choose to help us. I'm eternally grateful to them!

    GTKY: What, if anything, have you purchased for baby so far? Besides the crib stuff that my parents got, we haven't bought anything ourselves. Waiting on the completion discount on Amazon.
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  • How far along are you? 25 weeks

    How big is baby? Cauliflower

    Upcoming appointments this week? None til January 

    Any new symptoms or changes? Same old ones, tired, middle of the night heartburn and more effort is needed to pick stuff up from the floor :) 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Baby has been moving around a lot which is cool but some days it's a lot less and it always sends me on high alert. 

    GTKY: What, if anything, have you purchased for baby so far? I purposely purchased mostly gender neutral items for my daughter so we are just going to reuse most of her stuff for this baby boy. I did buy him a new mini crib instead of using my daughters standard crib. Also some little boy clothes. So weird getting them when you are use to buying little girl clothes. 

    @kiyamurph I take two Tums when heartburn wakes me up in the middle of the night. When I was pregnant with my daughter my OBGYN told me Zantac was fine to take. When I got further along into the 3rd trimester and Tums wasn't cutting it anymore I switched to Zantac and it was great. 
  • How far along are you? 29 wks

    How big is baby? Acorn squash

    Upcoming appointments this week? No

    Any new symptoms or changes? Just bigger which means harder to walk, sweat in uncomfortable places, clothes not fitting

    Rants/Raves/Questions? I'm so ready to be gone from work I have a countdown to my maternity leave

    GTKY: What, if anything, have you purchased for baby so far? I pretty much have everything from last baby except I didn't stock up on diapers as I am having a diaper raffle at my shower
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