How far along are you (OR how old is baby)? 38 weeks.
How big is baby? The size of an actual baby. At my appointment on Tuesday, my OB estimated about 8 lbs.
How are you feeling? Exhausted. I am getting random small pains here and there today, but nothing major. I am just tired.
What's going on this week? Had my weekly appointment on Tuesday. Everything is looking fine besides that I am still measuring large. So I have another u/s on Monday. Otherwise, I am at work trying to focus. I have a counseling appointment for my anxiety tonight. Then tomorrow I am meeting my friend for dinner to get my oils that she ordered for me. Maybe we will clean the house since my brothers get into town next weekend.
Rants/Raves/Questions: I am tired of the pharmacy worth of pills I take on a daily basis just to function. Today I don't feel like being a nice person. Like I just want to go to sleep and ignore people because I have a feeling they'll just tick me off. I feel huge, and am tired of people asking when I am due/is the baby out yet. Mind your own business, I'll let you know when you need to know!
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Going to the movies! We did it as a family growing up, and my DH and I have continued it for the past four years. I have a feeling it won't be happening this year and it makes me sad. Last year was Star Wars, then the three years before that were the Hobbit movies. We would wake up, eat a nice big breakfast and open gifts, then relax/nap/watch movies together, get dinner started in the crock pots, go to the movies, then eat a big dinner. It was great.
Big enough to be evicted but according to my appointment yesterday she is in no rush. Still 50% effaced and 1 cm dilated, no change from last week
How are you feeling?
large and ready to not be pregnant anymore! random sciatic pain at night, awful acid reflex, lower back pain.
What's going on this week?
I'm resorting to plan B which is crowd her out by stuffing my face with christmas cookies. Ultrasound and next appointment on Monday. Apparently my doc wouldn't induce until 10 days post due date. I'm really hoping it doesn't come to that but if I reach Dec 18th still pregnant, give me alllllll the drugs.
I dislike being on maternity leave without a baby. It feels like a waste. My job is very physically and emotionally exhausting so there is no way I could be working right now anyway, but still.... Hurry up kid!
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Baking christmas cookies with my mom to deliver to the police and firemen working on christmas. My family has a ton of christmas traditions, I can't wait to share them with my daughter.
No idea, TB says btwn 6.2-9.2 lbs. US at wk 35 guesstimated she was 5.7 lbs so maybe she's around 7.
How are you feeling?
Not quite as irritable as I was yesterday (thankfully!). Getting more used to getting up more often in the night. Bump looks huge!
What's going on this week?
Working from home, slowly trying to make some progress with what we have left, like putting rock n play together, getting baby clothes put away. Maybe we'll put the tree up this weekend. Oh and we have a pediatrician tour and car seat check, so hope baby stays put until close to her DD.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition?Dinner @ my parents house. Hope we can make it there next year.
How far along are you (OR how old is baby)? 37 weeks. Early term, baby!
How big is baby? Winter squash, Zach Morris' phone.
How are you feeling? Decent. My daily walks leave me super sore and exhausted, but by the time 2 p.m. rolls around the next day, I'm fine enough to go out again. Other than that, no contractions or anything, just the occasional BH.
What's going on this week? Waiting to hear back on my GBS results, and on Monday the midwife comes for her home visit!
Rants/Raves/Questions: Nothing. Just very anxious and kind of in denial about how far along I am.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Opening PJ's on Christmas Eve! Tied with my sister and I waking up early and opening our stockings, but that one doesn't happen anymore
Me: 31 | DH: 31
Together since 2003 | Married 2010 TTC #1 January 2016 BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016 Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017
TTC#2 March 2018 BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
How far along are you (OR how old is baby)? He's 2 weeks and 5 days - and today is my due date!
How big is baby? At his appointment last Friday he was 5 lbs 11 oz - we go back in a few weeks so I'm excited to see what he'll be then.
How are you feeling? Pretty good. The C section recovery is going well, at this point I'm just tired.
What's going on this week? My mom left on Tuesday so now I feel like my maternity leave "officially" started. So far so good!
Rants/Raves/Questions: I think this weekend we're going to take DS to target! I didn't think I'd take him out so soon, but I can envision myself going stir crazy. I want DH to help the first time I take him out before I go solo.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? My mom always puts together awesome stockings for me and my siblings and I can't wait to do it for Harvey (probably next year).
How far along are you (OR how old is baby)? 41 weeks!
How big is baby? Too big. Come out now.
How are you feeling? More contractions over the past 2 days and some back pain making me a little more uncomfortable. Hoping it's a good sign.
What's going on this week? I was supposed to be induced today but decided to postpone if my doctor would let me. We had a BPP this morning and it was great so we are going to postpone until Monday 11/12. My doctor said that's the absolute latest she's comfortable with me going. The good news is that she's also the doctor on call that day so she would do my induction (if it came to that).
Rants/Raves/Questions: Nope
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? I don't know if we necessarily have any traditions other than getting together as a family. Hoping our family will make some of our own.
How far along are you (OR how old is baby)? 38 weeks
How big is baby? They didn't give me an estimated weight at my appt, TB says a "winter melon", whatever that is.
How are you feeling? Exhausted, achey, grumpy.....I hate that all I want to do is complain about something that I am so excited about. I'm just sooooo uncomfortable.
What's going on this week? I had an appt Tuesday with my OB, which turned into an 8 hour ordeal of me getting a surprise growth scan ultrasound, being put on the fetal monitor and then send to L&D triage for more monitoring/tests/ultrasounds. All of it was them being EXTREMELY cautious because my BP has been fluctuating into the high range, but better safe than sorry. Everything turned out normal, so that's all that matters.
Rants/Raves/Questions: I'm also tired of the "when are you due" questions. And I'm frustrated with being in limbo about when I should start leave. My doctor said "sooner rather than later" to get me to just relax and keep my BP down, but then she said she isn't sure if it will ever stay consistently high which means the baby will come when it decides to, which could be later than my due date. My biggest fear is "wasting" my leave with no baby for weeks. I'm monitoring my BP every day and deciding each morning what I do based off of that. The planner in me is going crazy, but at least I have options.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday tradition? Watching all of the old Christmas shows I watched as a kid. Rudolph, The Grinch (cartoon), etc.
Me: 39 DH: 36 Married: Sept 2018 DS: December 2016 #2 EDD Feb 2020
Re: Thursday Ticker Change 12/8
Baking christmas cookies with my mom to deliver to the police and firemen working on christmas. My family has a ton of christmas traditions, I can't wait to share them with my daughter.
Getting more used to getting up more often in the night. Bump looks huge!
TTC #1 January 2016
BFP April 18 2016 | EDD December 29, 2016
Welcome baby A! January 9, 2017
TTC#2 March 2018
BFP March 30, 2018 | EDD December 12, 2018
Me: 39 DH: 36
Married: Sept 2018
DS: December 2016
#2 EDD Feb 2020