June 2017 Moms


Anyone else extremely moody/irritable? I find myself going from one end of the spectrum to the other quickly - haha. I hope my hormones steady out some soon! (14 w, 2 d).

Re: Moods

  • Me! I rode the struggle bus all day today. I woke up with a headache and it just never ended. Work was stressful and I just found myself being completely irritated with everything (and everyone)! Normally, work is stressful and I just roll with the punches, but today was not my day. I couldn't get out of there fast enough, I left five minutes early. 
  • I'm the most moody I've ever been in my life! I know I'm driving my husband crazy, and my poor students. Today, I was instructing and someone asked a question.. The tone that came out of my mouth was ridiculous. I had to stop and apologize. I know I'm moody, but it's so hard to control.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • I was very irritable up until this week.  Now, I'm less likely to snap at someone, but I've cried twice in 3 days over a problem that wasn't really a problem and an issue that I pretty much invented in my head.  I'm not entirely sure which situation is better/worse.
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