July 2017 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday 12/6

I noticed nobody has started this thread today so hope it's ok I'm just going for it. 

My husband has been a real twatwaffle. I've been feeling like total crap and he's been zero help. Doesn't even want to hear me complain without getting all 'why are we having another baby then??' Am I not allowed to complain without implying, in his mind, that I don't want this baby?? I'm just venting you idiot. 

Yesterday was my 28th birthday and while we never make a big deal out of birthdays, I would have liked some help. Like maybe take over making dinner since he knows how difficult that has been for me. Or maybe do the dishes after? Or maybe take over one of the several times our daughter is waking up overnight all of a sudden??? Bah. Had a horrible birthday. 

I feel better getting that out lol. So who's been a twatwaffle for you? 
BFP May 2013 - MMC at 8 weeks
BFP September 2013 - MMC at 12 weeks
BFP February 2014 - early loss/CP at 4.5 weeks
BFP May 2014 - MMC/ complete molar pregnancy at 11 weeks
BFP December 2015 - DD born 8/18/2015
BFP November 2016 - pending...

Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday 12/6

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    @yellow1daisy What the heck to your DH?!?! So not cool. But, happy {belated} birthday!!!

    I initially posted this morning in Monday Bitchfest, but now that this is up I decided to move it over here. My TW is Mother Nature. DH was supposed to come home from a 5 day, 4 night out of state assignment today, but since mother nature decided to friggen white out the state of North Dakota, he's snowed in until at least tomorrow, maybe even Thursday or Friday since 80% of the roads are shut down. I like my alone time but damn, I want my husband home!

    Me: 30 DH: 30
    Dating: 12/21/2001
    Married: 09/08/2012
    TTC: 09/2016
    BFP: 11/16/2016 EDD: 07/27/2017
    Baby Fish born: 08/01/2017

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    @yellow1daisy Ugh - Sometimes husband's just don't get it! I'm sorry.

    But my twatwaffle is one of DH's friends who I'm friends with on FB. I would call her a one-upper. My DS and her youngest or only a few weeks apart and I'll post something on my FB and she'll comment with "well this is what my DS is doing" and from foods my DS doensn't like (but her DS "loves" and hoping my DS will "come around") to milestones (e.g. my son started cruising - but hers was walking and she posted a picture of it on MY FB). I finally sent her a message about it, and told her how it hurt my feelings and how I would love to share in her DS's accomplishments, but I didn't think my FB wasn't the forum for that, that maybe she should post this stuff on her FB (bc NONE of it is on her FB). Her response didn't seem very sincere, "it will haunt me that I have offended you", but I'll take what I can get. As long as the message was clear. 
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    My TW is my freaking slow company. I am trying to change dept at work, I had an interview last Monday and have heard nothing since. I realize I shouldn't be surprised since it took 3 weeks from my interview to request a background check and a month after that to give an offer when I initally hired on with the company, but sheesh.
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    @Yellow_Daisy ugh I hate the attitude of "you wanted this baby now you have to be happy the WHOLE time." 

    @VMonte I literally cannot comprehend the compare parents. Compare everything! Why? The smallest things like they get overly proud of their kid weighs a half pound more than yours. I have a cousin who does this. It really hurts my feelings because I thought our kids would be great friends, but instead I feel like I am having to defend my kid from judgement the whole time we are together (and there's nothing to judge! He's a healthy, happy and brilliant child). My cousin needs to constantly compare how much more independent her daughter is because she is in daycare. Ok then. Good for you on calling her out, I will never have that courage! 
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    @yellow1daisy My hubby is in the same boat as yours. He doesn't want to lift a damn finger to help and has had the balls to call me selfish. From the looks of it being a single mom of three is sounding more appealing than staying married. And becoming more possible with each day if he keeps this shit up.
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    @yellow1daisy Happy belated birthday!!!  Sorry isn't wasn't the day you wanted!  Hope you can make up for it with something fun this weekend.
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    My TW today was my office printer.  It took me most of my work day to get it to print one sheet of labels.  ONE #<>#*{~ sheet!

    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    So it's Wednesday, but I had my first true Twatwaffle experience today. I should preface this by saying that my husband and I currently live in a double block with my parents on one side and us on the other. We weren't planning on staying here much past this winter, but I got pregnant, and we figured we should wait until the baby is a bit older to move. Anyways, my grandmother came to check on my parents dogs  (and often comes down anyways) since my parents are away for my dad to get surgery. She proceeded to not only come into my house, but to come all the way up into my bedroom and wake me up to see if I was ok. Apparently I have to lock my own family out of my bedroom, and possibly my house. I figured being 23, married, and pregnant was enough but I guess not. Serious invasiojn of privacy, and on one of the worst days of m/s I have had, that was very much unwanted, unjustified, and superiority annoying. Now I'm awake, probably going to have to struggle through trying to eat again, and super annoyed. I know she meant the best, but come on!! I was upstairs in my bedroom with the door shut, and everything downstairs off!! 
    Hubby and Me
    Friends since 2008
    Started dating: July 1st, 2013
    Engaged: July 1st, 2014
    Married: July 1st, 2016
    R born: July 8th, 2017
    N born: June 30th, 2019
    Baby #3 Due: July 7th, 2022
    (maybe I only ovulate in October XD)
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