Our sweet girl, Grace, was born on Monday, November 28, at 3:16 am.
As I posted in other threads, I was having contractions that were not painful about 5 minutes apart from Friday through Sunday. We even went in to L&D Saturday night to get checked out, but after three hours they sent us home. We had a lazy Sunday, just hanging out at home. Went to bed around 8:30 and woke up with a start at 9:15 because my water broke. I told DH, "My water just broke," and he asked me if I was sure I wasn't just dreaming and maybe I had just peed a little. I just looked at him and said, "No, my water just broke everywhere" and pulled the sheets back and showed him. I was soaked. Luckily I had put down a puppy pad and towel, and that caught most of it. I was able to gather the towel up and go sit on the toilet for a few minutes. Then I told him I was taking a shower (because I actually needed a shower... I hadn't showered that day). As soon as I got in the shower, painful contractions started, lasting about 45 seconds and were about 3 minutes apart. When I got out, we called our parents to tell them we were heading to the hospital.
When we got to the hospital, I got checked in and into a L&D room. My contractions were about 2 minutes apart and lasting about 1 minute each, and it was getting intense. By the time they got me into a bed to get hooked up and check my cervix, I was having to focus and breathe through each contraction. They said I was at 3 cm and that baby girl was facing forward, instead of backwards. I remember being very irritated that they kept asking me all the intake questions and having me sign forms as I was laboring so hard. At that point, I had my eyes closed and was just focusing on breathing, and the next couple hours were kind of a blur. The contractions were pretty much on top of each other. Even in between contractions, I was not able to fully relax. I remember being mad that the lady that taught out birth class lied- she said only 1/3 of labor is actually contractions, the rest is the time in between. This was absolutely not what was going on for me! I finally asked for an epidural (which was never something I had wanted) because I didn't know how much longer I could keep going.
When the anesthesiologist got there, they had me sit on the edge of the bed, which was super painful. As he was cleaning off my back, I felt like I had to push. I told the nurse, and she said, "You can't push yet, he's about to do the epidural." I couldn't keep my back rounded enough so the first shot at the epidural missed and he had to do it again. The whole time, I had to fight not to push. He finally got the epidural in and they checked my cervix again and I was fully dilated. I heard later that the anesthesiologist told the nurse he wouldn't had given me an epidural if he knew I was fully dilated. (I wouldn't have asked for it if I had known how far along I was.) After the epidural, I had to wait another 15 minutes for the doctor to get there. Finally after an hour of trying not to push, my OB got there and it was show time. I pushed for just over an hour.
Grace was born at 3:16 am, exactly six hours after my water broke. DH got to cut her cord, which I guess was thicker than usual. They also told me later that it had been wrapped around her neck once. I have a second degree tear, so quite a few stitches. Baby has a different blood type than I do, so they have been keeping a close eye on her bilirubin levels (which are all looking good!). We stayed Monday night in the hospital and got home Tuesday afternoon. The dogs are adjusting well.
DH has been so amazing. I could never have imagined how wonderful he was going to be as a daddy. He has been more patient and loving with both me and baby girl than I have ever seen him.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some details, but overall I had a good labor and delivery. Recovery is going well and breastfeeding is slowly getting better. We feel so blessed!
Re: JandD2014 birth story
My Wedding Bio!
Due December 27th with baby #7
DS: 12/20/16
EDD: 11/29/18
BFP1 04/24/2015 EDD Dec 2015 MMC 10W5d;
BFP 2 09/25/2015 EDD June 2016 MMC 9wks;
BFP 3 03/22/2016 EDD Dec 6th 2016