Yesterday was DH's birthday so we went to dinner with his mom/stepdad and we told them we were expecting. He texted his sister a picture of our US. They all seem happy I put up our tree, and wrapped what Christmas gifts we do have. Today we need to do grocery shopping, cook food, and watch the Steeler's game.
I was working friday night into saturday morning so I spent yesterday napping and recovering lol. Today we're going out for lunch and then doing some light grocery shopping. My husband said he would make me cupcakes because I was craving them yesterday but I think now I want cookies lol
TTC history in spoiler
Me: 31 Him: 37 Married: Oct 2015 Baby G born June 2017 TTC#2: July 2018 BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19 BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
DH and I dropped our kids off with my dad went Christmas shopping. It was nice to have a couple of hours with just us two and we are almost entirely finished with Christmas shopping. Today we will hang out at his parents be watch the Broncos play. DH is on graves this week so he has to go into work at 8 tonight. Today is also my moms birthday and the 6th one that she hasn't been here for so I'll definitely be eating lots of cake and drinking too much orange Fanta in her memory. Maybe I'll watch some home movies with my kids just so they can get to "know" her
Edit because bump ate my post
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
DD started walking yesterday! She's been able to take steps without support for like a month but last night it's like she realized she's actually walking and she started going back and forth in our living room until bedtime.
Other than that this pregnancy is hitting hard. First time around I barely felt pregnant but now I'm fatigued, depressed, loss of appetite, nausea, feel out of breath... Just a mess.
We had DH's company Christmas party last night. Most people at my husbands work dislike him immensely but there are a few really good guys he likes, one of them I have seen a few times dropping off my husband or stopping by for one reason or another - he was always funny and nice. Tonight at the party he was completely off - one word responses and couldn't hold a conversation. Some of the guys were being total dicks and making jokes and doing stupid crap like throwing sugar packets (I am talking middle school antics) I was pretty concerned and upset - I found out on the ride home he was overmedicated, apparently he is taking medicine for paranoia/anxiety and his doctors had been adjusting his dosage and overdid it for the past few weeks and lately he was almost zombie like and the guys thought it was hilarious to make a joke of him. It pissed me off all last night and today still. These are grown men.
We bought our Christmas tree yesterday morning. Then we did some volunteer work and collected food for the San Diego Food Bank. Then we took the girls to this amazing event in the city called December Nights at Balboa Park. We walked around, had all kinds of yummy food, went through the San Diego Natural History museum and the girls went zip lining! It was pretty amazing! This morning we are laying low, heading to church soon and we will decorate our Christmas tree this afternoon.
Jenn, mama to Big K (6/05) and Little K (5/07) and stepmama to Midde K (11/05)
I ran/walked a 5k yesterday for a school thing and survived! Yay! Other than that I've just been relaxing. DH worked nights this weekend although when he wake up I'm hoping to convince him to give me a back rub
Yesterday was a laundry/cleaning/organizing kind of day for me. I cleaned the whole first floor (including mopping all floors) and organized a ton in the basement. Also the toilet in the kids bathroom upstairs broke so we had a plumber come and replace the toilet. And a neighbors 2 oak trees finally let go of most of the leaves, unfortunately a lot of them fall into our back yard so I spent a lot of the day helping DH pick up the leaves. Thank goodness it hasn't snowed yet! The weather has been oddly warmer so some trees are still holding onto leaves for dear life! I feel like I'll be raking into January! Then in the evening I met up with 2 of my siblings and we all had a family dinner with all the kids and spouses.
Today is a chill day. DH is still working on picking up leaves and I'm in my robe, and planning on not doing too much other than some laundry and Christmas movie watching with the kiddos.
Oh, @osucma. We can't be friends. Ravens household here!
I'm putting the kids down for a nap, then going to try to nap myself. Then I have to pack and head down to D.C. for a conference until Wednesday. Three nights of no waking for the kids and no DH snoring to contend with. I will miss them but I'm going to enjoy the rest.
Yesterday was DH's birthday so we went to dinner with his mom/stepdad and we told them we were expecting. He texted his sister a picture of our US. They all seem happy I put up our tree, and wrapped what Christmas gifts we do have. Today we need to do grocery shopping, cook food, and watch the Steeler's game.
Also a Steeler fan! Trying to get some stuff done so I can just relax and watch the game.
We had guest visiting town or obligations every weekend in November so this weekend has been catching up on some housework, Christmas shopping, and spending time together. Last night we went to the symphony- they have this great program where they show a movie and play the score. Last night the movie was Home Alone. It was so fun!
Had our first appointment yesterday, and then randomly decided to drive down to Denver. We spent the whole day window shopping at Babies 'R' Us and the mall and didn't buy a single thing, and it was awesome! I love doing random, 'pointless' stuff like that with my husband. We saw the Santa's village set up and a huge line waiting to see him. I didn't celebrate Christmas (or any holiday, for that matter) as a kid, so seeing the itty bitties waiting in line with their parents made me cry real tears.
I'm home alone today, my husband has to work, so I'm having a quiet day to myself. I will probably do some dishes, write some curriculum for the next few weeks, and just chill. It's going to be wonderful. Love!
My sister in law took my son to the parade of lights in Denver last night and then he had a sleep over at their house. My husband and I spent the night Christmas shopping. The rest just needs to be done online! Pretty much done otherwise.
Today wentto church, watching football, and then a church function this evening
Our washer bit the big one, so I'm over at MIL's doing laundry. Ugh. We had a very uneventful weekend. It snowed yesterday and my DH and some friends sat around a bonfire, I pigged out on Taco Bell and watched cooking shows because both my children went to sleep at 7:30!
Me (K)-27 DH (T)-30 2 Rainbow DDs L-10/26/10 and A-03/27/14 2 Angels- 10/26/09 and 02/03/15 Surprise BFP on 10/25/16!!! Baby Firecracker is due on 07/02/17!
We went to meet Santa at the aquarium Christmas party. DD wasn't really having it- I just figured we'd get a quick hilarious picture of her mad as heck but creepy Santa insisted I sit on his lap with her.
Dh and I had the weekend to ourselves. We even rented a hotel room! What did we do? Well I fell asleep at 6 and he caught up on his ghost show until 11:30 (super late for him). He said it was bc we were so relaxed not worring about putting a toddler to bed or having him climb on us more specifically me all day. But I did get all the gifts wrapped and st nick ready before we left.
@hqinmd I told DH about your post and he said I certainly cannot be friends with you. lol. Though I really am not into football. @oheliza44 DH says we can be friends
We put up the Christmas tree and today went out to get a picture with Santa at BassPro Shop.
Not that we watch much football here, but Chiefs fan-which helps round out the AFC a little
***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e****** -m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009 Beautiful daughter born February 2011 **Ultimate TTCALer 2009**
Re: Weekend Randoms
Today we need to do grocery shopping, cook food, and watch the Steeler's game.
Married: Oct 2015
Baby G born June 2017
TTC#2: July 2018
BFP #2: 2/6/19 MC 3/14/19
BFP#3 from IUI #2: 6/30/20 EDD 3/9/21
Edit because bump ate my post
Married: 05/26/2012
DS Born Happy and Healthy via C-section: 10/04/2013
Natural M/C: 07/08/2014
DD Born Happy and Healthy via Emergency C-section: 06/30/2015
BFP #4: 11/15/2016
EDD: 7/27/2017
Other than that this pregnancy is hitting hard. First time around I barely felt pregnant but now I'm fatigued, depressed, loss of appetite, nausea, feel out of breath... Just a mess.
Today is a chill day. DH is still working on picking up leaves and I'm in my robe, and planning on not doing too much other than some laundry and Christmas movie watching with the kiddos.
I'm putting the kids down for a nap, then going to try to nap myself. Then I have to pack and head down to D.C. for a conference until Wednesday. Three nights of no waking for the kids and no DH snoring to contend with. I will miss them but I'm going to enjoy the rest.
Also a Steeler fan! Trying to get some stuff done so I can just relax and watch the game.
We had guest visiting town or obligations every weekend in November so this weekend has been catching up on some housework, Christmas shopping, and spending time together. Last night we went to the symphony- they have this great program where they show a movie and play the score. Last night the movie was Home Alone. It was so fun!
I'm home alone today, my husband has to work, so I'm having a quiet day to myself. I will probably do some dishes, write some curriculum for the next few weeks, and just chill. It's going to be wonderful. Love!
Today wentto church, watching football, and then a church function this evening
Me (K)-27 DH (T)-30
2 Rainbow DDs L-10/26/10 and A-03/27/14
2 Angels- 10/26/09 and 02/03/15
Surprise BFP on 10/25/16!!! Baby Firecracker is due on 07/02/17!
@oheliza44 DH says we can be friends
Not that we watch much football here, but Chiefs fan-which helps round out the AFC a little
-m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
Beautiful daughter born February 2011
**Ultimate TTCALer 2009**