May 2017 Moms

Wednesday Ventsday (WTF Wed)

KMD1106KMD1106 member
edited November 2016 in May 2017 Moms
I'm feeling crappy this morning. Anyone want to commiserate with me? Share your vents here!
May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17


Re: Wednesday Ventsday (WTF Wed)

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    I missed work again on Monday because of a killer migraine. At this point, I need to take an intermittent LOA or risk losing my job. I'm annoyed. Can't I just have ONE pregnancy that's pretty easy to deal with?? Is that so much to ask??
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    Oh, and Dearest is 40 degrees out. There is zero reason to have our AC set to 69 degrees. It can just be turned off now. I won't make you turn on the heater...I'll use blankets. But I will cut off your damn hands if you touch that thermostat again. 
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    I'm just MAD today. People have done some really minor things to annoy me (like a car cutting me off...not even particularly dangerously) and I'm mad.

    Is this thread the same thing as WTF Wednesday? Not that I care but I'm just curious. I hope everyone's days get better.

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    kat81, I forgot about WTF Wednesday! I'd definitely say this is the same idea. I'll add it to the title. 
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

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    Oh, and Dearest is 40 degrees out. There is zero reason to have our AC set to 69 degrees. It can just be turned off now. I won't make you turn on the heater...I'll use blankets. But I will cut off your damn hands if you touch that thermostat again. 
    Oh I am having similar troubles! MH seems to think that the system needs to be running 100% of the time. Over thanksgiving, we had the oven on and it got up to 72 degrees, so instead of opening windows (it was 45 degrees) he turned on THE AC!!! Ugh. It's not free, you know!

    Also, there was construction this morning on my way to school, so I took a different (very minor difference) route, and got so lost.... whoops! At least I wasn't super late...
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    @SparkySunDevil You're in the PHX area too, right? We've had no A/c for a weekish now. We're resisting turning on the heat and just bundling up, but yeah, WAY too cold for the AC!
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    @SparkySunDevil You're in the PHX area too, right? We've had no A/c for a weekish now. We're resisting turning on the heat and just bundling up, but yeah, WAY too cold for the AC!
    Yep! Mesa. The forced air from the heater gives him a I have no problem just bundling up a little. But running the AC is obnoxious at this point. It's freezing for us Arizonans! 
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    @SparkySunDevil You're in the PHX area too, right? We've had no A/c for a weekish now. We're resisting turning on the heat and just bundling up, but yeah, WAY too cold for the AC!
    Yep! Mesa. The forced air from the heater gives him a I have no problem just bundling up a little. But running the AC is obnoxious at this point. It's freezing for us Arizonans! 
    Yea, AC right now is brutal! I'm from Alaska and I'm bundling up and freezing.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    It's my first day back at work in over a week, and I feel like people just tucked problems aside until I got back and could solve them. It's making for a grumpy first day back. 

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
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    Can we change this to WTF/Winning Wednesday? Hearing the positives is so nice and uplifting too!

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    The giant gate I bought on Sunday to keep my 2 year old off the tree is on sale for $20 less this week. I'm not sure if I'm annoyed enough to go back and ask for the difference or if I'm too lazy and will pretend I didn't see the ad about the sale. 

    May '17 labor memes
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    @kayemjay2 Your MIL sounds like the same peach as my MIL! 
    MIL and I never have gotten along. DH is the oldest of 4. All of his siblings have had boys. Not a single girl from them but, DH and I have two girls. Every time one of my SILs gets pregnant MIL very vocally says "I hope it's a girl so I finally have a granddaughter to spoil!" Ummmm you do have TWO right here crazy lady. I know DH really wants a boy since this is our last one, but is it wrong of me to secretly kind of hope it's another girl so I can shove it in MILs face again?! Although then I'll probably be blamed for not giving DH a boy... 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
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    WTF middle of the night hunger pains?! Yesterday it was middle of the night nausea and vomitting, tonight it was hunger pains. I can't win. I just want to sleep! 
    Married 03.09.09
    Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
    Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
    Little Brother Due 05.22.17
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    @h&pmomma - Ugh, that is so frustrating! I'm kind of hoping you have a girl now too...haha. Neither DH nor I had any strong preference, but I'm kind of happy it's a boy just to spite her (and because I was worried that, if we had a girl, she'd show a preference over my sweet DS). With DS, we were Team Green, and she kept insisting that she "just knew" it was a girl. Not going to lie, I was thrilled she was wrong just to avoid the smug "I knew it!"
    Fur daughter: 02/2011
    Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
    *formerly kayemjay*

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    BabyMC517BabyMC517 member
    edited December 2016
    Oh my gosh! I'm so glad this thread is here! This has been the worst week, well maybe not the worst, but one that just keeps adding on the crappy 2016 we have been having! Our dog has been sick off and on late at night since Sunday!! DH has been taking her out for me because we have crazy animals here in Florida around our house ans welll let's face it, he can grab her and run faster than I can at this point! I think she just ate something bad like paper or part of a toy and should be better now that I think she got it up, but she has an appointment for Saturday because she has had stones in her bladder before that required surgery and we can't afford that again and I dont' want her to have to go through that again! Poor thing  :(

    Then, this morning maybe a block or 2 from our house my car starts to shake when I hit 40 mph and the check engine light starts blinking! I called DH (he's a mechanic) and he came and diagnosed it as a misfire and we changed a spark plug and coil. At first I had no idea what was wrong so of course I'm balling when I called work to let them know I'd be late (super supportive boss). I was a mess! So glad it wasn't anything worse because we've had enough car issues this year! 

    Then, I kept getting cut off once I did get on my way to work!! Stupid big truck (kind of a dump truck size...) almost hit me while cutting me off to get on the freeway! And other cars kept doing it! I'm so done with today and this week and this year!! Oh, and I lost (probably at home in my jeans again) my work card...ugh...

    AND I have been having nausea the past few days that I thought wasn't supposed to happen in the 2nd trimester, but contribute some of it to my stomach issues that I have, but still! I have had a couple of people tell me that their 4th month was the worst...yay! (sarcasm) 

    Phew...that was a lot, but seriously thank you for letting me get it out!! I'm so done, I wanna go home and sleep haha
    Edit: someone found my work ID card!! Woohoo! Now I don't have to pay $15 to get a new one! 

    Winning: My birthday is tomorrow and I get to go wherever I want for dinner :) I think we might be going to a tree lighting as well, but not sure yet! And a week from today we get to see baby again and find out the gender (in an envelope for a Christmas Eve reveal)! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
     "A day without laughter is a day wasted." ~Charlie Chaplin
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    My Lil rant is...
    Everyday DH gets off work I'm tired and my back pain kiss me plus his work hours suck so I tell him he's should at least spend 1hr plus with D's  and is 'required' 2 poopy diapers a day to change.... (cause he makes a big deal about it) well last night I asked him to change D'S he outright refused he didn't even change one diaper at all so I keep telling him he doesn't answer me thinking he was gonna do it he never did fell asleep and left D'S with a poopy diaper. I was so pissed! I changed D'S and out of the nowhere he gets up and has the nerve to tell me he was gonna do it! Auughhh like he hardly does much with D'S or anything and when he does makes a big deal of it I understand he works but this is OUR baby I shouldn't have to ask him to help? Sorry for the paragraph but yeah that's my rant.
    On a nice side note I have an ultrasound today to see my baby gender yays!
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    @nda_roxybabe and @SparkySunDevil  Phoenix is freezing me out right now.  We turned our heater on but set it pretty low so it won't kick in unless we are too lazy to remember to turn it on.  I'm just waiting to see all the daycare kids in their midwest-style winter coats because it's 50 degrees.  I love to make fun of that, but realistically, my blood is super thin now.

    My WTF is that I'm pretty sure I didn't pass the GD screen so I'm just waiting for my doctor to call to tell me to take the 3 hour test.  I got my results from the lab and I was at 154.  I think the cut off for passing is 140.  I may have had a mini-meltdown to DH last night about having to follow the GD diet through Christmas and for a much longer time this pregnancy.  I'm also concerned about what that might mean for my chances of developing diabetes later in life.  I realize that in the scheme of things, it's not that big of deal and I easily controlled it with diet and exercise last time.  I'm over reacting.  

    Anyway, my winning moment is that DH and I both felt this kid kick this morning.  I was laying in bed and I'm at my most skinny (read: non-bloated) in the morning.  I felt it internally and realized i could feel it from the outside.  So I called DH over and he felt it too.  That lifted my spirits a bit.

    May17 Siggy Challenge
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    @NotAPlaya-JustCrushAlot I saw a young girl in WINTER BOOTS on Saturday. I'm talking like, Sorels not Uggs, not riding boots, SNOW boots. It wasn't even really cold yet on Saturday.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    pshaortao said:
    Can we change this to WTF/Winning Wednesday? Hearing the positives is so nice and uplifting too!
    I like that idea. Maybe we can start a new thread this week, then have it be both for the future?
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

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    DD is really sick and has been attached to me since Monday afternoon. I appreciate all of the extra cuddles, but I'm really hoping that I don't catch whatever she has. 
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    I have sort of a first world problem.
    I have an etsy shop, and the Christmas season is by far the busiest time for me (I have ornaments that I sell) and this year I feel like one of my ornaments is super popular (I've had maybe 15 of those ordered in the last week or so). I'm super happy to be making money, but it is a double edged sword because then it means more time I spend doing work on my days off from my full time job.  This also means less time to enjoy the Christmas season with my puppy and family.  Every time my phone "cha-chings" which is the noise made when I make a sale, I cringe a little bit inside. I know I'll be happy at the end watching the money be deposited, but at the same time I hate it!  :/
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    More like a whine, but... I am craving something, but cant figure out what! Someone mentioned snacking on veggies with ranch in the other thread and now I'm craving....? I think zucchini maybe.
    Married 6/5/14 in Ireland
    1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
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    @starphish18 ok I am already having an emotional day and I just watched the Wes Anderson Christmas commercial which made me cry but your comment totally made me tear up!  I appreciate it.
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    Aw @RainyDays86 that just made me tear up, too! 
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    @Cubslove12 & fellow teachers- the kids checking out and sugar/ present excitement is the worse! I need a few days of the break to just veg out and not leave my couch when school lets out. 
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    WTF lady at target tonight? I heard you say "you don't miss this" all 42 times while you stared at 2yr old dd and me, but I was too busy explaining why the pop/soda fountain doesn't dispense milk and keeping said toddler from jumping out of my cart to respond! 
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    I have been so emotional this week. We are going to be renting the first year that we are back in WA. I went for our walk through today and the place had not even been cleaned! They sent in a cleaning company this evening and we'll try the walk through again tomorrow, but why did they not even look at the place before the new tenants were coming?! Get your act together, people!
    BabyFruit Ticker

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    My sciatica is terrible tonight. I fell asleep with dd and when the hubs came up to bed he woke me up. I could barely walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Now I can't get comfortable. I just want to sleep!
    Over it.
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    My son and I were both diagnosed with Strep this morning.  I'm trying to keep my temperature down but for some reason nothings touching it.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
    EDD: 06/25/2006  M/C: 11/03/2005
    EDD: 04/08/2012  M/C: 09/03/2011
    EDD: 12/27/2012  Born Sleeping: 07/19/2012
    EDD: 12/07/2013  M/C 05/30/2013 & 05/31/2013
    EDD:  07/01/2016 Born sleeping: 03/02/2016

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    @JonesBaby0624 - oh no! I hope you both start to feel better. It's already so tough when your kiddo feels bad, but it's even harder when you do, too!!

    Baby 1-Born: 7/29/15
    Baby 2 - Due: 5/4/17
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    @JonesBaby0624, just what you need right now!  :/  I hope you both feel better soon! 
    May Siggy Challenge: Labor Memes

    Me:31 DH:32 Married 11/06/10
    DD: Born 8/23/13 (clomid+ovidrel+IUI)
    BFP 9/9/16 EDD 5/19/17

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    @JonesBaby0624 ugh thats awful, did y'all get antibiotic or something? I hope your fever comes down quick and that you both feel better asap

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    Feel better soon, @JonesBaby0624!
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