Husband requests a PlayStation for Christmas. 1st grader was diagnosed with dyslexia, is one year behind in reading, and is being evaluated for ADD. How do you respond? I don't plan to buy the PS (I will buy another requested item instead), but am frustrated that DH even made the request. Why do I have to be the bad guy? Why even put me in the position of having to say no? Is my gut reaction (to think this is a bad idea and not buy a PS) unreasonable? How do I respond when DH pouts about my not letting them have a PS?
Re: Video Games/Child with Learning Disability
Second, what does your child's dyslexia, possible ADD, and reading level have to do with your DH?
Third, I can't say whether your gut reaction is reasonable or not because I don't know why you don't want your DH to have one. If you expanded on this a bit, I might be able to give this an answer.
If you're at all concerned about having a PS in the house and having to wonder about your son playing with it, then monitor his use. Get a couple of age-appropriate games, hide the adult ones, and only let him play for a specific amount of time. Once his time is up, he stops playing.
I'm missing the issue here.
Big Bro 7/14/13
Little Bro 2/6/17