This is for everyone with an EDD of 7/4, 7/11, 7/18, and 7/25. Also, if anyone on this day can take this over, it would be greatly appreciated. They changed my EDD yesterday and I'm no longer a "Tuesday".
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Upcoming appointments this week?
Any new symptoms or changes?
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?
Married: 10/13/2013
TTC #1: Mirena removed 5/26/2015; DH - normal SA, me - diagnosed with PCOS 8/4/2016 - on Metformin; BFP - 10/29/2016!!!, EDD - 7/8/2017; DD born 6/29/2017
Re: *Tuesday Ticker Change* 11/22
How big is baby? the size of a blueberry!
Upcoming appointments this week? Nope.
Any new symptoms or changes? Nausea is finally somewhat under control, so I can eat without feeling like I'm going to hurl.
Rants/Raves/Questions? My mom is up my ass about doing a big family vacation in the summer of 2017. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to hold off on telling her at this point. I keep stalling and coming up with excuses but I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to do that.
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? well, usually I work on Thanksgiving. I'm off this year, though. I'm really grateful that I get to spend the day with H.
How big is baby? size of a lady bug
Upcoming appointments this week? Nothing this week. Monday- I have a follow up regarding my low progesterone
Any new symptoms or changes? My boobs are super sore
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Spending time with family and all my favorite holiday dishes
How far along are you? 7 weeks
How big is baby? a blueberry (or raspberry depending on what app I look at)
Upcoming appointments this week? Nothing. Next week though! Can't wait until 11/30!
Any new symptoms or changes? More nausea at night. Dinner time is rough for me. Started getting headaches as well
Rants/Raves/Questions? I am terrified I am going to go to the doctor next week and there won't be a heartbeat. Not sure why I have that fear. Have had no symptoms of miscarriage or history of problems.
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? The food! But seriously, I like that there is no obligation. No presents, nothing you have to do. Just spending time with family and friends. Oh...and watching the Redskins beat the Cowboys (DH is a cowboys fan, I'm a Redskins fan).
How far along are you? 4 weeks
How big is baby? The size of a poppy seed
Upcoming appointments this week? Nope. Not until 12/12
Any new symptoms or changes? No. No symptoms at all yet. Unless you count round ligament pain, which is not fair. Third pregnancy or not, it shouldn't start this early.
Rants/Raves/Questions? Pregnancy hates my teeth and the feeling is mutual. I'm so ready for this infection to resolve.
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Family. I'm so excited to have some of my family visiting for Thanksgiving this year.
@spk112 When does she want to go? We went on vacation with my ILs about a month after DD2 was born and it was nice. We had lots of help with the baby (and DD1).
@Cynth0104 That fear is totally normal. This part of pregnancy sucks because you have no way to gauge what's happening. It's nice once baby starts to move because then you have an indicator that things are at least probably okay. But now... So stressful.
How far along are you? 8w
How big is baby? Raspberry
Upcoming appointments this week? TODAY!! At 2:30 and I am so nervous as most are to see that first look at baby and worried nothing will be there or there won't be a HB, etc. but I just remind myself that I can't do anything ether way
Any new symptoms or changes? Ugh throwing up got worse and more frequent yesterday and I now want to only consume liquid foods until this stage is over
Rants/Raves/Questions? Just nervous and excited for this afternoon
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? I am a chef so I love cooking while family j ha gong around talking and watching football etc. now that there are 3 grandkids on DHs side it's fun to watch them all goof around together
We live in the northeastern United States, so this would likely require a relatively long flight with connections. She is very keen on a date next summer. My concerns are: 1. What if I go past my due date? 2. What if #1 happens AND I have a C-section?
@spk112 If you were going to do late August, you might be okay. IF (and that's a big if) you even want to travel that far with a new baby. If you decide to try, I'd get trip insurance that covers cancellation for any reason. Relatively cheap and if something changes and you can't go, you'll be covered whatever the reason. When are you planning on telling her?
We're not planning to tell our families until after our first official appointment in early December.
@JAM85 best of luck at your appointment today!
@spk112 quite a predicament with your mom. We have a similar one with my MIL who, without asking us, rented a house for most of the month of July on a lake and of course expecting us to come. Now when she finds out she's going to regret doing it because she already missed the birth of our first child I doubt she will want to miss this one too. If she does miss it, it will be a bummer for all of us because now we were counting on her to watch our daughter while we were in the hospital. Oh well. But I guess even if she did ask we wouldn't have told her anyway.
Why can't people just vacation in the winter lol. I would love a vacation right now.
BFP September 2013 - MMC at 12 weeks
BFP February 2014 - early loss/CP at 4.5 weeks
BFP May 2014 - MMC/ complete molar pregnancy at 11 weeks
BFP December 2015 - DD born 8/18/2015
BFP November 2016 - pending...
How big is baby? Appleseed
Upcoming appointments this week? No, not until December 28. Feels like a lifetime away.
Any new symptoms or changes? Starting to feel a bit more icky around mealtimes but really nothing too bad or unmanageable. For the most part still feeling normal. I did have a good cry yesterday because my daughter was giving me a hard time lol and that normally would not happen. I'm usually very patient with her.
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Having so many people in one place. The food of course. My favorite holiday hands down.
BFP September 2013 - MMC at 12 weeks
BFP February 2014 - early loss/CP at 4.5 weeks
BFP May 2014 - MMC/ complete molar pregnancy at 11 weeks
BFP December 2015 - DD born 8/18/2015
BFP November 2016 - pending...
6 weeks
How big is baby?
A sweet pea
Upcoming appointments this week?
Not for baby, I actually spent yesterday evening at the urgent care thinking I might have broken my hand (I'm apparently incredibly clumsy and ran into the door jam) I didn't realize an xray would be a problem, but the tech said the radiation is most harmful to new cells, so we skipped the xray and splinted it and I was instructed to elevate and ice it and follow up with my primary care. I'm glad I skipped the xray because now I'm thinking I just bruised it. The swelling and pain have gone way down. I have an appointment with my primary tomorrow to see how it's doing.
Any new symptoms or changes?
Nope, everything's pretty much the same.
Only one more week until my first ob appointment! I'm so excited, I can't wait!
GTKY: What is your favorite part of Thanksgiving?
The food! I cook at home every single day, it's nice for someone else to cook for a change