June 2017 Moms

No MS or sore breasts

I'm almost 10 wks and I have had no morning sickness and my breasts have not been sore. I'm a little concerned that something may be wrong. Has anyone else experienced this or have advice on why this may be the case? I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and heard the heartbeat.

Re: No MS or sore breasts

  • hjphillipshjphillips member
    edited November 2016
    If you've heard the heartbeat, I'd say you're fine, lucky even, to be having a mild pregnancy so far. There isn't a right number or combination of symptoms, but I know it can be nerve inducing when things aren't going according to the textbook symptoms you think you should be feeling. 

    i had no breast pain or even growth until my second trimester during my first pregnancy, so I honestly wouldn't worry if I were you. Everything is most likely going to be just fine. 

    ETA: my doctor has told me that the only time a lack of symptoms is a cause for concern in her book, is when you've been having symptoms and they suddenly stop. Not having any from the start is no big deal. 
  • You're lucky. Simple as that. MS and sore boobs are not the definitive indicator that you are pregnant, they're merely symptoms that some women do or don't get.  It doesn't mean something is wrong.

    This is my 5th pregnancy, I didn't have MS in two out of the five of them, same with sore breasts. 
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  • Yup.  You're more than likely just really, really lucky. 

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  • Thanks ladies!! I really need to stay off Google. Lol
  • Google is our worst enemy haha whenever something feels off I have to hide my phone so I won't be tempted
  • My 1st trimester symptoms have been very mild. I've had some mild waves of nausea here and there but nothing crazy. Nothing really even bad enough to feel like it deserves to be called morning sickness. I had worse nausea doing Clomid cycles and that definitely wasn't morning sickness or anything. And while my breasts have been a little sore here and there it hasn't really been bad and most days my breasts feel totally fine. I feel like I've gotten off really lucky when it comes to 1st trimester symptoms. I asked my OB about it after my 9w5d ultrasound and she responded with "Well everything looks great with baby so I'd say you're just a pregnancy viking! ;)

    So, ya know, maybe you're just a pregnancy viking. Hopefully you have an equally easy 2nd and 3rd trimester.
    Me: 28 Husband: 31
    TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
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