First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Introduce yourself.
How far along are you?
How are you doing?
When is your next appointment?
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
Me: 28 Husband: 31 TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016 Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
How are you doing? I feel like my normal self most of the time, which is similar to my viable pregnancies so I am trying to take that as a good sign. My acne is flaring up pretty badly so that really sucks.
When is your next appointment? Mid-December (12w)
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I am so thankful that I don't feel like crap because I host Thanksgiving and, therefore, I have a very busy week of prepping and cleaning ahead of me!
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I know I am an Aquarius and that is the extent of it. I don't even know what my husband is. I definitely do not know what any of the things are that they say are characteristic of the signs!
Me: 36; DH: 38 DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17! **TW** MMC & D&C Aug 2016
@JAGinMII think we're twinsies here (DD's favorite word!) - one day off on due dates, and a fellow Aquarius without a clue!
How far along are you? 9w4d
How are you doing? The nausea (and evening vomiting) continues. Emailed my doc yesterday to see if I need to tough it out, or if there's anything she's willing to prescribe. I'm normally super excited for Thanksgiving, but realizing I won't be able to eat practically anything
When is your next appointment? NT scan and genetic counselor on Dec 2
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Reading the thread on how partners are / aren't helping out has made me even more appreciative of DH. He took DD to the park and playground this weekend (in freezing weather) so I could get some rest, and is very sweet about the fact that I feel so lousy. He's not perfect, but we're a great team.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm an Aquarius and have no clue what that means - or even what DH is. In other words, what @JAGinMI said
How are you doing? I'm slowly seeing the light. On days I keep it low key I feel sort of human, food can occasionally be appealing. I'm getting super excited about having twins, two babies!! But I'm also panicking about the highly medicalized birth, and looking at alternatives since my twins are the lowest risk. They end up being nearly the same risk profile as a single baby, so the operating room birth is a ass-covering overkill policy.
When is your next appointment? Dec 1st with a new OB I'm checking out. If I like her better than the one I saw last week, then I will transfer.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Rave for husband, he did all the laundry, cleaned the house, fed the kids and didn't even side eye me when I ordered steak and ate it in bed. He wins all the medals.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Taurus, and most definitely suits me! We don't match up at all. He likes to start arguments, and I will fight to the death. Never ends well haha
How far along are you? 10 weeks, 3 days How are you doing? Feeling pretty good! I was paranoid last week as I lost all my symptoms so my dr sent me for an ultrasound to ease my mind and everything was fine, must just be one of the lucky ones? Still really tired, need to pee a lot, always hungry but other than that pretty good When is your next appointment? NIPT test on Friday Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Rave: Came home after a long day at work yesterday to hubby cleaning the bathroom, cooking dinner (and did the dishes afterwards!), watered all my plants and fed the animals! He is the best GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I am a Libra and everyone who knows about star signs tell me I'm a true Libra so I think it matches what is said. Hubby is a cusp of capricorn/aquarius and whenever I read about perfect matches we never match. I don't believe it though, I reckon we work really well together
Me: 23 | DH: 25 | Married: 28.3.14 | Together Since: 28.07.10 MC#1: April 15 | MC#2: Aug 15 | MC#3: Jan 16 | MC#4 : April 16
How are you doing? No major symptoms now aside from still being tired and waking up a lot to pee.
When is your next appointment? 11/28 one week from today!
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I am so glad that it's a short week. We are traveling from Thursday to Sunday to visit my husband's family in MN. I am not looking forward to the airport and flight, but it will be fun to see family. I just feel like we are getting to that time of year where there will be sick people on the flight and I REALLY do not want to get sick.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I am an Aries and my husband is a Libra. We are "opposites" and most of what I have read is actually true in our relationship. I have never really believed in or cared about that stuff, but it is interesting to read especially when some of it is spot on.
Introduce yourself. My first time posting in the PGAL thread. I'm husker mom. 25 yr old mother to a 2.5 yr old little boy. DH and I had an early loss this past June. Our closest friends also experienced a stillbirth in April at 40+1 and we were there with them throughout the process, so that's been really affecting our heads too. But we are getting more and more excited now that we've seen baby and heard the heartbeat.
How far along are you? 9w3d
How are you doing? Doing well. I've had next to no symptoms, which was a little unnerving in the beginning, but I'm ok with it now that we officially know things are going well with baby. The anxiety still comes and goes, but it's getting better.
When is your next appointment? We see our OB for the first time a week from tomorrow.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: We saw and heard baby's perfect heartbeat and got to see the little bean moving around in there last Friday. It was amazing and I'm still riding on a high from it. I can't stop looking at those US pics!
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Capricorn and I do think it matches my personality for the most part. My husband is also a Capricorn so we aren't supposed to click, but so far we've got 8 years under our belts proving "them" wrong!
First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Introduce yourself.
How far along are you? 10+2
How are you doing? pretty good!
When is your next appointment? Just had one today! Baby's HB is at 177, and everything is good! Next appointment is 12/15
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm really contemplating hiring Molly Maid to come clean my house for Thanksgiving... I just really don't feel up to doing all the "deep" cleaning lol
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? Cancer! I however don't pay too much attention to them, so other than the fact that it's a water sign- which I love to be around- I really have no clue... I couldn't even tell you what my DH's sign is lol
When is your next appointment? On Wednesday, my birthday!! Whoo-hoo!
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Thinking of telling my boss after Thanksgiving break & announcing this weekend after telling DH's side of the family. (If all continues well Wednesday, of course)
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Sagittarius, DH is a Libra. According to what I've read we are compatible in our relationship. I don't really follow the signs, I had to google to see. Lol
@Yailani23 I'm a Libra and my husband is a Sagittarius. Confession: I don't really follow astrological signs, horoscopes and all that but even though I think it's all bogus I still find it fun.
Me: 28 Husband: 31 TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016 Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
How are you doing? I had a dream the other night that I woke up bleeding. My friend who is due a month before me offered to let me borrow her Doppler but it wouldn't do me any good since my uterus is tilted. I would just stress myself out not being able to reach the heartbeat.
When is your next appointment? December 19, I'll be 13w1d for my NT scan
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: My boobs are busting out of my bras so I got to go back to my bras that I used to wear before my first pregnancy (my boobs shrunk after my DD) so that's exciting! A little confidence boost of having my boobs back haha
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Cancer and my husband is an Aquarius. I think it's pretty close for me and we totally match up. Water signs for the win!
@NamelessAria That's pretty cool. I'm on the same boat but from time to time people on FB share posts about each sign and I'll take a look at mine and sometimes I find myself thinking "hmm sounds like me or DH.
How are you doing? Not really nauseous, sleepy and grumpy.... I'm getting misty eyed over everything. Even silly songs in the dang car are making m cry!
When is your next appointment? Dec 5th
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: NIPT scheduled for 12-5 as well as another scan. Meat has finally become my enemy as it does every pregnancy - blehhh. I even gave gMIL our thanksgiving turkey because I don't want it at my house. Can I just eat pasta, please?
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? Aquarius - And I have zero idea about astrology. Not sure what DH is either but we match up in plenty of other ways
Sawyer Len - Born Still 04/2015 Wee#3 - Miscarried 11/2015 Rainbow Wiggles Due 06/29/2017
My symptoms of nausea and fatigue come and go. So, it's nice to actually feel like myself some days. The past few days I've been getting a headache around the same time every night. Otherwise I think I'm keeping it together. I had a dream last night where I was visibly pregnant , hoping they continue to trend in that positive direction.
When is your next appointment?
Tomorrow at 8am! I'm excited but also nervous. I just want to see a strong heartbeat and healthy baby.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
I'll rave about my BF too. He has been really understanding and helpful with this pregnancy, and he has a lot on his plate. He works 8 to 6 every day and also has a woodworking side business. He has switched things around so we can spend time together after he's done work and then starts his other work after I go to bed, and just stays up later. He used to leave a big mess of all his things when he would come to bed too, but lately the house has been spotless when I wake up. It's much appreciated.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I'm a Pisces and I definitely embody that. My BF is a Capricorn. I'm not sure how we match up, but we seem to be doing okay.
I’ve been MIA! I had a conference at the
beach last week, and we decided to make it a mini-vacation, also!
How far along
are you? 10 weeks 1 day
How are you doing? Great! We saw our baby
yesterday and he/she was “waving” to us during the u/s. It was incredible. I had blood drawn for the NIPT, so we should
know the sex next week!
When is your next appointment? Not until Dec 21. It’s so weird to have to wait that long
because I’ve been going every week.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I just can’t wait to know what we
are having!
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you
think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign?
Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I’m a Libra; however, since my
birthday falls 3 days after Virgo ends, I can go under either one. If I read my horoscope, I usually read both. DH is Aquarius. I’m not very familiar with the signs so I don’t
know if DH and I match or if my personality matches the sign.
@BellaO21 I told DH last night
that I don’t know how we are going to get our house Thanksgiving ready by
Thursday morning because I don’t have the energy to do it all and cook. He said he would worry about cleaning and I
would just need to worry about cooking.
It’s a really nice gesture, but his version of clean and mine are
How are you doing? Typing 12 weeks made me realize that I'm in second tri. Holy moly. I've been feeling Baby (gotta come up for a good name here...) for two weeks also. I know that sounds crazy but I know what baby movement feels like and I've 100% felt baby movement.
When is your next appointment? 12/12 - early anatomy scan in the morning and then a MW visit in the afternoon.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Physcial today is shitty but mentally, I'm doing so well. Even though I need an early anatomy scan to make sure Baby's intestines have gone back inside the body and have had light bleeding (pretty certain its from sex though) --- one more thing I could worry about --- I really feel like everything is okay.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? Sagittarius. Pretty much fits me to a T except I need a place to come home to. I cannot just travel without a place to call home after. DH is a Scorpio and we get along just as we should based on what the signs say. We both understand each other and give space when needed. It works.
DS #1 born 05/25/2012 BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss DS #2 born 4/08/2014 BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM BFP#5 - 9/22/2016 * formally bornmommy
Just checking in real quick, had my NT today and baby is measuring 2 days ahead with a heart rate of 152. I am so beyond relieved and am really allowing myself to let it feel real now. And I promise one day I will follow the correct format of the thread
Married 12/17/2011 K born 8/31/12 C born 1/11/14 BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015 BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
How are you doing? I'm good! Nausea is easing up and bloating is still bad but not quite as bad. I'm kinda getting my appetite back and fatigue is still rough some days but better than it was. I'm starting to get some ligament pain and such but overall I feel really good.
Emotionally I'm feeling a lot better now than I was. I had my "peace of mind" appointment this morning and baby seems to be doing well. I'm so close to the second trimester! My OB counts the beginning of week 13 as the second trimester so I only have 1 week and 3 days to go. I know pregnancy is never a guarantee of a take-home baby but I'm finally starting to feel confident that this is going to be it for me and I'm finally starting to get more excited than nervous. I mean, I still have days where PGAL brain is really bad. But I'm getting more good days than bad days lately.
When is your next appointment? December 7th.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: We're announcing to my in-laws when we see them for Thanksgiving and I'm excited! It'll be the first grandchild on that side of the family and I know my MIL is going to be thrilled. My husband is like a kid before Christmas. I'm halfway surprised he hasn't accidentally told his mother with as hard as it's been for him to wait to do the announcement.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Libra and my husband is a Sagittarius. I feel like the descriptions for each of us are pretty spot on. I'm definitely the indecisive diplomatic Libra. We're apparently a good match, sign wise. And it's funny because the areas where we're supposed to be the best matched like shared interests, morals and values and such I feel like we're very well matched. Apparently Libras and Sagittarius have low compatibility for trust and that seems to fit.
Me: 28 Husband: 31 TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016 Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Embarrassing as it is, my small dog stepped on my uterus today and obviously it hurt pretty bad, but of course I panicked for the next hour because I had cramps off and on. I kept thinking her stepping on me could have killed the baby. I just feel so on edge lately. Every time I feel confident and like everything is fine, I start thinking the baby could have stopped growing since my US was at 8w1d. I'm getting more nervous for Thanksgiving that people will know when I turn down a glass of wine which is my go-to at holiday parties. I'm just so scared of something happening. I haven't even started addressing our Christmas cards yet (we're announcing using them) in case something happens. I don't know why I'm letting it get to me. I'm having such a hard time shaking it.
Deleted....Never mind... honestly not the right thread. I'm super upset about my friend and her loss but deleted my post because it's just not what needs to be here
How are you doing? Good. Nausea has made a comeback when I thought it was gone. Told most of my family last Friday when we were together, and will tell my husband's extended family tomorrow.
When is your next appointment? next Friday for NT scan. I will feel so much better after that, I think. Can't help but think the worst sometimes. I over think every ache and pain.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I felt really crappy after doing some cleaning last night. Crampy and extra nauseous. I think it's probably because I'm slightly dehydrated, because constant nausea makes it hard to drink enough water. But I told my husband that this is a sign that clearly I should be constantly resting on the couch.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Libra, and I know they say we are stubborn, and that is definitely true. I don't know what sign my husband is. I've always felt that every horoscope I read I could find one part that I identified with. They are written vaguely for that purpose.
My friend lost her second tri baby yesterday, I'm feeling all of the emotions, but after I posted (I know what the thread is...) I read yours above and really didn't want to leave my post and trigger or reinforce fears for anyone!
How are you doing? Excited but sicker than hell. I throw up when I cough, I am always nauseous, but I'm not loosing as much weight like I did with my loss, so that's good!
When is your next appointment? Sometime in December. I forget.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I feel so good about this pregnancy! It's hard as hell, and I just hope that things are as they should be. My last loss was so late, that I'm never really in the clear.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm an Aries to a fault. My partner is a Scorpio through and through. I am the ever willfull, optimistic, try-anything, I-do-what-I-want ram, and he is an undertow of emotion, philosophizing, reading too far into action and textbooks, conscious of others, and always thinking. But we are both empathetic, smart, driven, people and I adore him for who he is.
@halfthetree I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss. I'm sure you are feeling all the emotions over that. It's a sad thing when it happens to anyone especially someone you care about. And I'm sure it only fuels PGAL in addition to everything else you're already feeling. Lots of hugs.
Me: 28 Husband: 31 TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016 Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Introduce yourself.
How far along are you? 9w6d How are you doing? I got diagnosed with pneumonia on Tuesday. It's been a stressful week. When is your next appointment? Tuesday I go for my blood draw for my NIPT. Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I've been absent from the board more and more as my NIPT comes near. I'm so freaking terrified of going through a loss again. Our NIPT was the start of everything going wrong last time and even though it's just a 1% chance of happening again, I'm having a hard time imagining getting good news. Someone posted about the chances of having a miscarriage last week and I just cringed because percentages don't mean anything to you once you've been on the losing side of them. Gah, sorry for the rant! I'm just struggling this week. GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a libra and I honestly have no idea! Now I'm curious and want to look at dh and ds' signs to see what they say!
Hope the week to come brings nothing but happiness for all of us!
Me: 38 l DH: 41 Gavin - 8/27/10 *TW* Gabriel - 2nd tri loss 5/17/16 Trisomy 18 & 21 Hope - 2nd tri loss 12/7/16 complications from pneumonia
First time posting in the June '17 PGAL check in? Introduce yourself. Introcd before but been MIA bc of work/holiday busy times and trying to get out of my own head. But reminder: mmc & ectopic earlier this year.
How far along are you? 10w+1d
How are you doing? Okay. I can't get out of my PGAL brain. My last ultrasound was at 6.5 weeks and my next isn't until 12 weeks. It's just too long between and I'm going crazy especially since my symptoms seem less strong/frequent than they did a few weeks ago.
When is your next appointment? 2 weeks
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Rant: Announced to parents and grandmother. They all know about the losses, asked them to not say anything until Christmas, 3 of them told someone else in the family less than 24 hours after we told them. *sigh* Rave: I took a little break from the board but I think the break made me go more crazy. Its nice to be back and to remember I'm not alone - so my rave is for all you ladies! Also, husband has been super supportive through all my PGAL fears.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up"? I'm an Aquarius, which I think I mostly match. He is a Pisces, which I dont think he matches at all. Which is probably good bc I don't think our signs are supposed to match up.
@thatlauragirl I feel the same about that percentages post, and every time somebody says "and it goes way down once you hear the heartbeat!" Statistics mean nothing when you've been on the losing side. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for your NIPT results!
@mrt@thatlauragirl that's how I feel when people talk about symptoms being reassuring. Having lots of symptoms means exactly nothing. As I've said before, I'd give anything to go back to my clueless former self.
Me: 36; DH: 38 DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17! **TW** MMC & D&C Aug 2016
Re: PGAL Check In Week of 11/21
How are you doing?
I feel like my normal self most of the time, which is similar to my viable pregnancies so I am trying to take that as a good sign. My acne is flaring up pretty badly so that really sucks.
When is your next appointment?
Mid-December (12w)
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
I am so thankful that I don't feel like crap because I host Thanksgiving and, therefore, I have a very busy week of prepping and cleaning ahead of me!
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I know I am an Aquarius and that is the extent of it. I don't even know what my husband is. I definitely do not know what any of the things are that they say are characteristic of the signs!
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016
How far along are you? 9w4d
How are you doing? The nausea (and evening vomiting) continues. Emailed my doc yesterday to see if I need to tough it out, or if there's anything she's willing to prescribe. I'm normally super excited for Thanksgiving, but realizing I won't be able to eat practically anything
When is your next appointment? NT scan and genetic counselor on Dec 2
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Reading the thread on how partners are / aren't helping out has made me even more appreciative of DH. He took DD to the park and playground this weekend (in freezing weather) so I could get some rest, and is very sweet about the fact that I feel so lousy. He's not perfect, but we're a great team.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm an Aquarius and have no clue what that means - or even what DH is. In other words, what @JAGinMI said
BFP #1 6/13 DD 3/14
Mirena 10/14-5/16
BFP #2 9/2/16, CP confirmed 9/8/16
BFP #3 10/10/16 EDD 6/22/17
How far along are you? 10w2d
How are you doing? I'm slowly seeing the light. On days I keep it low key I feel sort of human, food can occasionally be appealing. I'm getting super excited about having twins, two babies!! But I'm also panicking about the highly medicalized birth, and looking at alternatives since my twins are the lowest risk. They end up being nearly the same risk profile as a single baby, so the operating room birth is a ass-covering overkill policy.
When is your next appointment? Dec 1st with a new OB I'm checking out. If I like her better than the one I saw last week, then I will transfer.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Rave for husband, he did all the laundry, cleaned the house, fed the kids and didn't even side eye me when I ordered steak and ate it in bed. He wins all the medals.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I'm a Taurus, and most definitely suits me! We don't match up at all. He likes to start arguments, and I will fight to the death. Never ends well haha
10 weeks, 3 days
How are you doing?
Feeling pretty good! I was paranoid last week as I lost all my symptoms so my dr sent me for an ultrasound to ease my mind and everything was fine, must just be one of the lucky ones? Still really tired, need to pee a lot, always hungry but other than that pretty good
When is your next appointment?
NIPT test on Friday
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
Rave: Came home after a long day at work yesterday to hubby cleaning the bathroom, cooking dinner (and did the dishes afterwards!), watered all my plants and fed the animals! He is the best
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
10 weeks 6 days
How are you doing?
No major symptoms now aside from still being tired and waking up a lot to pee.
When is your next appointment?
11/28 one week from today!
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
I am so glad that it's a short week. We are traveling from Thursday to Sunday to visit my husband's family in MN. I am not looking forward to the airport and flight, but it will be fun to see family. I just feel like we are getting to that time of year where there will be sick people on the flight and I REALLY do not want to get sick.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I am an Aries and my husband is a Libra. We are "opposites" and most of what I have read is actually true in our relationship. I have never really believed in or cared about that stuff, but it is interesting to read especially when some of it is spot on.
My first time posting in the PGAL thread. I'm husker mom. 25 yr old mother to a 2.5 yr old little boy. DH and I had an early loss this past June. Our closest friends also experienced a stillbirth in April at 40+1 and we were there with them throughout the process, so that's been really affecting our heads too. But we are getting more and more excited now that we've seen baby and heard the heartbeat.
How far along are you?
How are you doing?
Doing well. I've had next to no symptoms, which was a little unnerving in the beginning, but I'm ok with it now that we officially know things are going well with baby. The anxiety still comes and goes, but it's getting better.
When is your next appointment?
We see our OB for the first time a week from tomorrow.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
We saw and heard baby's perfect heartbeat and got to see the little bean moving around in there last Friday. It was amazing and I'm still riding on a high from it. I can't stop looking at those US pics!
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I'm a Capricorn and I do think it matches my personality for the most part. My husband is also a Capricorn so we aren't supposed to click, but so far we've got 8 years under our belts proving "them" wrong!
How far along are you? 10+2
How are you doing? pretty good!
When is your next appointment? Just had one today! Baby's HB is at 177, and everything is good! Next appointment is 12/15
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I'm really contemplating hiring Molly Maid to come clean my house for Thanksgiving... I just really don't feel up to doing all the "deep" cleaning lol
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? Cancer! I however don't pay too much attention to them, so other than the fact that it's a water sign- which I love to be around- I really have no clue... I couldn't even tell you what my DH's sign is lol
How are you doing? Overall good!
When is your next appointment? On Wednesday, my birthday!! Whoo-hoo!
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Thinking of telling my boss after Thanksgiving break & announcing this weekend after telling DH's side of the family. (If all continues well Wednesday, of course)
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Sagittarius, DH is a Libra. According to what I've read we are compatible in our relationship. I don't really follow the signs, I had to google to see. Lol
DH: 35 | Me: 29
BFP #1- 07.25.12, EDD: 03.24.13, DD born 03.26.13
Surprised BFP #2- 02.25.15, EDD: 10/29/15 |*m/c 7w4d, D&C 04.02.2015
BFP #3- 01.21.16, EDD: 09.29.26 |*m/c-blighted ovum 2.19.16 8w1d, D&C 03.04.16
BFP #4- 05.24.16, EDD: 02.04.17 |*natural m/c- 07.08.16, 9w1d
BFP #5- 09/25/16, EDD: 06.07.17 GROW, BABY, GROW!
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
How are you doing?
I had a dream the other night that I woke up bleeding. My friend who is due a month before me offered to let me borrow her Doppler but it wouldn't do me any good since my uterus is tilted. I would just stress myself out not being able to reach the heartbeat.
When is your next appointment?
December 19, I'll be 13w1d for my NT scan
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
My boobs are busting out of my bras so I got to go back to my bras that I used to wear before my first pregnancy (my boobs shrunk after my DD) so that's exciting! A little confidence boost of having my boobs back haha
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I'm a Cancer and my husband is an Aquarius. I think it's pretty close for me and we totally match up. Water signs for the win!
DH: 35 | Me: 29
BFP #1- 07.25.12, EDD: 03.24.13, DD born 03.26.13
Surprised BFP #2- 02.25.15, EDD: 10/29/15 |*m/c 7w4d, D&C 04.02.2015
BFP #3- 01.21.16, EDD: 09.29.26 |*m/c-blighted ovum 2.19.16 8w1d, D&C 03.04.16
BFP #4- 05.24.16, EDD: 02.04.17 |*natural m/c- 07.08.16, 9w1d
BFP #5- 09/25/16, EDD: 06.07.17 GROW, BABY, GROW!
How are you doing? Not really nauseous, sleepy and grumpy.... I'm getting misty eyed over everything. Even silly songs in the dang car are making m cry!
When is your next appointment? Dec 5th
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: NIPT scheduled for 12-5 as well as another scan. Meat has finally become my enemy as it does every pregnancy - blehhh. I even gave gMIL our thanksgiving turkey because I don't want it at my house. Can I just eat pasta, please?
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? Aquarius - And I have zero idea about astrology. Not sure what DH is either but we match up in plenty of other ways
Wee#3 - Miscarried 11/2015
Rainbow Wiggles Due 06/29/2017
How far along are you?
10 weeks 5 days
How are you doing?
My symptoms of nausea and fatigue come and go. So, it's nice to actually feel like myself some days. The past few days I've been getting a headache around the same time every night. Otherwise I think I'm keeping it together. I had a dream last night where I was visibly pregnant , hoping they continue to trend in that positive direction.
When is your next appointment?
Tomorrow at 8am! I'm excited but also nervous. I just want to see a strong heartbeat and healthy baby.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
I'll rave about my BF too. He has been really understanding and helpful with this pregnancy, and he has a lot on his plate. He works 8 to 6 every day and also has a woodworking side business. He has switched things around so we can spend time together after he's done work and then starts his other work after I go to bed, and just stays up later. He used to leave a big mess of all his things when he would come to bed too, but lately the house has been spotless when I wake up. It's much appreciated.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I'm a Pisces and I definitely embody that. My BF is a Capricorn. I'm not sure how we match up, but we seem to be doing okay.
Sorry I’ve been MIA! I had a conference at the beach last week, and we decided to make it a mini-vacation, also!
How far along are you? 10 weeks 1 day
How are you doing? Great! We saw our baby yesterday and he/she was “waving” to us during the u/s. It was incredible. I had blood drawn for the NIPT, so we should know the sex next week!
When is your next appointment? Not until Dec 21. It’s so weird to have to wait that long because I’ve been going every week.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I just can’t wait to know what we are having!
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I’m a Libra; however, since my birthday falls 3 days after Virgo ends, I can go under either one. If I read my horoscope, I usually read both. DH is Aquarius. I’m not very familiar with the signs so I don’t know if DH and I match or if my personality matches the sign.
Me: 25 | DH: 29
MC: March 2016
BFP #2: October 2016
Our fur-baby is a black Labrador Retriever.
@megsyyx You and your DH and me and my DH have pretty much the same signs.
@huskermom14 Welcome!
@BellaO21 I told DH last night that I don’t know how we are going to get our house Thanksgiving ready by Thursday morning because I don’t have the energy to do it all and cook. He said he would worry about cleaning and I would just need to worry about cooking. It’s a really nice gesture, but his version of clean and mine are different.
Me: 25 | DH: 29
MC: March 2016
BFP #2: October 2016
Our fur-baby is a black Labrador Retriever.
How far along are you? 12 weeks and 2 days
How are you doing? Typing 12 weeks made me realize that I'm in second tri. Holy moly. I've been feeling Baby (gotta come up for a good name here...) for two weeks also. I know that sounds crazy but I know what baby movement feels like and I've 100% felt baby movement.
When is your next appointment? 12/12 - early anatomy scan in the morning and then a MW visit in the afternoon.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: Physcial today is shitty but mentally, I'm doing so well. Even though I need an early anatomy scan to make sure Baby's intestines have gone back inside the body and have had light bleeding (pretty certain its from sex though) --- one more thing I could worry about --- I really feel like everything is okay.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? Sagittarius. Pretty much fits me to a T except I need a place to come home to. I cannot just travel without a place to call home after. DH is a Scorpio and we get along just as we should based on what the signs say. We both understand each other and give space when needed. It works.
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy
K born 8/31/12
C born 1/11/14
BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017
How are you doing? I'm good! Nausea is easing up and bloating is still bad but not quite as bad. I'm kinda getting my appetite back and fatigue is still rough some days but better than it was. I'm starting to get some ligament pain and such but overall I feel really good.
Emotionally I'm feeling a lot better now than I was. I had my "peace of mind" appointment this morning and baby seems to be doing well. I'm so close to the second trimester! My OB counts the beginning of week 13 as the second trimester so I only have 1 week and 3 days to go. I know pregnancy is never a guarantee of a take-home baby but I'm finally starting to feel confident that this is going to be it for me and I'm finally starting to get more excited than nervous. I mean, I still have days where PGAL brain is really bad. But I'm getting more good days than bad days lately.
When is your next appointment? December 7th.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: We're announcing to my in-laws when we see them for Thanksgiving and I'm excited! It'll be the first grandchild on that side of the family and I know my MIL is going to be thrilled. My husband is like a kid before Christmas. I'm halfway surprised he hasn't accidentally told his mother with as hard as it's been for him to wait to do the announcement.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Libra and my husband is a Sagittarius. I feel like the descriptions for each of us are pretty spot on. I'm definitely the indecisive diplomatic Libra. We're apparently a good match, sign wise. And it's funny because the areas where we're supposed to be the best matched like shared interests, morals and values and such I feel like we're very well matched. Apparently Libras and Sagittarius have low compatibility for trust and that seems to fit.
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
How are you doing? Good. Nausea has made a comeback when I thought it was gone. Told most of my family last Friday when we were together, and will tell my husband's extended family tomorrow.
When is your next appointment? next Friday for NT scan. I will feel so much better after that, I think. Can't help but think the worst sometimes. I over think every ache and pain.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes: I felt really crappy after doing some cleaning last night. Crampy and extra nauseous. I think it's probably because I'm slightly dehydrated, because constant nausea makes it hard to drink enough water. But I told my husband that this is a sign that clearly I should be constantly resting on the couch.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm a Libra, and I know they say we are stubborn, and that is definitely true. I don't know what sign my husband is. I've always felt that every horoscope I read I could find one part that I identified with. They are written vaguely for that purpose.
My friend lost her second tri baby yesterday, I'm feeling all of the emotions, but after I posted (I know what the thread is...) I read yours above and really didn't want to leave my post and trigger or reinforce fears for anyone!
DS #1 born 05/25/2012
BFP#2: 06/12/2013 ---- loss
DS #2 born 4/08/2014
BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
* formally bornmommy
How are you doing?
Excited but sicker than hell. I throw up when I cough, I am always nauseous, but I'm not loosing as much weight like I did with my loss, so that's good!
When is your next appointment?
Sometime in December. I forget.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
I feel so good about this pregnancy! It's hard as hell, and I just hope that things are as they should be. My last loss was so late, that I'm never really in the clear.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say? I'm an Aries to a fault. My partner is a Scorpio through and through. I am the ever willfull, optimistic, try-anything, I-do-what-I-want ram, and he is an undertow of emotion, philosophizing, reading too far into action and textbooks, conscious of others, and always thinking. But we are both empathetic, smart, driven, people and I adore him for who he is.
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
How far along are you?
How are you doing?
I got diagnosed with pneumonia on Tuesday. It's been a stressful week.
When is your next appointment?
Tuesday I go for my blood draw for my NIPT.
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
I've been absent from the board more and more as my NIPT comes near. I'm so freaking terrified of going through a loss again. Our NIPT was the start of everything going wrong last time and even though it's just a 1% chance of happening again, I'm having a hard time imagining getting good news. Someone posted about the chances of having a miscarriage last week and I just cringed because percentages don't mean anything to you once you've been on the losing side of them. Gah, sorry for the rant! I'm just struggling this week.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up" according to what they say?
I'm a libra and I honestly have no idea! Now I'm curious and want to look at dh and ds' signs to see what they say!
Hope the week to come brings nothing but happiness for all of us!
Gavin - 8/27/10
Gabriel - 2nd tri loss 5/17/16 Trisomy 18 & 21
Hope - 2nd tri loss 12/7/16 complications from pneumonia
Introcd before but been MIA bc of work/holiday busy times and trying to get out of my own head. But reminder: mmc & ectopic earlier this year.
How far along are you? 10w+1d
How are you doing? Okay. I can't get out of my PGAL brain. My last ultrasound was at 6.5 weeks and my next isn't until 12 weeks. It's just too long between and I'm going crazy especially since my symptoms seem less strong/frequent than they did a few weeks ago.
When is your next appointment? 2 weeks
Rant/Rave/Positive Vibes:
Rant: Announced to parents and grandmother. They all know about the losses, asked them to not say anything until Christmas, 3 of them told someone else in the family less than 24 hours after we told them. *sigh*
Rave: I took a little break from the board but I think the break made me go more crazy. Its nice to be back and to remember I'm not alone - so my rave is for all you ladies! Also, husband has been super supportive through all my PGAL fears.
GTKY: What is your astrological sign? Do you think your personality matches what is said about people born under your sign? Do you and your partner "match up"? I'm an Aquarius, which I think I mostly match. He is a Pisces, which I dont think he matches at all. Which is probably good bc I don't think our signs are supposed to match up.
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016