I know there are quite a bit who have found out the sex of their baby/babies through early testing, but there are a lot of us who are counting down the weeks/days for the anatomy ultrasound or are Team Green! I know Old Wives Tales are basically a 50/50 guess, but I thought this might be fun during the second trimester lull!
If you've already found out the sex, please still feel free to play along as it will be interesting to see how accurate the Old Wives Tales are compared to your actual results!
1. Babies Heart Rate
Under 140, boy.
Over 140, girl
2. Belly Shape
Low and straight out, boy.
High and round, girl
3. Pregnancy Glow
Your glowing, boy.
Steals your beauty with more acne, girl.
4. Cravings
Salty food, boy.
Sweet food, girl.
6. Clumsy vs Graceful
Extra clumsy, boy.
Feeling graceful, girl.
7. Moms Intuition
70% of the time, mom is right!
8. Morning Sickness
Smooth sailings, boy.
Hugging the toilet, girl.
9. Feet
Colder, Boy.
Stayed the same, girl.
10. Hair
The hair on your legs is growing faster, boy.
Stayed the same, girl.
11. Headaches
More headaches, boy.
No change, girl.
12. Attitude
Moody, girl.
Happy, boy.
13. Skin
Soft, girl.
Dry, boy.
Have you/will you find out the sex?
*edit I realized I put cravings twice, probably because I'm always hungry!*
Married 03.09.09
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
Re: Just for Fun: Old Wives Tales
*this said boy for my daughter as well.
no idea, no difference
Results? Boy
Have you/will you find out the sex?
2.belly shape
3. Pregnancy glow
4. Cravings
5. Chinese gender chart
girl - with my daughter it said boy!
6. Clumsy or graceful.
7 Mom's intuition
8. Morning sickness
9. Feet
12. Cravings
13. Attitude
Have you/will you find out the sex?
We get to find out Dec 7th!
@bacorrea I hope you get to find out the 7th too! We're just a couple weeks away
#1 DD Aug 2014 @39weeks via CS
#2 Due May 2,2017 hopeful VBAC
Team Green
11.2011 - DS1
02.2013 - loss at 6 wks
06.2014 - DS2
10.2015 - loss at 12 wks
03.2017 - DD
Have you/will you find out the sex?
BFP #1 12/23/12 EDD 9/3/13 DD #1 8/26/13
BFP #2 2/25/16 EDD 11/5/16 MMC 4/15/16
BFP #3 8/31/16 EDD 5/12/17 It's a GIRL!
Results? 8 for girl, 5 for boy: Girl!
Have you/will you find out the sex? Nope, we're team green! We've both wanted a girl first, but I'm okay with a boy too!
1st Baby 5/12/17, Henry
6. Clumsy vs Graceful
Just found out this morning that we are having a..........BOY! It was the NT scan, which is obviously not 100%, but the tech said "if this were a girl, we would definitely not see anything sticking out THAT far!" Haha...
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
Results? According to the above - Girl
Have you/will you find out the sex? Yes! It's a BOY!
Results? tied at 8 a piece if you count the "boths" for each
Have you/will you find out the sex? in 9 days!!!! I'm so anxious to know
boy. *it was wrong for both of my girls
5 girl, 8 boy.
With 2 DD already, DH will be happy to see the results swaying in the boys favor!
Have you/will you find out the sex?
We find out Dec. 10th!
Sweet Baby H 12.21.11
Sassy Baby P 03.26.14
Little Brother Due 05.22.17
1. Babies Heart Rate: Girl / Girl
4. Cravings: Girl / Girl
8 girls and 5 boys then I had DD. I found out she was a girl at 20 weeks during the anatomy scan
6 girl and 5 boys with 2 undecided. I plan to find out at the anatomy scan, hopefully before xmas!
13. skin - boy
Waiting for anatomy scan for final result.
I think Girl
Results? Mostly girl
Have you/will you find out the sex? We will find out, hopefully before Christmas!
1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks
Results? Definitely leaning towards boy.
Have you/will you find out the sex? We find out January 3rd at the anatomy scan, but I'm hoping they can tell at my December appointment (on my birthday!)
Married: October 2014
Began TTC: April 2015
BFP #1: 9/18/15. EDD 5/18/16. MC 10/26/15. (9w)
BFP #2: 2/27/16. EDD 11/7/16. MC/D&E 4/20/16 (11w)
BFP #3: 9/22/16. EDD 5/29/17. DS born 4/24/17
BFP #4: 5/20/18. EDD 1/23/19.
2. girl
3. girl
4. boy
5. boy
6. boy
7. boy
8. girl
9. girl
10. can't tell
11. boy
12. girl
13. boy
Results: tied. It's a boy!
Married 8/27/2011
BFP #1 9/28/2011 DS born 5/22/2012
BFP #2 4/24/2013 m/c 4/25/2013 at 4w
BFP #3 1/31/2014 DD born 10/14/2014
BFP #4 1/20/2016 m/c 2/12/2014 at 7w2d
BFP #5 8/19/2016 DS2 born 4/29/2017
BFP #6 3/7/2018 EDD 11/18/2018
Results? girl
Have you/will you find out the sex? Nope, team green!
Results: With no belly, I'm 50/50! We aren't finding out this time around, so we'll know in MAY!
Have you/will you find out the sex? We will find out end of Dec/early Jan.
DS2 5/17
#3 Due 9/20
7. Moms Intuition No idea
Results? 7 Girl/4 Boy
Have you/will you find out the sex? Hoping on December 7th otherwise January 3rd.
Results? According to this...3 for girl, 5 for boy, 5 inconclusive.
Have you/will you find out the sex? We have the ultrasound December 15, but will wait until Christmas (my husband's birthday) to find out!
Results? 6 boy 6 girl one inconclusive
Have you/will you find out the sex? We find out end of december
Have you/will you find out the sex?
23 y/o;
First time mommy
90% of the way there
5. Chinese Chart
Results? 7 Girl, 4.5 Boy, 1 Alien
Have you/will you find out the sex? Maybe in January. I'm not going to freak out if they can't tell at the anatomy scan.
B born 7/15/13, C born 3/2/15, #3 on the way May '17
I’m a modern man, a man for the millennium. Digital and smoke free. A diversified multi-cultural, post-modern deconstruction that is anatomically and ecologically incorrect. I’ve been up linked and downloaded, I’ve been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I’m a high-tech low-life. A cutting edge, state-of-the-art bi-coastal multi-tasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond! I’m new wave, but I’m old school and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot-wired, heat seeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice activated and bio-degradable. I interface with my database, my database is in cyberspace, so I’m interactive, I’m hyperactive and from time to time I’m radioactive.
Results? 5 Boy/8 Girl
Have you/will you find out the sex? We are waiting until the baby is born!
Results? 3 boy, 8 girl, and 2 undecided...so girl according to the above.
Have you/will you find out the sex? We have our anatomy scan on Dec. 6th! Hopefully baby cooperates.
BFP #1 10/8/13, EDD 6/4/14, DS #1 6/9/14
BFP #2 5/1/16, EDD 12/16/16, MMC 5/27/16
BFP #3 8/29/16, EDD 5/5/17, DS #2 5/11/17
BFP #4 2/28/21, EDD 11/9/21
1. Babies Heart Rate
I think this worked for one kid and then was on the border for the other (my conception date was right around the change of two months, and I think I literally had sex in one month but ovulated in the next.)
We are team green so we won't know until delivery!
Speaking of old wives' tales, one that they "proved" to be true was heartburn = kid with a full head of hair. That one worked for me! I got heartburn both times and two kids with full heads of hair. The boy lost his hair after a month but the girl kept hers and we've never cut it! It is very long and curly now. I've already had a hint of heartburn this time around (I so do not look forward to 3rd trimester!) so I'm thinking I'll get another hairy kid.
Inconclusive. Probably leaning more toward girl. We'll find out when he/she gets here!