July 2017 Moms

Saturday ticker change 11/19/16

babypibabypi member
edited November 2016 in July 2017 Moms
This is for ladies with an EDD of 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22, or 7/29

How far along are you? 

How big is baby?

Upcoming appointments this week? 

Any new symptoms or changes?


GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition?
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Re: Saturday ticker change 11/19/16

  • How far along are you? 8 weeks

    How big is baby? a raspberry

    Upcoming appointments this week? I have my first appointment on Monday. My OB usually does a dating ultrasound at the first appointment, so I'm excited and nervous.

    Any new symptoms or changes? I find myself desperate for an afternoon nap, but my DD is 11 months old and not napping reliably in the afternoon anymore.  

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Rave: My DH has been spending more and more time playing with our DD since we found out we're pregnant again.  It's amazing to see their bond growing! (He's in the Navy and in grad school, so his time with her is unfortunately pretty limited)

    GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition? Growing up I loved splitting the wishbone with my siblings. I can't wait for these two to be old enough for them to carry on the tradition every Thanksgiving.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 
    7 weeks

    How big is baby?
    We're at blueberry status

    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    I'm actually in the middle of a military move so I am transitioning providers and that means I don't have any appointments on the books yet, which is frustrating (I'm not allowed to switch my region of insurance coverage until I actually physically am in the new location, which isn't going to happen for a week, and that means I can't get in to see my new PCM to get a referral to an OB until after that time. While it's great to not have to pay anything for care, the bureaucracy of the system can be infuriating).

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Actually, my symptoms seem to have to calmed down this week, which is what they did last time, too. I have to pee frequently (I think the max I can go without needing a bathroom is about 3 hours right now), and I'm still very tired, but the nausea and bottomless pit feeling has abated and I'm not nearly as moody as I had been.

    See my note about insurance and doctor stuff up above.

    GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition?
    Assuming we're talking about Thanksgiving here, my favorite tradition is helping my dad plan the menu. My sister and I were always his sous chefs and my dad is an AMAZING cook. He makes an onion and blue cheese tart that is to die for. My mouth is watering just thinking of it.

    If I'm being honest, though, Thanksgiving isn't really my favorite holiday. I am a nut for Christmas. My husband and I just bought a house and we are waiting for our furniture to get there after having shipped from Hawaii and I am hoping and praying and keeping my fingers crossed that it gets there before Christmas so I can decorate and enjoy my favorite season.
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • @ktewart I'm sorry you're dealing with moving while pregnant with Tricare. We'll be PCSing in April at about 30 weeks, so all the things you mentioned are things I'm worrying about too. I hope the transition goes smoothly for you and the move goes well. 

    Also, I meant any holiday, not just Thanksgiving. I just have Thanksgiving on the brain. Lol
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • How far along are you? 4 weeks

    How big is baby? poppyseed size

    Upcoming appointments this week? none...first one probably wont be till week of dec 18th

    Any new symptoms or changes? getting more food adversions....ones i didnt have in my other 4 pregnancies 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? none

    GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition? ive started a tradition in my little family that every year I make our kids their own ornament. then when they go to move out they will have a decent tree ornament collection with an array of different themes. 
                           SD(13) DS(10) DS(4) DS(3)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • How far along are you? 
    Six weeks!

    How big is baby?
    Itty bitty sweet pea.  

    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    First appointment is Dec 8th, so not for a couple more weeks.

    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Just my out of control boobs.  They're achey and huge.  I'm exhausted carrying them around all day.  

    I think I'm getting a cold.  Coupled with my overly exhausted state, I will be a force to be reckoned with any day now...

    GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition?
    I just love stockings.  We stuff them full of fun items, gag gifts, and practical things.  I'd rather open stockings than presents any day!
    Babysizer Cravings Pregnancy Tracker
  • How far along are you? 
    8 weeks
    How big is baby?
    Upcoming appointments this week? 
    Follow up U/S with RE, then hopefully released to my regular OB.
    Any new symptoms or changes?
    Not really. everything is off and on, and sappy stories are making me cry...
    Nothing really 
    GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition?
    Being able to get together with family 

  • @ktewart Totally lurking but those tarts sound amazing. It is his own recipe or could I find it online somewhere?
  • @mamadcb, it's his own recipe, but I can totally get it for you! I'm still in Hawaii, so tome
    dofference, but I'll get it from him tomorrow!
    Married 25 May, 2013
    William Alexander born 18 September, 2015
    Harper Grace born 9 June, 2017
    Colton Miles born 9 June, 2017
    Bowen James due 19 June, 2019
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @ktewart that would be great! My family would love those and they sound especially good to this pregnant lady :)
  • Thank you! @chiquita928
                           SD(13) DS(10) DS(4) DS(3)
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • How far along are you? 4 weeks + 3 days

    How big is baby? Poppyseed

    Upcoming appointments this week? Not yet. First appointment is Dec. 14 - I can't wait!

    Any new symptoms or changes? I feel more pregnant now than I did with my last pregnancy, and I got my BFP way earlier, so I am hoping this little one is just stronger than his or her brother was.

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Nope

    GTKY: What's your favorite holiday tradition? DH and I are looking forward to combining our families' holiday traditions when we have kids.  We always celebrated St. Patrick's Day and his family celebrates Eid. 
  • I am 7+5

    Baby the size of a blueberry

    Had first u/s on Tuesday. Baby heart beating away.

    Feeling less ravenous last few days. Still bouts of nausea.

    Fave holiday tradition is having a big extended family Christmas feast. yummmm. 

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