Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Owlet monitor on a small baby?

Our son was born a week ago at just 5lbs 11oz. We have been using the Owlcare monitor since we brought him home but we are getting TONS of false alarms. We have tried adjusting the bootie many times, and I am starting to wonder if his foot is too small for a good fit. Owlcare has no weight guidelines on their site, so I am wondering if anyone has successfully used it on a small baby?

Re: Owlet monitor on a small baby?

  • What kind of alarm are you getting, just that the sock isn't on right? I have my notifications turned off if I get the yellow alert. I wish I could help, since my baby was born 8lb. But just make sure that the strap is on there really tight and the big circle is on the top of his foot and not the bottom.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Married DH: 4/7/2012 
    TTC: 2/3/2016 (Me: 31yrs  DH: 35yrs)
    BFP: 4/10/2016
    EDD: 12/18/16
    Kaynen Alexander born 12/6/16 via c-section (bicornate uterus/breech)
  • Did you try putting a sock or a bootie over it? We have these booties (from zuatno). I had a size too big for my LO to wear as a newborn so i put that on over it. If he was wearing footie. Pajamas obviously i couldn't put the bootie on him so i would just use a sock. We got alarms "unable to get reading" frequently when he was really young. He is 8 weeks now and it seems to have gotten better.
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