July 2017 Moms

Older mamas!

Hi! I'm 34 and will be 35 when I have my baby, anyone else of "advanced maternal age" that sounds so awful. This will be my second child. Curious if any of you have been through this or will be - curious to know what all the extra tests and everything are. So excited to meet all of you! I joined my birth month club with my son and we moved to a Facebook group and some of those ladies are now some of my best friends! 

Re: Older mamas!

  • ali76ali76 member
    edited November 2016
    Oh boy--if you're "advanced maternal age" I must be off the charts! Lol! Just turned 40 last month. Have a 6 year old daughter so this will be our second. I honestly don't feel any older than I did when I had my daughter, so I have no idea how this pregnancy will go. I'm just praying this little one isn't as "busy" as my DD. She is always on the go--has been since she came out. I don't know if I'll have the energy for that this time around ;)
  • Lol @ali76 my doctor said it's 35 and older. I'm just curious how a second pregnancy will go in general! I know people that say it's both harder and easier. I'm definitely worried how I will give attention to both my kids but my son is SO excited. Actually I'm pretty sure he's going to tell everyone at preschool today...
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  • @sdeidra, my son is super excited too! Held it in for 3 days at preschool before he told everybody. 

    I'm 34. Will be 35 when baby comes.
  • @theweevee well that makes me feel better! Ha
  • I'm 36 but when I had my first 5 years ago at 31, I felt like a teen mom here in LA! Everyone in my mommy and me class was late to early 40s and well established. 

  • mamadcbmamadcb member
    edited November 2016
    I just turned 35. Was 34 when my first was born, so I am curious about this too. I'm only a little older but I crossed the magic AMA line. One of my main questions for my OB is what I can expect to be different in my prenatal care this time. 
  • Yah, I am pretty sure its not that abnormal to have kids at 34 these days.  I had my first at 34 and we are having our 2nd at 39.  My sister was much younger when she had hers and our pregnancies and appointments were not much different.  I had fertility issues, but they are related to PCOS not age.  No worries!
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  • @theweevee Same here! I had my first baby at 36 and my OB was like, 'you are NOT advanced maternal age around here.' I'm in the bay area though, where people tend to marry later and have kids later. 

    @sdeidra I'm 38 now, and this is my third AMA pregnancy. My understanding is that 35 is pretty arbitrary and is used primarily for insurance purposes - once you're 35 you qualify for extra or more extensive genetic tests. The rationale is that women who are older are at slightly higher risk for certain complications, such as chromosomal abnormalities*, but 35 isn't a magic number or anything. I view the classification as a benefit because it means more tests should be covered by your insurance. Beyond the extra genetic testing, I personally didn't experience any difference due to my age.

    *I should add that the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities is still very low
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • edited November 2016
    @sdeidra if you think AMA sounds bad until somewhat recently is was called geriatric pregnancy.  Yeeesh.  Would not want to read that on my chart.
  • @tsarina - i'm also in the Bay Area! (San Jose). when i had my 2nd daughter - I was 32 and my OBs youngest pregnant patient. ha! I'm now 35 so "AMA" but she assures me its just for insurance benefits. She told me she delivered a 50 year old woman a few months ago!!!
    **** TW - kids and loss mentioned ****
    ~~ married 8.11.07
    ~~ DD1 1.16.11 ~~ DD2 1.3.14 ~~
    ~~ BFP3 12.22.15 MMC 2.29.16 @ 13 weeks ~~
    ~~ 2 D&Cs (3.1.16 and 3.10.16) for MMC
    ~~ BFP4 10.27.16  MMC 1.23.17 @ 16 weeks ~~ D&E 1.26.17 ~~
  • 50?! Wow! 

    I just hope hope I get to have the genetic test that determines gender by blood work early in and have it covered by insurance! (Sorry not sure what it's called)
  • I'm a surrogate and this baby will be born when I'm 43! I had the first surrogate babe when I was 41!
  • @Itsnotyourturn ugh!  That is awful.  Nothing like making a momma feel older than she does already!  Not that AMA is that much better  :/

    I just turned 35 in October and have one little who turned 3 in June.  I'm high risk for other reasons as well (clotting disorder and a genetic translocation that we'd had in previous pregnancies).

    Age 35, H 34

    Married 5/09

    Pregnancy #1, IUI, MMC, D&C Feb 2012

    Pregnancy #2,IUI, MMC, D&C July 2012

    Pregnancy #3 IUI, BFP 10/25/12 - Two heartbeats on the U/S!

    Twin Girls! C (6/24/13) and E (6/24/13-5/20/15)

    Surprise BFP! 10/23/16, EDD 7/2/17

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  • Uhm I don't like the title of this thread gah!  I don't like AMA, and geriatric is positively putting me in the grave.

    I'm 38 ouch!  I don't like writing that number down either!  Damn this thread! I will be 39 when I deliver unless I can squeeze the watermelon out sooner!

    I'm fantastic and I feel great (apart from the stinking nausea).  Can we come up with a better name that makes us feel good!  I can't handle the truth.
  • I'm 34, will be 35 when baby arrives. The only difference so far is the option for the blood test that checks the baby's DNA (only offered to mom's of advanced maternal age)... done around week 10 (I think). I can find out baby's sex at that point too, but we are team green so...
    married 7.18.12   DS1 4.29.13   EDD 11.23.14


    my happy boy

  • I am 41 and will be 42 when the little squirt arrives, so I am definitively AMA (and proud of it!). I was 40 when my daughter was born. The Maternity21 (genetic blood test) is great. Also, if you are 40+, my doctor does not let you go past 39 weeks and I had weekly ultrasounds starting at 35 weeks. 
  • Oh s/o Genetic blood tests! For older moms, what are you going to take and when?? 
    I still need to talk to my doctor (my firstappt is 12/15, so far away) but I am definitely doing this. 
  • I'm 36 and since my birthday is in July, I may or may not be 37 by the time I deliver. My birthday is 7/22 and my EDD (not confirmed yet) is 7/13... so we will see. 

    I'm a bit put off by the AMA category, but not at all worried about being pregnant over 35. I wasn't even ready to start trying until I was 35 so I feel perfectly comfortable and not too old at all. If the doctors want to be extra careful, great... please let them pay attention, I'm good with that. 

    Really am glad to see so many other Moms in here that are 35+ :blush:
    Vive Les Frasers
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  • I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad! Lol! 
  • Not ama but wanted to chime in about chromosomal abnormalities since I do have some knowledge on that. The myth is that women over 35 are at a higher chance but in reality it's based on how many women in that age group are having babies, so less pregnant women 35 and up so it shows the chances as being higher. Also 80% of babies with trisomy 21 are born to moms under 35. In my national D.S. group the average age of moms is 28 which makes sense because that's around the average age of women having kids. 
    I am using the word chances because my child is not a risk.
  • Hi! I'm another "older" mom. I am 37 and will be 38 when July 2017 rolls around. This is my first AMA pregnancy. I am more cautious in my excitement this time. I want to make sure everything is okay/ viable before publicly sharing my pregnancy news.
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  • I never realized that about the statistic. 
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  • @rklinge0 and @saltina11 As women age, the likelihood of certain chromosomal abnormalities occurring increases. This is not a myth.

    According to the National Down Syndrome Society "the incidence of births of children with Down syndrome increases with the age of the mother. But due to higher fertility rates in younger women, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age." So most kids with Down syndrome are born to younger women because younger women have the most kids, but that doesn't change the fact that the likelihood of Down syndrome increases with age. 
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  • Just now seeing my ancient tickers lol... obviously been awhile since I was last here, could someone remind me how to change them? 

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  • I'm 38 and will be 39 when this babe is born. I'm planning a homebirth and the only testing my midwife suggested is the genetic screening via blood work at 12 weeks and an anatomy scan at 20 weeks. 

    Jenn, mama to Big K (6/05) and Little K (5/07) and stepmama to Midde K (11/05)
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  • @danica01 That's really exciting! FX all goes smoothly for you... happy & healthy 9 months indeed!
    Vive Les Frasers
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