Hi! I'm 34 and will be 35 when I have my baby, anyone else of "advanced maternal age" that sounds so awful. This will be my second child. Curious if any of you have been through this or will be - curious to know what all the extra tests and everything are. So excited to meet all of you! I joined my birth month club with my son and we moved to a Facebook group and some of those ladies are now some of my best friends!
Re: Older mamas!
I'm 34. Will be 35 when baby comes.
ETA: This is my first, so I can't comment on the other parts of your question. #latetothegame lol
Met: 2003
Married: 2005
TTC #1: May 2016
@sdeidra I'm 38 now, and this is my third AMA pregnancy. My understanding is that 35 is pretty arbitrary and is used primarily for insurance purposes - once you're 35 you qualify for extra or more extensive genetic tests. The rationale is that women who are older are at slightly higher risk for certain complications, such as chromosomal abnormalities*, but 35 isn't a magic number or anything. I view the classification as a benefit because it means more tests should be covered by your insurance. Beyond the extra genetic testing, I personally didn't experience any difference due to my age.
*I should add that the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities is still very low
~~ married 8.11.07
~~ DD1 1.16.11 ~~ DD2 1.3.14 ~~
~~ BFP3 12.22.15 MMC 2.29.16 @ 13 weeks ~~
~~ 2 D&Cs (3.1.16 and 3.10.16) for MMC
~~ BFP4 10.27.16 MMC 1.23.17 @ 16 weeks ~~ D&E 1.26.17 ~~
I just hope hope I get to have the genetic test that determines gender by blood work early in and have it covered by insurance! (Sorry not sure what it's called)
I just turned 35 in October and have one little who turned 3 in June. I'm high risk for other reasons as well (clotting disorder and a genetic translocation that we'd had in previous pregnancies).
Age 35, H 34
Married 5/09
Pregnancy #1, IUI, MMC, D&C Feb 2012
Pregnancy #2,IUI, MMC, D&C July 2012
Pregnancy #3 IUI, BFP 10/25/12 - Two heartbeats on the U/S!
Twin Girls! C (6/24/13) and E (6/24/13-5/20/15)
Surprise BFP! 10/23/16, EDD 7/2/17
I'm 38 ouch! I don't like writing that number down either! Damn this thread! I will be 39 when I deliver unless I can squeeze the watermelon out sooner!
I'm fantastic and I feel great (apart from the stinking nausea). Can we come up with a better name that makes us feel good! I can't handle the truth.
my happy boy
I still need to talk to my doctor (my firstappt is 12/15, so far away) but I am definitely doing this.
I'm a bit put off by the AMA category, but not at all worried about being pregnant over 35. I wasn't even ready to start trying until I was 35 so I feel perfectly comfortable and not too old at all. If the doctors want to be extra careful, great... please let them pay attention, I'm good with that.
Really am glad to see so many other Moms in here that are 35+
I am using the word chances because my child is not a risk.
According to the National Down Syndrome Society "the incidence of births of children with Down syndrome increases with the age of the mother. But due to higher fertility rates in younger women, 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age." So most kids with Down syndrome are born to younger women because younger women have the most kids, but that doesn't change the fact that the likelihood of Down syndrome increases with age.
I am 37 and will be 38 when I have my first little one (God willing).
It has been a roller coaster for us and I must say I feel blessed to be having a child at my age (any age) as well as terrified. We spent an entire year undergoing IVF (2015-2016). From retrieval to the end of three FET's we experienced the joy of hearing those words you're pregnant twice but sadly also experienced the words you are going to lose your baby both times realizing the last one is it, no more little snow babies to be put pack in. All within 6 months of each other. My last miscarriage was complete and I started my first cycle the first week in August. We started the paperwork and trying to figure out how to raise the funds needed for our Domestic Infant Adoption. One day I just looked at my DH and said I am not willing to stop trying yet. We decided to just try while we wait for our homestudy to be scheduled. Three cycles went by and on election day I just felt blah and decided I had one test left from our last FET and within a few seconds I was pregnant!!!!! NATURALLY PREGNANT AFTER IVF!!!!! I can't wait to walk into my IVF doc and show off my bump in a few months (once again God willing).
I am terrified of miscarrying again, terrified of genetic disorders due to our age and even a little nervous about my little one graduating when I am in my late 50's BUT I think there is something to be said for us older mamas. We are wiser, know what we want and are pretty darn stable in my opinion OR maybe that is what I tell myself
Happy and healthy nine months to us all and all our little ones.......stick....stick.....stick!!!!!!
Tried to conceive first baby over a year.
October 2015: Began IVF
November 2015: 15 Eggs Retrieved, 10 Viable, 8 Fertilized through ICSI, 4 6 Day Blastocysts Made It To Freeze!!!!
December 2015: FET #1 Transferred 1 6 Day Blastocyst BFN
January 2016: FET #2 Transferred 2 6 Day Blastocyst BFP!!!!!
February 19, 2016: Officially lost our little blueberry through natural miscarriage.
July 17, 2016: FET #3 Transferred 1 6 Day Blastocyst BFP!!!!!
August 2016: Officially lost our little bean through natural miscarriage.
Natural pregnancy October 2016!!!!!
Our Miracle Rainbow Baby
Due Date July 20, 2017