Any ladies with pcos have trouble breast feeding? Worried my mest up hormones might make it difficult once I don't have a placenta to make hormones for me
I have pcos and have successfully breast fed 2 babies for 15 months each. I have heard that with pcos one typically either over produces or doesn't produce enough. And I certainly over produced until my body figured out a good balance. Good luck! And don't be afraid to seek help from a lactation consultant, they can help so some!
I also have pcos and breastfeed my first for 10 months. I did work full time starting around 6 months, and I'm pretty sure that's what lowered my supply rather than the pcos. My milk did come in really late, at day 5 though
*Lurker from Feb 17* I have pcos and I breastfed my DS for over a year. I think my milk came in day 4. I agree with seeing a lactation consultant. I had an awesome one who helped with all my questions and helped me feel confident. I'll see one again this time around.
I have pcos and gave up after two weeks I could barely get an ounce from both breasts combined aftrt missing one day of pumping due to moving houses. Besides my LO didn't latch on anyway. She loves the bottle.
I too have PCOS and got advised at day 10 to throw in the towel as both me and my little girl weren't doing well. I hardly produced anything, pumped a full day and didn't manage to fill one bottle! I did suffer extreme blood loss during labour, which too can cause trouble producing milk.
I'm a FTM and baby girl is 5 days old, so the story is still being written, but we haven't had any real issues outside of the ordinary learning curve. My colostrum was a little slow to come in at the hospital, so the lactation consultant suggested I pump after a feeding once I got home to stimulate production. I pumped once a day for two days (days 3 and 4 post partum) for 10 minutes each time and my milk appears to be coming in now, so I guess it worked! Hope e everyone else has good luck, as well, it can certainly be challenging!
Me: 31; DH: 31 NTNP: May 2015 TTC #1: late August 2015 PCOS Dx: January 2016, starting Femara Feb 2016 BFP: 2/29/16 - Happy Leap Day!
I have PCOS and despite getting mastitis, I'm having no issues. My only issue is over-supply.
DS#1: born Dec 29, 2013
TTC#2 since Sept 2014 - unexplained secondary IF
BFP #2: 11.7.14 M/C: 11.27.14 @ 6w3days
BFP #3: 04.19.2015 M/C 04.27.15 @ 4w3days
BFP #4: 10.05.2015 C/P @ 3w4days
Oct 11, 2015: Cycle 13. Starting Femara (2.5mg). HSG this cycle (all clear) - BFN
Nov 12, 2015: Cyle 14. Femara 5mg + IUI - BFN
Dec 10, 2015: Cycle 15. Femara 5mg + IUI #2 - BFP #5! C/P 4w4d Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN. Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016 Moving to IVF March 2016 Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745 U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!! Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
I have PCOS, and I solely pumped with baby #1 and used formula. I didn't make a TON, but about 30-40% of what she ate was breastmilk. I considered that to be successful! I didn't have issues, but I wasn't one of those moms who was making a TON. I pumped for about 7 months.
Re: PCOS and breast feeding
I hardly produced anything, pumped a full day and didn't manage to fill one bottle!
I did suffer extreme blood loss during labour, which too can cause trouble producing milk.
NTNP: May 2015
TTC #1: late August 2015
PCOS Dx: January 2016, starting Femara Feb 2016
BFP: 2/29/16 - Happy Leap Day!
Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN.
Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016
Moving to IVF March 2016
Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745
U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!!
Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.
Also--my PCOS was soo much better after baby!