June 2017 Moms

Monday Bitchfest 11/14

YALL!!!!!! I feel awful...... I'm exhausted, cramping, and have the MOST congestion in my head I think I have ever had...

All in favor that maternity leave starts the DAY you pee on a stick until your child goes to college... (kidding... kind of.)
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Monday Bitchfest 11/14

  • I have a cold on top of all the other lovely symptoms...
    MC Sept 2010
    BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
    TTC again since July 2014
    First IUI 9/26/16:  BFP!
    EDD 6/19/2017
    It's a girl!
    Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
  • I'm all for that @EmeraldNC!

    We had friends visiting over the weekend, and while it was fun, I was bummed to give up laying on the couch watching football in peace. I slept for 10 hours last night, but I'm still tired. I just can't wait to start feeling a little bit more like myself again. 
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  • We have to spend this Saturday with DH's family for his Grandma's birthday lunch/dinner. There will be 13 (!!!!) people there. I just want to stay home and not deal with them. This was all part of MIL's plan to get  an extra weekend out of us.  :/
  • @MKRLTX I second the can't wait to feel like myself again motion!  I just want to be Berg again.  I'm so moody and tired, and all around blaahhh.  I have no desire for DH to touch me.  It's been so long and I feel so guilty.  All these other ladies are like I'm so horny.  And I'm over here like nahhh.  It's depressing.
  • @berg You're not the only one!  I have no desire for DH to touch me either... and I am SUCH a moody Judy.  I know I am, and I try really hard not to be... but everything annoys me.  EVERYTHING.  Yesterday it was extremely bad, I eventfully just went to sleep.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm so cheap, don't want to buy a new suit (BeBand for the win!), and in general don't want to deal with the stress that comes with interviewing for an internal role that only opens up every 3 - 4 years.  This morning was rough with my first few interviews and now I have to do it 2 more times this week... ugh...
  • @EmeraldNC Omg I feel so much better knowing it's not just me!  DH called my name from the shower to ask me the color of his new toothbrush (he's 98% colorblind, toothbrushes are an issue).  He for some reason cannot take a shower with me in the house without having to call me in there for something.  But yesterday I nearly murdered him for it.  Poor guy just wanted to brush his teeth with the right toothbrush.  Hopefully this passes soon...
  • Not only did I have the entire very long weekend of just me and DD because DH was working late due to inventory counts and then went to a football game all day Sunday but I also found out the my sister has a big fat mouth! Apparently she somehow found out I'm pregnant. Or just assuming it...she's asked but I've denied everytime. We are waiting till thanksgiving to tell everyone together. She told her husband. Then told my other sister who told her husband. And then both gossipy old woman brother in laws preceded to discuss how they knew I was pregnant on the car drive to the football game yesterday while my best friends husband was in the car with them not knowing that we've told them already. So he told my DH bout it n DH told me. I know I probably sound like a crazy emotional pregnant lunatic but I'm pissed as hell. I have had to keep my secret for 10 weeks now so that we could surprise everyone together on thanksgiving and my blabber mouth sister ruined it by telling half the family. Now what's going to happen is when I do tell them those 4 will be all hauty and jeering bout how they all knew. Thanks for taking such an important piece of information from me! I'm so mad I want to start punching people. Lol. Ok so maybe I'm crazy but who the hell does she think she is? And unless she somehow saw my test she can only assume. 
    My monday bitchfest is over for now but I'm sure I'll be fuming for a while. 
  • We dropped out of our contract on the house we offered on last week because of the inspection results (High levels of moisture in the basement concrete which is strange since it sits on a hill and we are in a drought) 

    I am pretty annoyed we are back to our year long house hunt.

    Me: 29 DH: 35

    Married: 9/29/12

    DS #1: 3/8/15

  • I'm so tired of feeling like shit. Like seriously.
    My bf goes to my boss who constantly tells me I need to look more "polished" when I never break dress code and we literally have ppl working here in jeans and gym shoes. WHY DON'T YOU "POLISH" YOUR FACE
  • @Praying41 maybe you should fire back in an unexpected way for her doing that to you... I would keep denying and if she tried to tell everyone at Thanksgiving or bring it up/spread further, you could get upset that she was calling you fat or something equally as offensive to a non-pregnant woman.  Or you could call to 'confide' in her about some situation causing you to gain weight or something like how much you just wish you could be pregnant or expand your family and see what she does to fix the gossip churn she created... might teach her a lesson.

    I hate gossip, however, I usually do not take the high road and get pretty bitter.  Found out some 'thought-to-be' friends spread a rumor about my husband and I about five years ago due to us not going to their wedding... it doesn't really matter but I'm being spiteful now... I mean it was one of my BEST friends all through and after college... sucks to be them, I have so much more dirt and was 'that' friend that was told everything but never said anything - you should just call me Gretchen Wieners.

  • This is dumb to bitch about but my dogs will not leave me alone. I love them but they follow me absolutely everywhere now. Also, when I'm sitting or laying they are always directly on top of me. This pregnancy has made me a little claustrophobic I think. Last night both dogs were in my bed with my BF and my 4-year-old DD (she always makes her way in at some point) I felt like I was having an anxiety attack at one point because everyone was touching me. 

    I know it's on us for letting them do it from day 1, but I need to train my dogs to sleep elsewhere and it's not going to be easy. 
  • My 5/6 period.  I just want to scream at them stop being so freaking annoying, shut up and do your work!!  The amount they raise my blood pressure can't be good for me.  When I finally announce I am pregnant I am going to lay the guilt on them that they can't upset me anymore because it is bad for the baby.  I am so over them.  
                                                                              Married 12/17/2011
                                                                                  K born 8/31/12                                 
                                                                                  C born 1/11/14
                                                                  BFP #3 Nov 2014: D&C January 2015
                                                                  BFP #4 Sept 2016: Due May 31 2017

  • Why the eff do I have to feel this bad??????? 

    TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!!  Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui) 
    #1 born December 2011
    TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
    #2 born May 2013
    TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
    #3 born August 2015 
    #4!!!!!!! due June 2017 
  • @delujm0 I'd go on a cleaning strike and maybe find a lock and key for our bedroom if DH ever tried to pull that over me. Nope. 

    My Monday Bitchfest is that I felt much better weeks 9-10, thought maybe I was getting out of the 1st trimester woods...nope. Last week my exhaustion came back with NO MERCY. I am so so so so so tired. Poor DS is getting so minimal of me. I feel like I've only slept 2 hours in 2 weeks. I don't function well like this...cue sleepless meltdown. 
    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
    Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017 
    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d450a" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
  • FSUNole31 said:
    My 5/6 period.  I just want to scream at them stop being so freaking annoying, shut up and do your work!!  The amount they raise my blood pressure can't be good for me.  When I finally announce I am pregnant I am going to lay the guilt on them that they can't upset me anymore because it is bad for the baby.  I am so over them.  
    This is more like a FFFC... but I already told my students I was pregnant JUST to be able to use it as an excuse for them to listen and NOT stress me out! So far... it has worked.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • @delujm0 my DH went through a phase where he thought he didn't have to lift a finger because I'm a SAHM. Even when he did do something he would act like he did me a favor, "I washed bottles for you." And I'd just calmly say, "I don't use bottles, but I'm sure the child you helped create appreciates being able to eat." He recently just decided again that he doesn't have to do anything and after about a month of it I threw an all out temper tantrum. I can't imagine 16 months of that nonsense. Good for you for sending an email like an adult. I don't think I could be so mature.

    My BF is my morning sickness. I thought I was in the clear today when I woke up feeling like a human being, but by this afternoon I felt awful. At least I still haven't actually gotten sick yet today, knock on wood.
  • Oh, man. I am trying so hard to be positive (I was the queen of positivity my last pregnancy. Current me wants to punch former me in the face.), but I just want to feel better. I feel like an inadequate mom, wife, and teacher, and it's KILLING MY SOUL. C'mon 2nd trimester!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    Married 7/11/09 TTC #1 Since 05/10
    BFP #1 09/20/10 Natural m/c 10/05/10
    BFP! #2 04/21/11... Beta 16 DPO: 437, 18 DPO:1446 Ultrasound 6w6d TWINS!
    Annabel & Sophia Born 11/28/11 at 34w6d
    BFP #3 10/4/16... Beta 13 DPO: 145, 15 DPO: 367 12/1/16 It's a GIRL!

  • **TW**

    Out of nowhere, I had another bright red bleed today. (TMI) I was sitting at my desk and thought I felt a little wet and barely made it to the bathroom before I had a gush. It was over in less than 5 minutes and I'm now just spotting. This is the 3rd red bleed in addition to one heavy brown bleed/spotting since my BFP. 

    I had a dating u/s yesterday and I told the tech I had a SCH a few weeks ago but my u/s 2 weeks ago was clear. She mentioned that she saw something on my u/s yesterday like a SCH or bleed or something, so I'm hoping that's all today was. I cannot handle this shit anymore. I am mentally and emotionally exhausted. Just when I give myself permission to get excited (I saw baby wiggling and bouncing around yesterday on the u/s), I bleed again which sends my anxiety and negativity through the roof. I didn't bother calling my doctor - it's not like she can do anything. They're just going to tell me the same shit they've been telling me for a month. Hopefully it's just a SCH of no consequence and everything clears up as it has the last 3 times. And baby is still alive and well in there. I just want to take home a healthy baby in 7 months.
    Me: 35 I DH: 38
    *TW loss and children mentioned*
    DD:2006 | Dx: Unexplained Secondary Infertility | DS: 2011

    TFAS since 2012

    Oct 16: Spontaneous BFP | m/c @ 9w1d (massive SCH) | D&C
    Apr 17: IUI #1 = BFN
    May 17: IUI #2 = BFN
    Jun 17: IUI #3 = Late BFP (18 DPO) | NMC 17Jul17 @ ~6w
    Aug 17: IUI #4 = Cancelled due to premature ovulation | TI = BFN
    Sep 17: IUI #5 = Cancelled due to overstimulation (10+ follies)
    Nov 17: IVF #1 = Cancelled due to non-IF related health issue | TI = BFN
    Dec 17: IVF #1 = Puregon 200, Menopur 75, Orgalutran, Suprefact trigger due to OHSS risk | 22R, 18M, 16F, 10B frozen  
    Feb 18: FET #1 (medicated) = BFN
    Mar 18: FET #2 (natural cycle) = CP (beta 1: 54; beta 2: 0)
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = cancelled due to missed ovulation
    Apr 18: FET #3 (natural cycle) = BFP! Beta 1: 201  Beta 2: 585 Beta 3: 3254 Beta 4: 9715 U/S 19May - one bean measuring on track with a HB of 125!
    EDD: 07Jan2019 Team Green
    My Rainbow Baby Boy born 03Jan2019 <3 

  • Today was the first day I felt bloated. Today was also the first day I sat at my desk the entire second half of the day with my pants unbuttoned (thanks goodness I had a long shirt on). I want to wear something other than my norm like leggings or go buy maternity pants but I know the second I wear something new I will get a slew of questions (those are new, where'd you get them, etc.) from my co-workers and I feel like it will give it away. Just have to make it another couple weeks before I plan on telling my boss and the office. 
  • @delujm0 You have some will power to not have killed that man. An email!! What did you write back?! I am pretty laid back, but I would be calling him and telling him off at work. Ugh!!!!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @waiting4fred omg teaching while pregnant totally sucks.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • @tosh24- So sorry you're going through that. It sounds brutal. Prayers that it's nothing yet again. Hang in there.
  • My company went through a large merger a couple of months ago and now there is talk of layoffs coming before the holidays. I really don't want to have to find a new job while pregnant so praying I survive!
  • Today I stopped by the bathroom at work and set my half-full water bottle on the shelf outside. When I came back out it was gone and apparently someone had thrown it away. I was PISSED! Like crazy hormonal pissed. It's kind of hilarious now how freaking angry I was about a bottle of water. Pregnancy hormones are real, dude.
    Me: 38 l DH: 41
    Gavin - 8/27/10
    Gabriel - 2nd tri loss 5/17/16 Trisomy 18 & 21
    Hope -  2nd tri loss 12/7/16 complications from pneumonia

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • @tosh24 So sorry about your SCH repeats!  FX for you.
    MC Sept 2010
    BFP Oct 2011 - DD born July 2012
    TTC again since July 2014
    First IUI 9/26/16:  BFP!
    EDD 6/19/2017
    It's a girl!
    Born 6/26/17, 9lb 5oz
  • So I didn't have a Monday BF but have a Tuesday one to contribute. Who TF thinks it's a good idea to have 8:30 doctors appointments available to schedule when their phone lines/receptionists aren't there until 9? I completely forgot about my appointment this morning and called 50 times with it going to the "Out of office" message so I sped up there and was about 20 minutes late and told I needed to reschedule. :neutral: If you have appointments you need to have some way for them to give you a courtesy heads up if they're late/need to reschedule. 
    Lilypie Maternity tickersImage and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • EmeraldNC said:
    @berg You're not the only one!  I have no desire for DH to touch me either... and I am SUCH a moody Judy.  I know I am, and I try really hard not to be... but everything annoys me.  EVERYTHING.  Yesterday it was extremely bad, I eventfully just went to sleep.
    I 3rd this... I really hope that it goes away though- I feel horrible about it. 
    IAmPregnant Ticker
  • @tosh24 I SO can relate. With my DS I had spotting early on and then a massive bleed at 27 weeks (placental abruption) I had 2 other big bleeds and made it to 37 weeks (spent that time on bedrest in the hospital). The anxiety is so insane and I just want to give you a hug and let you know I get it! I'm so glad you've been able to see baby. Ultrasounds were the only thing keeping me sane during my last pregnancy. Many thoughts your way and praying this is the last one! 

    Also, I have another moderate SCH this pregnancy but so far it's caused little spotting. Feel free to message me if you need to! 
    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    DS: 18 months 4/2/2015
    Baby #2 EDD: 6/1/2017 
    <a href="http://www.thebump.com/?utm_source=ticker&utm_medium=HTML&utm_campaign=tickers" title="Baby Names"><img src="http://global.thebump.com/tickers/tt1d450a" alt=" BabyFruit Ticker" border="0"  /></a>
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