@brownylover Loooove the blanket! Is that a pack 'n play napper that she's in? Do you use it for bedtime too? The "directions" booklet isn't very clear.... is it "okay" to let them sleep overnight in the napper or should you use the bassinet that's underneath?
[Not at all judging whatever you do, just curious as i'm trying to prepare. Would rather not buy a separate bassinet in addition to the pack 'n play and crib. ]
@hoosiermama it is a pack n play. I use the bassinet attachment on the right but I put a rolled up swaddling cloth on each side of her so she can't roll to either side.
Yay! I have been wanting to show off Eva like crazy and wanted to see more of everyone else's babies! Eva is officially 1 month tomorrow (still 4 days before her actual due date- my sweet little early bird).
@brownylover good to know about the blanket idea bc we have a similar pack n play and I want him to sleep in the "cuddle cove" and H is now all paranoid about it bc some coworkers kid was rolling over in her sleep at a week old so he's afraid to use it now
Pic after getting home from the hospital today. His pants have dogs on the feet but he won't keep his feet in the end of the pants they keep riding up.
Loving being home with both my kiddos. DS loves his baby sister and will run across the house to give her a binky if she's fussing. He also loves rocking her in her rock-n-play. It's surreal having two children but she fits in perfectly!
Re: Let's see those babies!
So happy for you all
Hope you're all adjusting well to your littles.
My handsome man going home!
[Not at all judging whatever you do, just curious as i'm trying to prepare. Would rather not buy a separate bassinet in addition to the pack 'n play and crib.
I'm loving her crazy faces when she's alert and not cranky.
Love sibling photos. don't have one with my youngest girl holding him. but these are my older two! ♡
Lenora Susanne...she turned 1 month yesterday the 25th. My baby is growing too fast!
Those matching Christmas jammies are perfection!
MMC 01/26/12
MC 12/25/12, D&C 01/05/13
BFP 03/05/13, EDD 11/12/13. HB 175 @ 9w2d. Its a Girl!
DX with EA/TEF Type C & Tracheomalaysia
MC @ 13wks 01/15/15
BFP 1/11/18, EDD 9/21/18
Getting ready for our hospital discharge.
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
I'm loving having a girl!
i did a newborn mini shoot and am so glad I did! I also have a local mom gift me this shirt (Ford & Wyatt on Instagram) and I'm in love with it, too!
Headed home from the hospital (no-go on the newborn hat #bighead) and napping at home with a Ninja Turtle courtesy of big bro!
Your pics turned out better. My newborn photo shoot was me trying to take professional-looking photos of my baby. lol
Welcomed baby girl: 06.10.14
Second pregnancy EDD: 06.16.16 MC: 10.29.15
Welcomed baby boy: 11.25.16
Hanging on the scale