It's crazy bec every morning I sit around waiting for it! Besides for the fact that aside from a boob twinge here and there I really don't feel pregnant so I'm nervous anew each day.
Also because we were trying for a year this time and each month as I awaited my period and looked for "signs" all the ones I saw and in the past was actually a pregnancy sign ended up meaning nothing that time. So in the past when I was pregnant and would search my boobs for spider veins and see them I was reassured but since I've noticed each month this past year even when I got a negative now even if I see Them it's not as reassuring..
I'm 7.5 weeks along and I don't have any symptoms except for slight nausea in the morning which I think is due to the prenatal vitamin anyway. I'm freaking out bec all my healthy pregnancies I was vomiting through the 4th month and with my two miscarriages I had nothing

Now except for throwing up once two wks ago I feel nothing ;(. We saw the HB last wk and my doc tried to reassure us everything looks great and it looks viable but I'm still nervous bec aside from the nausea which I don't have, even if I notice the other symptoms that used to be a pregnancy sign, this past year proves otherwise..
and bec bec I am so stressed about miscarrying, I took another test and saw my urine was cloudy..?!?? Another things to stress anout!!
Re: Only threw up nervous!!
I've had a previous loss as well so I know the feeling of stressing over everything and nothing. Just try to enjoy the fact that you're pregnant today.
I know it's hard, but try not to stress. All the symptoms don't hit everyone the same.
My first pregnancy? No morning sickness, no cravings/aversions, really no symptoms at all.
Result? Healthy baby boy.
My second pregnancy? Sore boobs, weird cravings, 24/7 nausea, heightened sense of smell, you name it....
Result? My son passed away in utero.
I know this can be such a stressful time but please remember that symptoms are just symptoms. They are not indicative of the health of your pregnancy. Just try to focus on what you do have control over: sleep, nutrition and your emotional health. Hang in there!
Gavin - 8/27/10
Gabriel - 2nd tri loss 5/17/16 Trisomy 18 & 21
Hope - 2nd tri loss 12/7/16 complications from pneumonia
Me: 36; DH: 38
DD: 7; DS1: 4; DS2 due 6-21-17!
MMC & D&C Aug 2016
I'm around 8 weeks and I have had very little nausea and absolutely no vomiting. I saw the heartbeat and that helped assure me everything was fine. I'm taking the lack of symptoms as a blessing.
This falls under "don't ask for trouble."
Pregnancy for realz isn't at all like pregnancy on TV. While many, many women experience nausea during early pregnancy, relatively few actually vomit, especially with any consistency or regularity. With DD I was symptomless until heartburn started up at 24 weeks. You shouldn't be worried because you're not vomiting this time around. You should be relieved. I know that's hard with previous losses, but try to look on the bright side.
Cloudy urine isn't unusual at all...most women see a LOT of CM in early pregnancy, as the mucous plug is setting itself up. While certainly losses happen once you've seen a healthy HB, the chances of miscarriage actually greatly decrease once you get to that point. Early pregnancy is hard. Unless you are badly cramping and/or losing a lot of blood, try not to worry about it, and to assume that everything is going well. I usually calm myself down by focusing on DD, knowing that her life is going to be upended in about 7 months. Concentrate on your existing children and try to be calm until your next appointment.
wish i I had a sono machine in my basement