November 2016 Moms

Weekly Symptoms Check In - Week of 11/6/16

Re: Weekly Symptoms Check In - Week of 11/6/16

  • The stabbing pain under my right rib when I sleep is annoying. It hurts to flip over. I asked Dr about it a while ago and was told it's just the organs and stuff being pushed up and seems to present on the right side. May just stick with sleeping on my back
  • Ugh. I had the worst weekend pains. I had terrible back pain and cramping (called off work on Friday). Last night I got a bit freaked out because I was getting some BH and they felt a bit more intense than anything in the past. Also TMI... I went to bed and immediately got up to RR to check my area and sure enough a large portion of my mucus plug was released (no blood though). DH was in go mode and I had to calm the situation. I have my 37w appointment on Thursday and really debating if I should push it closer. I have the rest of this week and next week of work but I think I’m calling it this Friday. I am exhausted and it would be nice to have some downtime. My pelvic muscles feel like they will rip apart with every toss and turn at night making it difficult to sleep. I can keep going on and on…. Wishing all of us a better week, our littles are almost here. 

    Me: 28 <3 DH: 29

    #1 DS: 11/24/2016

    #2 EDD: 11/15/2017

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  • My sinuses are SO swollen. No mucus, I'm not sick, just puffy and swollen. My sister had this the last two weeks of her pregnancy, UGH I can't imagine another 10 days of this nonsense. 
  • I can't walk or put my legs together to sit is pushing her way down. And I'm over itchy skin and trying to basically move from one place to the next.
  • This might sound silly but has anyone had extreme tiredness as a symptom of impending labor? I've been pretty good this whole pregnancy, rarely feeling tired but these last 2 days I'm ready to crash at 630 or 7pm it's crazy I've never had this 
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