TTC After a Loss

What else besides prenatal vitamins?

I'm taking prenatal vitamins and  baby aspirin each day, but are there other vitamins I should add in addition to that? I'm a vegetarian, and I've heard of some people taking more vitamin b12, but wasn't sure since I'm already getting that from my prenatal vitamins. I've had 2 miscarriages this year, so I'm worried it might be an egg quality thing. Is it possible to get too much of a vitamin if you take it in addition to your prenatal vitamins?

Re: What else besides prenatal vitamins?

  • I take CoQ10 in addition to my prenatal vitamin. I believe it is supposed to help with egg quality and my H takes it as well. I also take additional DHA with my prenatal. 
    Me: 35     DH: 37
    BFP: 1.6.16 | MC: 2.17.16
    BFP: 10.3.16 | CP: 10.11.16
    BFP: 12.14.16 | CP: 12.14.16
    BFP:  1.23.17 | EDD 10.6.17 -- DS born 10.7.17 <3
    BFP:  9.9.18 | EDD 5.23.19 -- DD born 5.24.19 <3
    BFP: 9.1.21 | MC 10.1.21
    BFP: 11.11.21 | EDD 7.24.22 


  • My prenatal doesn't contain iron, so I take an iron supplement and calcium (though at opposite times of the day), along with a baby aspirin. That's what my OB wanted me on before my MC, so I have just kept it up.

    TTC#1 - 6.3.16
    BFP#1 - 7.1.16, (mo-di twins + singleton) due 3.15.17
    MC singleton - 7.13.16 - 5w
    MMC identical twins - 8.5.16 - 8w+2d
    Misoprostol 4x
    D&C - 9.12.16
    Hysteroscopy - 11.21.16 - Retained tissue filling half of uterus removed, blocked left tube, benched for 2 cycles, on estrogen/progesterone for 30 days
    HSG - 2.7.17 - Asherman's Syndrome. Both tubes open.
    Hysteroscopy 2.13.17 - Incomplete adhesiolysis for Asherman's, benched & on estrogen/progesterone for 30 days. At least two more surgeries needed...
    Hysteroscopy 3.21.17 - Adhesiolysis for Asherman's, benched & on estrogen/progesterone for 30 days.
    TTCAL #1: 4.24.17
    Hysteroscopy 5.23.17 - Scars reformed. Adhesiolysis. Unsure what to do next...
    Fertility acupuncture - started 6.13.17
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  • ----Lurking----
    My RE had me on a vitamin D supplement. They are looking at the relationship between vitamin D deficiency and fertility/infertility. One study showed that women who had sufficient vitamin d levels were twice as likely to conceive via IVF than those who were deficient. 

  • Are there any "bad" supplements, like one you should avoid?  
  • MFM put me on vitamin D, iodine supplement, DHA and a probiotic. That being said you should consult with your doctor before taking anything. 
    I'm 29, husband is 30
    Together since 2006
    Married 01.17.15  <3

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

  • My acupuncturist put me on Chinese herbs but I keep forgetting to take them - thanks for reminding me!  I also take a food-based prenatal and a separate DHA supplement.  And B12 shots when I can get them.
  • fioripfiorip member
    edited November 2016
    @justsuzie maca root is supposed to increase fertility but once confirmed pregnant, needs to be stopped. 

    ETA: you should also be careful with the amount of vitamin A, some prenatals have way to much vitamin A when you add up diet source. 
    I'm 29, husband is 30
    Together since 2006
    Married 01.17.15  <3

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers 

  • This month I have been taking my prenatal, cod liver oil and also have been doing a green smoothie everyday with a teaspoon of maca powder. This is my first time using maca but I have heard that it is suppose to help with fertility so I started on CD 1 and will stop after I confirm ovulation.
  • I take prenatal vitamins, omega3, folic acid, CoQ10, vitamin C and Calcium+Vitamin D and fiber. CoQ10 helps with the egg quality and vitamin C is antioxidant which is also key for the egg quality. I took some tips from the book "It Starts with the Egg" 
    Me 29, DH 32
    Married: 03/2014
    BFP: 08/20/16, Blighted ovum 9/26/16 (8 weeks 4 days), D&C 9/28/16 (8 weeks 6 days)
    BFP: 12/16/16  => DD born 08/27/2017
  • Just my prenatal and DHA.
    31 years young
    from Seattle(ish)
    5 years married
    FTM and PGAL
    EDD is 12/23/17
    -- It's a BOY! ---

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