Ok I'm gonna kick this bad boy of because today has really been one of those days!
My day started horribly when the UK national health service managed to mess up every single aspect of my bloodwork. First they missed some off, then when I went to get cd 21 test today after skipping out of work for an hour they told me they couldn't fit me in (after I got there).
Then they printed the wrong results for my previous bloodwork. They forgot to print the other half. Then they realised they hadn't even done some of SO's bloodwork even though the blood was taken on Oct 6th.
And then they had the cheek to say....oh you're a worrier aren't you? Seriously?
We need these results for our private IVF consult this Friday.
In short - the NHS are just the worst.
And then on my way home some dude with his beer belly literally used his belly to shove me to the side as he thought I was pushing in front of him to get on the tube, when in actual fact I had just stepped off to allow a group of german student to get off and was simply trying to get back on.
He later apologised..but seriously, using your belly to shove someone?
I am so glad to be back home right now and put this day behind me!
@babymish I love that you're starting GTKY threads over here! That stuff with the NHS sounds infuriating - I hope you've gotten everything you need (or are making strides with getting it now)! Also, that guy was so rude! I had two people shove me out of the way to get on an airplane a few weekends ago (once going there, once coming back). I turned to DH and asked him if I have that kind of face that makes people think they can just push into me and move me.
I don't have a WTF yet, but the day is young still.
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW, because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@babymish Your day just sounds awful. I would have been beyond frustrated. I can't believe they got all condescending with you.. of course you're worried! You needed time-sensitive labwork done. And then a belly shove.. it's just such a bad day that it's comical at that point. I'm so sorry!
@mrsdee15 The day sure is young! I don't really have a WTF today either but I'm going to rant just to rant
So my mild WTF is that DH and I work together. We work together in an office of 6 people. So now with all of these doctors appointments that involve both of us, it's just getting kind of fishy. And my coworkers are unprofessionally nosy because it is only 6 of us. I'm just starting to get worried about when we'll get the inquisition. The good news is that my boss knows the situation.
Me: 28 DH: 28
TTC #1 since Nov. 2015 Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
IVF Cycle #2 March 2017 - 5R·4M·3F - Transferred 1 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
@PennStateCait you're a saint. I don't think I could work with DH!!
My WTF is WTH did I get AF already? I am so at a loss. I was only 11 dpo! At least I didn't have to wait until the Beta to get the bad news.
hitched 5/2009 -- Me 34, DH 39
TTC #1: dx with POCS 7/2009 TTC on & off since 1/2012 September 2012; Surprise BFP - MC June - December 2013; Clomid/Femara + Trigger + TI = BFN x 4 April - May 2016; Femara + TI = BFN x 2 July 2016 - December 2016; Gonal-F + Ovidren + IUI = BFN x 3 May 2018 - IVF #1; 8 snowbabies. transferred 1 embryo - CP August 2018 - FET #1 -- Healthy Baby Boy
@PennStateCait Oh man, the appointments thing is hard. I work in a smaller department and told my supervisor what's going on so she knows why I keep having appointments. I've known everyone here like 20 years because it's a family company. **Possible TW? Someone else's pregnancy** Anyway, she chose to come in and tell me another coworker is pregnant then straight up asked if I was... nope. Awkward, thanks for that.
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW, because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Thanks @mrsdee15@PennStateCait - I guess the belly shove is pretty comical now I am safely at home but at the time I think I nearly killed him with the look I gave him :w
@PennStateCait How much better is it when your boss knows right! At least you have that, but yeah, it must be slightly awkward disappearing together a lot now.
Sorry for the early AF @madasm0530 that always sucks. I still haven't worked out if a negative test or AF is better....if either of them at all..
@babymish You are a saint because I would have lost my shit on them! I am glad it got worked out though, you need all the infromation possible to bring to your private appointment! Hopefully $=getting to IVF more quic@MrsDCruz
@mrsdee15 for real?!?! That is just plain dumb....
My WTF moment for today....I have a bunch of crazy friends that I chat with pretty regularly via facebook chat, we just air our grievances and talk about crazy shit... and one of them left facebook chat open and her boss read our whole conversation.... helloooo privacy!
TTC #1 - December 2015 Me:31 H:31 DX: MFI - 1% Morph 12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future) 3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
@Zoey1019 Yep, really happened. If you knew her you would not be surprised.
I can't believe your friend's boss read all of it! Though honestly this woman at my work would do that if she could, she wants to know everything about everyone.
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW, because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@madasm0530 sorry about AF girl What is your next step? Another IUI?
@babymish just the basic grievences every girl has...what are the best sexual positions to conceive a baby, what a stenotic cervix is, educational information about harry potter world....you know....just casual chatter....
@PennStateCait she is a special one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why we love her!!
TTC #1 - December 2015 Me:31 H:31 DX: MFI - 1% Morph 12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future) 3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
@Zoey1019 Yep, really happened. If you knew her you would not be surprised.
I can't believe your friend's boss read all of it! Though honestly this woman at my work would do that if she could, she wants to know everything about everyone.
The men in my office are soooo much more interested in everyone's lives then the women. Its bizarre. Yesterday once I my coworkers was out and like 10 different men came up and asked where she was? was she sick? is she on vacation? did she quit, etc. etc. I kept laughing and thinking these guys are worse then women.
@MMD1986 the guys are the WORST! They come in, sit down, and start with the "have you heard..." NO! I haven't heard because I don't care.
my WTF is why won't my left ovary stop twitching? I went for acupuncture on Saturday, and the little bugger has been itching from the inside ever since. Oh, and I f*cking HATE my job! Just gotta make it through the holidays then it's back to the job hunt.
@PennStateCait tell them that you and DH are in couples counseling! I'm 32 and have gone for pap's, mammograms, mole checks, and anything else I can think of without saying fertility appointment. DH is going to have a "colonoscopy" soon
I like your style @LuluMurph, I generally go with "I have a meeting"...but Im starting to run out of businesses I can meet with - on top of my real meetings that is...
I also have to make up a story about how the meeting went each time, awkward.
@MMD1986@Zoey1019@LuluMurph Ohhh on guys being gossips, DH's good friend is the BIGGEST gossip I've ever seen. 38-year-old guy and he's always rolling into conversations like I love him, I do, but I cannot understand how he's more gossipy than all the women I know combined.
DD born PPROM preemie at 36 weeks on 10/1/17 after over a year TI, then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW, because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@LuluMurph Haha funny you should say that because we are going to start going to couple's counseling starting tomorrow! I'm nervous and excited. But that is a good white lie to use.
Me: 28 DH: 28
TTC #1 since Nov. 2015 Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
IVF Cycle #2 March 2017 - 5R·4M·3F - Transferred 1 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
@madasm0530 my period game 2 days early this cycle too and I didn't even get to my actual test day. How rude!
I totally agree with you all about the nosey men at work. Today, a male co-worker asked why another female co-worker left early today and I said because she was feeling sick. He immediately leaned in closer to me and in a super gossipy tone was like "do you think she's pregnant???" No, Bro. I don't think she's pregnant. I think she ate some bad food. Get back to your job. Geez!
My WTF is our refrigerator is about to die. It's the one that came with the house and matches all of the other appliances. When we get a new one, we plan to switch to an entirely different style...so now, instead of just needing a new fridge, we are going to neee to get all new appliances because I'm crazy and everything has to match. Happy Holidays to us...
About me: TTC#1: October 2015 dx: PCOS & MFI IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP July 2016: Blighted Ovum IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN FET February 2017 ~BFN IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17 Team Blue X 2!
I usually have the office to myself this time of year. I share with two other people, including my boss, but since they both do Christmas arrangements for the holiday season I'm normally alone in the office on and off, mainly on, from about the beginning of October until after Christmas. Which is lovely because I can surf the web when I have down time. But starting today the accounts payable woman is sitting in my office because her office is upstairs. And right now there is a raccoon infestation in the attic, which her office is next too, and the odor of raccoon urine is so strong up there it's giving her dizzy spells and headaches. So she's using my bosses desk until they take care of the problem. But it's a problem for ME because I can't mess around when she's in there lol.
@beary67 I have dreams of redoing our kitchen but really it's functional and not terribly old so I don't have a viable reason right now. @madasm0530 Don't you hate nosey men? or women for that matter?! one of my male co-workers asked if my husband and I wanted to have kids. I said yeah, someday we hope. he then asked how old I was. I replied 31. he followed that up with "why are you waiting". I've gotten frustrated with the frequent inquisitions and effort required to lie effectively so I just said "we're NOT waiting". all he said to that was "oh". really? Why would you even ask those questions. My own WTF happened at the dentist office. In the waiting room 2 women we're talking about childhood illnesses and one of them started going off about infertility. "I know people really want to have a baby but all these fertility meds are crazy. People take all these fertility drugs and turn themselves into science experiments. And it gives babies cancer and makes them sick". All I could do was stare at first then I got really pissed off and ended up hiding in the bathroom to avoid saying lots of unkind things. People just suck sometimes. Happy Wednesday!
Me: 31 DH: 32
Maine, USA
TTC #1 since June 2015 Acupuncture (off and on) + OPKs 6/15-8/16 all BFNs RE appt 8/16 HSG - normal AMH- 0.697ng/ml DOR DH's SA: perfect Genetic screening: ME: cystic fibrosis carrier DH: not CF carrier Clomid + IUI 9/24/16 BFN RE consult: 10/20/16 IVF recommended BCPs 11/4/16 Antagonist cycle with Gonal-F, hCG, Ovidrel trigger, Cetrotide, & Endometrin. 4 follicles from 14mm to 24.5mm ER 12/23: 3 eggs, 2 fertilized ET 12/28: 2 5day blasts, transferred 1 froze 1 Beta #1 1/7/16 216.3!!!
@JMScott12 kudos to keeping it together! I probably would have lost my marbles on them, but I'm 50 shades of crazy and have a snarky comeback for almost everything.... I would have told that male coworker that I'm just waiting to get his job, then I'll have a baby
@PennStateCait DH and I did counseling, it was ROUGH, totally rewarding, but man, that was hard. Our therapist was actually named Dr. Grimm, HA! Remember, 90% of the problems will be worked out at home and only 10% in the office. It almost broke us, but when we came through the other side it felt like we were invincible
@LuluMurph I often wish I had a few snarky comebacks in my back pocket but I'm usually just so dumbfounded by people's ignorance that I can only stare. Maybe I need a few shades of crazy...
Me: 31 DH: 32
Maine, USA
TTC #1 since June 2015 Acupuncture (off and on) + OPKs 6/15-8/16 all BFNs RE appt 8/16 HSG - normal AMH- 0.697ng/ml DOR DH's SA: perfect Genetic screening: ME: cystic fibrosis carrier DH: not CF carrier Clomid + IUI 9/24/16 BFN RE consult: 10/20/16 IVF recommended BCPs 11/4/16 Antagonist cycle with Gonal-F, hCG, Ovidrel trigger, Cetrotide, & Endometrin. 4 follicles from 14mm to 24.5mm ER 12/23: 3 eggs, 2 fertilized ET 12/28: 2 5day blasts, transferred 1 froze 1 Beta #1 1/7/16 216.3!!!
Re: WTF Wednesday
My day started horribly when the UK national health service managed to mess up every single aspect of my bloodwork. First they missed some off, then when I went to get cd 21 test today after skipping out of work for an hour they told me they couldn't fit me in (after I got there).
Then they printed the wrong results for my previous bloodwork. They forgot to print the other half. Then they realised they hadn't even done some of SO's bloodwork even though the blood was taken on Oct 6th.
And then they had the cheek to say....oh you're a worrier aren't you? Seriously?
We need these results for our private IVF consult this Friday.
In short - the NHS are just the worst.
And then on my way home some dude with his beer belly literally used his belly to shove me to the side as he thought I was pushing in front of him to get on the tube, when in actual fact I had just stepped off to allow a group of german student to get off and was simply trying to get back on.
He later apologised..but seriously, using your belly to shove someone?
I am so glad to be back home right now and put this day behind me!
I don't have a WTF yet, but the day is young still.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@mrsdee15 The day sure is young! I don't really have a WTF today either but I'm going to rant just to rant
So my mild WTF is that DH and I work together. We work together in an office of 6 people. So now with all of these doctors appointments that involve both of us, it's just getting kind of fishy. And my coworkers are unprofessionally nosy because it is only 6 of us. I'm just starting to get worried about when we'll get the inquisition. The good news is that my boss knows the situation.
Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL
IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
My WTF is WTH did I get AF already? I am so at a loss. I was only 11 dpo! At least I didn't have to wait until the Beta to get the bad news.
hitched 5/2009 -- Me 34, DH 39
TTC #1:
dx with POCS 7/2009
TTC on & off since 1/2012
September 2012; Surprise BFP - MC
June - December 2013; Clomid/Femara + Trigger + TI = BFN x 4
April - May 2016; Femara + TI = BFN x 2
July 2016 - December 2016; Gonal-F + Ovidren + IUI = BFN x 3
May 2018 - IVF #1; 8 snowbabies. transferred 1 embryo - CP
August 2018 - FET #1 -- Healthy Baby Boy
TTC #2:
July 2020 FET; beta 1 310, beta 2 1278
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@PennStateCait How much better is it when your boss knows right! At least you have that, but yeah, it must be slightly awkward disappearing together a lot now.
Sorry for the early AF @madasm0530 that always sucks. I still haven't worked out if a negative test or AF is better....if either of them at all..
@mrsdee15 Yeah, I am definitely worried about that question!! I would probably burst into tears if someone asked me that.
Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL
IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
for real?!?! That is just plain dumb....
My WTF moment for today....I have a bunch of crazy friends that I chat with pretty regularly via facebook chat, we just air our grievances and talk about crazy shit... and one of them left facebook chat open and her boss read our whole conversation....
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL
IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
I can't believe your friend's boss read all of it! Though honestly this woman at my work would do that if she could, she wants to know everything about everyone.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@babymish just the basic grievences every girl has...what are the best sexual positions to conceive a baby, what a stenotic cervix is, educational information about harry potter world....you know....just casual chatter....
@PennStateCait she is a special one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why we love her!!
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
my WTF is why won't my left ovary stop twitching? I went for acupuncture on Saturday, and the little bugger has been itching from the inside ever since. Oh, and I f*cking HATE my job! Just gotta make it through the holidays then it's back to the job hunt.
@PennStateCait tell them that you and DH are in couples counseling! I'm 32 and have gone for pap's, mammograms, mole checks, and anything else I can think of without saying fertility appointment. DH is going to have a "colonoscopy" soon
I also have to make up a story about how the meeting went each time, awkward.
I love him, I do, but I cannot understand how he's more gossipy than all the women I know combined.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
Dx: Both tubes blocked, PCOS, DOR, RPL
IVF Cycle #1 Dec. 2016 - 11R·11M·5F - Transferred 2 - BFP - Miscarriage - 0 Embryos Left
I totally agree with you all about the nosey men at work. Today, a male co-worker asked why another female co-worker left early today and I said because she was feeling sick. He immediately leaned in closer to me and in a super gossipy tone was like "do you think she's pregnant???" No, Bro. I don't think she's pregnant. I think she ate some bad food. Get back to your job. Geez!
My WTF is our refrigerator is about to die. It's the one that came with the house and matches all of the other appliances. When we get a new one, we plan to switch to an entirely different style...so now, instead of just needing a new fridge, we are going to neee to get all new appliances because I'm crazy and everything has to match. Happy Holidays to us...
TTC#1: October 2015
dx: PCOS & MFI
IUI #1 w/Femara + Ovidrel June 2016 ~ BFP
July 2016: Blighted Ovum
IUI #2 w/Femara + Ovidrel September 2016 ~BFN
IUI #3 w/Femara + Ovidrel October 2016 ~BFN
IUI #4 w/Femara + Ovidrel November 2016 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI January 2017 ~BFN
FET February 2017 ~BFN
IVF with ICSI March 2017 ~BFP--Twins Due 12/8/17
Team Blue X 2!
I usually have the office to myself this time of year. I share with two other people, including my boss, but since they both do Christmas arrangements for the holiday season I'm normally alone in the office on and off, mainly on, from about the beginning of October until after Christmas. Which is lovely because I can surf the web when I have down time. But starting today the accounts payable woman is sitting in my office because her office is upstairs. And right now there is a raccoon infestation in the attic, which her office is next too, and the odor of raccoon urine is so strong up there it's giving her dizzy spells and headaches. So she's using my bosses desk until they take care of the problem. But it's a problem for ME because I can't mess around when she's in there lol.
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@madasm0530 Don't you hate nosey men? or women for that matter?! one of my male co-workers asked if my husband and I wanted to have kids. I said yeah, someday we hope. he then asked how old I was. I replied 31. he followed that up with "why are you waiting". I've gotten frustrated with the frequent inquisitions and effort required to lie effectively so I just said "we're NOT waiting". all he said to that was "oh". really? Why would you even ask those questions.
My own WTF happened at the dentist office. In the waiting room 2 women we're talking about childhood illnesses and one of them started going off about infertility. "I know people really want to have a baby but all these fertility meds are crazy. People take all these fertility drugs and turn themselves into science experiments. And it gives babies cancer and makes them sick". All I could do was stare at first then I got really pissed off and ended up hiding in the bathroom to avoid saying lots of unkind things. People just suck sometimes. Happy Wednesday!
Acupuncture (off and on) + OPKs 6/15-8/16 all BFNs
RE appt 8/16
HSG - normal
AMH- 0.697ng/ml DOR
DH's SA: perfect
Genetic screening: ME: cystic fibrosis carrier DH: not CF carrier
Clomid + IUI 9/24/16 BFN
RE consult: 10/20/16 IVF recommended
BCPs 11/4/16 Antagonist cycle with Gonal-F, hCG, Ovidrel trigger, Cetrotide, & Endometrin.
4 follicles from 14mm to 24.5mm
ER 12/23: 3 eggs, 2 fertilized
ET 12/28: 2 5day blasts, transferred 1 froze 1
Beta #1 1/7/16 216.3!!!
then 3 failed IUIs, and finally a successful IVF FET.
Due with #2 5/2/19 after HIO once in my FW,
because apparently that's how life works now. Team Blue!
@PennStateCait DH and I did counseling, it was ROUGH, totally rewarding, but man, that was hard. Our therapist was actually named Dr. Grimm, HA! Remember, 90% of the problems will be worked out at home and only 10% in the office. It almost broke us, but when we came through the other side it felt like we were invincible
Acupuncture (off and on) + OPKs 6/15-8/16 all BFNs
RE appt 8/16
HSG - normal
AMH- 0.697ng/ml DOR
DH's SA: perfect
Genetic screening: ME: cystic fibrosis carrier DH: not CF carrier
Clomid + IUI 9/24/16 BFN
RE consult: 10/20/16 IVF recommended
BCPs 11/4/16 Antagonist cycle with Gonal-F, hCG, Ovidrel trigger, Cetrotide, & Endometrin.
4 follicles from 14mm to 24.5mm
ER 12/23: 3 eggs, 2 fertilized
ET 12/28: 2 5day blasts, transferred 1 froze 1
Beta #1 1/7/16 216.3!!!