April 2017 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change - 10/25

How far along are you? 

How big is baby? 

Appointments this week? 



GTKY: Are you dressing up for Halloween and have you decided on a costume?

On another note - I will be on vacation next week, so would anyone mind taking over the Tuesday Ticker Change post next week - Tuesday 11/1? Thanks! 
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change - 10/25

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    How far along are you? 
    17 weeks
    How big is baby? 
    Pomegranate or an onion
    Appointments this week? 
    None until 11/16 (anatomy scan). Can't come soon enough. 
    Nausea improving, but not enough to go off meds yet. Also gaining weight fast...I am up 11 lbs already. Yikes. I don't even feel like I am eating that much so I am not sure how to slow it down  :/
    Decided to buy some maternity jeans yesterday so I can look/feel good next week! I am seeing a bunch of friends I haven't seen in months, so I really don't want to look frumpy. 
    GTKY: Are you dressing up for Halloween and have you decided on a costume?
    We will be away on Halloween, so probably won't dress up this year.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    How far along are you? 15 weeks

    How big is baby? Navel orange

    Appointments this week? None!

    Symptoms? Lots of ligament and tailbone pain along with my SPD. I'm seeing a chiropractor to help with some relief.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I'm measuring at 21 weeks! Totally normal for a twin pregnancy, but I was teeny with DS so I feel like a house haha!

    GTKY: Are you dressing up for Halloween and have you decided on a costume? I'm not dressing up, but DS is going as an owl :)
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    How far along are you?  17 weeks

    How big is baby? Toilet paper roll

    Appointments this week?  My 2 year old has an appointment :)

    Symptoms? Normal fatigue.  I was definitely sore after throwing a party for 50+ people Sunday.

    Rant/Rave/Questions? I hate trying to put together outfits for family photos.  So many "rules" and every time I think I found an outfit to build around it's not in the right size.

    GTKY: Are you dressing up for Halloween and have you decided on a costume? Not planning to dress up.  I don't have energy to pull something together.  If I can find my witch hat I might make something happen.
    AlternaTickers - Cool free Web tickers
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    How far along are you? 
    15 weeks 1 day!
    How big is baby? 
    size of an orange
    Appointments this week? 
    headaches and growing burrito belly
    not showing yet - just bloated burrito belly look. still wearing same clothes too.
    GTKY: Are you dressing up for Halloween and have you decided on a costume?
    for work I'll be Ceresi Lanister from Game of Thrones, and at home I'll be a ninja turtle

     Pregnancy Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
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