@ThePax89 There was a long time where only my right boob produced colostrum. After a while, both sides started to produce colostrum. But sometimes only one side will produce, or no side will produce. Boobs are very mysterious creations. I just assume it'll all work out once the baby is here and feeding.
Someone with experience explain fetal positioning to me because I am so confused. My OB hasn't ordered any more scans for this entire pregnancy unless she thinks my fundal height is measuring too big/small (which hasn't been the case) and I feel like my LO is transverse (at 30 weeks) but I don't really know if I'm just imagining crap and freaking myself out over nothing.
Basically, I sometimes feel movement under both sides of my ribs at the same exact time, on the far right and far left. I've tried googling this but am coming up with nothing and unless LO is in there spread eagle digging two feet into my ribs, it seems like he's probably transverse. Half the stuff I read says "It's not a huge deal if they're still transverse at 30 weeks, they can still go back, hell my baby went from transverse to head down at 38 weeks" and then a lot of other sites saying "The baby should be out of transverse before week 30 or you're at increased likelihood of a C-section." But of course, I don't know that he actually is transverse because my OB isn't doing a scan... so... I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Anyone have experience with this?
Standard at my OB is one ultrasound - the anatomy scan - unless the doctors have reason to believe they need to check on something. I convinced myself last time that DD was breech as late as 38 weeks, but she wasn't. It can be really hard to know the position unless you have experience with what they all feel like. Regardless, at this point, even if your baby is transverse, there's still plenty of time for him to flip. This is just an anecdote, but if it gives you some peace of mind - my sister was breech at my mom's 40w appointment for her. The doctor said that they'd have to schedule a c section because of it, and so a few days later, my mom went in. As my mom was being prepped - so this is like 40w3d or something like that - my sister flipped. My mom had to go home. And then she didn't come on her own a week after that, so my mom had to be induced.
@canavara I was CONVINCED with my first that she was breech! I was even showing my husband like 'here's her butt" etc...but it turned out she was right where she was supposed to be at delivery time. One thing I found really surprising the first time around was how much they can be moving and bopping you in different places. I just decided at a certain point to let it go-that it would be what it would be at delivery time since there wasn't much to do change it anyway. @aishmc We had a million socks, but really only liked one set once we started using them, so a ton went basically unused. So you will want a lot, but you may want to see which ones work for you first!:)
@canavara google Spinning Babies or Belly Mapping I can't link right this second but it's awesome. It's mostly about turning babies but it gives awesome instructions on how to tell where your baby is and what position.
@newyearsbaby5 I had that intense rib pain with my daughter and I think it started around week 27 or something but it lasted the entire rest of the pregnancy. Not sure how your LO is positioned, but I thought it was the head. Turns out it was my daughter's butt wedged into my rib. I'm sure you've already looked up ways to alleviate the pain, but something that helped me was stretching out my arm (same side rib pain is on) above and over my head and that would relieve the pressure. This pregnancy is so different because I have zero rib pain, but I'm assuming it's because I have an anterior placenta this time so instead of rib pain, I have back pain. Just can't catch a break!
@awknyc thank you for letting me know your experience! at first I thought it was his head, but I feel like I feel hiccups down below my belly button, so the butt scenario makes more sense. my rib pain started around the same time yours did in your last pregnancy and ugh, i figured it'd just get worse. thank you for the tip on the arm stretching! the only way i've been able to find relief is laying down or pushing the baby outta the way (which H says is child abuse, but baby will survive), but I will try the arm stretches today!!
Ladies, I have a question. I think I would like to give breastfeeding another chance this time around. I'm not really sure why, I just feel like i should, but up until a few days ago, I was certain I would formula feed again. I did not breastfeed DD last time. I had intended to, but she had no interest in eating (great latch, but no interest in sucking, even with a bottle) and it caused a ton of issues with my PPD. I never even ended up with a pump.
Since I'm really on the fence about my choice, is it worth it to even get a pump until after the baby is born?
Ladies, I have a question. I think I would like to give breastfeeding another chance this time around. I'm not really sure why, I just feel like i should, but up until a few days ago, I was certain I would formula feed again. I did not breastfeed DD last time. I had intended to, but she had no interest in eating (great latch, but no interest in sucking, even with a bottle) and it caused a ton of issues with my PPD. I never even ended up with a pump.
Since I'm really on the fence about my choice, is it worth it to even get a pump until after the baby is born?
In my opinion - yes. There is absolutely nothing wrong with formula, but there are substantial benefits to even a little bit of breastmilk.Even if you don't end up nursing, you could pump as just a supplement to the formula (or pump exclusively, but that is a ton of work - worth it to some moms , but very time consuming). If you choose to do that, your baby will get the benefits of breast milk and you'd save yourself some money on formula.
Again, no judgment here if you choose formula only, but there are benefits to pumping if that's something you're open to.
@emy730 so last time I had planned on breastfeeding but was open to supplementing or even formula all the way if I absolutely hated brrast. We ended up doing about 50/50 but in the beginning when I was unsure of what I wanted to do I got a hand held pump to start and then when I decided to go all out and BF more I ended up with a Madela double electric. I think it worked out really well for us, I didn't have to shell out a ton of money for a good pump that may or may not have been used until I knew I'd use it (ours wasn't covered by insurance) and the hand held worked fine for occasional pumping in the beginning. Maybe look into a manual or battery powered single pump (they're like less than $50) for the interim while you feel out this particular baby and see how breastfeeding goes.
@emy730 check with your insurance- most ()with some notable exceptions like tricare) give you a free pump. If thats the case, no harm no foul if you use it or not!
@emy730 - I agree with PP that you should check with insurance and get one if it's covered. You can look into selling or donating it if you don't end up using it.
@underthesea - with our second, my water broke at Midnight, and it was a 45 min drive to the hospital. My MIL who was scheduled to watch him lives an hour from us, she she met us at the hospital. My son just hung out until my MIL came to get him. Luckily it was hours before baby came, so I can understand the concern about having a fast delivery.
If I go into labor while at home (I work from home) and my husband is at work, I may call my MIL (who now lives 15 min away since we moved closer) or I may try driving myself (hospital is 20 min away in no traffic) or call an ambulance if no one can drive me and I dont think I'll be able to drive myself, etc. I have a few options now that we live closer to people and not in the middle of nowhere. Worst comes to worst I'll ask my daughters daycare teacher (who is also both my kids babysitter) to pick them up from school / daycare and watch them until someone can relieve her. I guess I should ask her if she is okay with that :-) She will eventually be their Nanny come Spring, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind! Since she works at the daycare (which is owned by her familY) they have extra carseats she can just put in her car should she need to...
So many different variables, no way we will have a "set plan", unless of course we end up with a scheduled induction / c-Section.
@emy730 check with your insurance- most ()with some notable exceptions like tricare) give you a free pump. If thats the case, no harm no foul if you use it or not!
*****STUCK IN THE BOX***** Tricare covers pumps and pumping supplies now! I was able to get a pump no problem for my daughter and this time around
Our RainbowBaby H arrived at 37 weeks on 12/20/16!
Baby E arrived at 37 weeks on 01/31/15!
Married my Marine 05.23.14
*TW* TWIN LOSS 7.2.15 BFP 9.7.15 CP BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16 BFP 10.14.17 CP BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
@emy730 check with your insurance- most ()with some notable exceptions like tricare) give you a free pump. If thats the case, no harm no foul if you use it or not!
My insurance covers a "free" pump, but only as soon as your deductible is met. Basically, the baby will have to be born before it's technically free. Because the due date is early in the year and our insurance calendar is yearly, we won't have hardly any dents in our deductible.
A friend who delivered in the same hospital said that she was able to get her pump before she was released, so I'll check with my OB next week at my appointment. Maybe she'll have some suggestions?
@BumpingUpto3 I guess that's all we can do! Make some arrangements and hope that they fall into place. I just don't like the uncertainty of it all. Haha
@aishmc I drove myself. I was at my final midwife appointment when my daughter had a heart deceleration on her NST. I wasn't in labor technically, but I went into labor at the hospital. I would say if your water broke and you aren't in active labor- probably okay to drive yourself. I can't imagine driving through hard contractions though.
@aishmc - I could have driven myself early in my labor, but it may have been too early for them to keep me. When I did go in (my DH drove), I was having painful back labor, regular contractions, and was 5cm dilated. They let me stay at that time. When I first called the doc when I was in labor, she told me not to come in/call again until I had trouble talking through my contractions and the pain was really bad (I didn't love that advice).
Have any of our STM+ have kidney stones? I've had several very bad rounds of kidney stones and have always heard that kidney stones are the closest pain to experiencing labor. The Google seems to have very mixed ideas about the truth of this.
Hey gang, does anyone have a diaper bag brand they'd really recommend? My godmother has kindly offered to buy me whichever one my heart desires but I'd love a recommendation. I'm looking for something really durable that DH and I can both use. So ideally a solid color and tote bag or backpack style.
I was thinking storksak if anyone has ever used one of their bags? THANKS!
@cjs260 Not the same but I've had gall stones. I remember thinking, this is almost as bad a labor. A different kind of pain but definitely a close second. I'd imagine kidney stones may be worse than gall stones though.
@hayhay87 I have been searching for one too. I would get the Ju Ju Be backpack, but its not something my DH would wear, its pretty cute and girly lol. BUT definitely get a backpack over a tote. I read somewhere (maybe it was a Ask a STM thread) that the totes keep sliding off. And I don't wanna deal with that when I am carrying a baby and probably some other things. Just one little less thing to deal with lol
@hayhay87 we decided on the Obersee Bern Diaper Bag Backpack with cooler. It seems to have lots of space and I like that it's got a cooler on it in case we need to store breastmilk.
I love all the cute printed bags, but I need something functional. My husband thinks it looks cool so he'll have no problem carrying it with him too.
Hey gang, does anyone have a diaper bag brand they'd really recommend? My godmother has kindly offered to buy me whichever one my heart desires but I'd love a recommendation. I'm looking for something really durable that DH and I can both use. So ideally a solid color and tote bag or backpack style.
I was thinking storksak if anyone has ever used one of their bags? THANKS!
I have a skiphop messenger bag. It's honestly not what I would've chosen; DH''s aunt passed it on to me from one of her friends. Things I like about it - it has a good amount of pockets, the messenger bag style means it's easy for me to wear crossbody while carrying DD, it has room for everything I need for one kid, and it's definitely well made - it has no signs of wear and it's been through at least 2 kids, since it's a hand me down. But I don't like that the messenger bag style hurts my shoulders and it's going to be way too small to hold everything once new baby gets here. Also, it's bright, solid red, and that's not what I would've picked. That's completely superficial, though, and totally not a big deal.
For this baby, I purchased the New Day bag by 31 Bags. It's not technically a diaper bag, but it's a really good size for 2 babies, the material is going to be super easy to clean, and it has a ton of pockets. I'm a little concerned about how easy it'll be to carry because it's a tote style, but I'll figure it out. I also was able to pick out a print that's more to my taste (charcoal Swiss dot) and I got it personalized with our last name. I'm so excited for it to get here!
@AshleySparkle720 YAY! Thats awesome news!!! @emy730 that sucks- def ask your ob, i'm sure they will have tips for you! @cjs260 I've had both. My kidney stones were awful. Early labor was nothing compared to a kidney stone, but labor later on was way worse. I will say its the same type of pain though if that makes any sense....
@HayHay I'm going with a jujube bff black backpack/messenger this time around. DH will wear whatever I choose. He wears my stripes skip hop one now and doesn't care.
Re: Ask a STM+ Week of 10/24
Babies are weird!
@aishmc We had a million socks, but really only liked one set once we started using them, so a ton went basically unused. So you will want a lot, but you may want to see which ones work for you first!:)
Boob # 2 has taken the hint and began to colostrum-ize.
I'm stoked to nurse this kiddo.
ETA I got mine from Medela''s website but they needed some insurance info for me to get the discount.
Since I'm really on the fence about my choice, is it worth it to even get a pump until after the baby is born?
Again, no judgment here if you choose formula only, but there are benefits to pumping if that's something you're open to.
If I go into labor while at home (I work from home) and my husband is at work, I may call my MIL (who now lives 15 min away since we moved closer) or I may try driving myself (hospital is 20 min away in no traffic) or call an ambulance if no one can drive me and I dont think I'll be able to drive myself, etc. I have a few options now that we live closer to people and not in the middle of nowhere. Worst comes to worst I'll ask my daughters daycare teacher (who is also both my kids babysitter) to pick them up from school / daycare and watch them until someone can relieve her. I guess I should ask her if she is okay with that :-) She will eventually be their Nanny come Spring, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind! Since she works at the daycare (which is owned by her familY) they have extra carseats she can just put in her car should she need to...
So many different variables, no way we will have a "set plan", unless of course we end up with a scheduled induction / c-Section.
TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
BFP 9.7.15 CP
BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
BFP 10.14.17 CP
BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
A friend who delivered in the same hospital said that she was able to get her pump before she was released, so I'll check with my OB next week at my appointment. Maybe she'll have some suggestions?
TWIN LOSS 7.2.15
BFP 9.7.15 CP
BFP 12.31.15 MC 2.28.16
BFP 10.14.17 CP
BFP 3.10.18 D&C 4.13.18
BFP 2/3/16 --> MC 2/13/16
I was thinking storksak if anyone has ever used one of their bags? THANKS!
I love all the cute printed bags, but I need something functional. My husband thinks it looks cool so he'll have no problem carrying it with him too.
For this baby, I purchased the New Day bag by 31 Bags. It's not technically a diaper bag, but it's a really good size for 2 babies, the material is going to be super easy to clean, and it has a ton of pockets. I'm a little concerned about how easy it'll be to carry because it's a tote style, but I'll figure it out. I also was able to pick out a print that's more to my taste (charcoal Swiss dot) and I got it personalized with our last name. I'm so excited for it to get here!
@emy730 that sucks- def ask your ob, i'm sure they will have tips for you!
@cjs260 I've had both. My kidney stones were awful. Early labor was nothing compared to a kidney stone, but labor later on was way worse. I will say its the same type of pain though if that makes any sense....