Good for entertainment on slow weekends!! Lol
I feel like I need a disclaimer: I'm only guessing people that sounded like they wanted me to. (I can't tell sarcasm on here so if you didn't want me to actually do it, sorry) please don't get offended and upset, it's just how I have been imagining you so just tell me if I'm wrong and I'll imagine something else haha...
Re: I guess your life/story
I imagine you having perfected always getting your way. I think you definately wear the pants in your relationship. But you let your husband think he's in charge. Between your sometimes not so subtle, and spicy attitude, and your sweetness, you probably find a way to come out ahead even during a compromise. Your daughter is the center of your universe, and she's a mommy's little princess. (When you have 2 daughters you will all always be best friends
Thst was pretty cool @kswiger06
You're cute and you know it!! I think you enjoy getting attention and handle it well. I think you've learned how to balance an innocent look with a sexy look and use them to your advantage. Slowly your class fills in with more guys wanting to spend some time checking you out. I imagine you like a modern day June Cleaver. I have a feeling when you cook some huge masterpiece of a meal or dessert, that it turns out perfectly every single time, and if I followed the exact recipe you did, it would be a total fail. I think you enjoy a social life and getting out. Once you have your baby, you and your husband will still get out for designated date nights. I think you're very laid back and casual with your friends and can get everybody loosened up and ready for a fun night. I think you manage time well and can squeeze everything, and everyone in to your busy schedule.
Ben and Maggie - 4/10/09
Mia - 6/16/11
Surprise! due 2/23/17
I imagine you being fun, but also a no nonsense type of person. I think (i think your a teacher?) Students either love or dislike you. The good students respect your authority, and the ornery ones think you're a party pooper. Youre the "cool" teacher, but intimidating. If you're not a teacher I still imagine this carrying over to whatever you do do lol. I don't think you like doing things that feel like a waste of time and energy. You like doing things with a purpose. I'm pretty sure you are most definitely the dominant one in the bedroom. There's no way you don't take your heels and boobs in there and work them!! Because of that I think you could probably write a book of tips and tricks for us to try out ourselves. I think you like to have some space in life and as long as you get to wind down you are always fun to be around and are good at finding something to do quickly if plans fall through. Sometimes on long breaks, you come up with "plans" to get some alone time for yourself. Your son thinks your the best mom in the world and is going to be the good kind of mamas boy, that everyone will be jealous of and wonder how you got that relationship. I figure you have that tough love attitude, and tell it like it is, without hesitation.
(The big heart was supposed to be a secret, remember? Haha.)
I told you before that I imagine you are the perfect mom, and that I get reminded of my childhood growing up. I still picture you like that. I think your kids come first no matter what. They all love and adore you and will for their whole lives. I think it tears you up if you have to miss something they have going on, but you try everything in your power to never miss anything. You and your husband are the cute couples we watch on tv that don't realize how funny they are. You both put so much energy into your family that you are exhausted by the end of the day and collapse into bed. I think if you had enough time for a million friends, you would be considered by all of them to be the best friend they have ever had. You make everyone feel loved and special. People admire you because you're not fake and have no shame in putting your family first. I bet you're a great realtor, and you don't waste people's times. I think you try your best to understand what they are looking for and if they leave reviews you are always getting good ones. You probably never checked into reviews or read them because you are busy with life and taking care of your family. I think you're a humble person who is respected by everyone you meet.
I imagine if we lived close together that I'd want to be one of your friends. You seem like a practical person, who likes to share words of wisdom and experiences. You probably dont fuss over the little things.I don't think you mind skipping a step here and there as long as the end result is the same. The more time you have in your busy schedule the better. I think you try your best to be a great mom/stepmom. The kids all probably think of you as the "fun" parent. You spend so much time wrangling the busy household of kids and dogs, that when you get alone time with your husband, you take full advantage. I bet you have a crazy busy exciting day every day. You seem to enjoy being friendly and helpful, and I dont think it's natural for you to be snarky or bitter. I think it would take a lot to get you to really snap but when you do you'll scare everyone around who witnesses it lol. Your students think you're too nice and don't fear you. You're able to work through anything problematic or stressful by thinking about during I nice hike or jog or exercise of some sort. I think you probably enjoy being outdoors in the fresh air. I think you probably have tons of energy and I wish you could bottle it up and share it with me.
Now I'm curious!
I imagine you being the sweetest mother, sister, daughter and friend. You are so caring and you always want to help. You are an invaluable member of your family and social circle. Everyone can and does count on you for support. Your kids are always busy with activities so they can build a well rounded personality. Your husband knows he is lucky to have you and will do anything to keep you happy- even though just being a wife and mom is enough for you. Your house will eventually be the cool house where all the kids and their friends want to be. You wear your heart on your sleeve and turn every negative experience into a positive one. Don't ever change your way people admire you.
@kswiger06 would hate the meal she ordered at a restaurant and would eat it anyway and not say anything to the server.
(I also almost made a "Do Me" joke, then deleted it, because @kswiger06 is classy and doesn't go in for jokes like that, and I wanted to respect her...)
@kswiger06 is the type of woman who works hard and gives everything to her family but is still the life of the party on the rare girls' night and brings classy booze to share.
No pressure though!
First BFP: 12/16/13
EDD: 08/23/14
Baby BOY born: 08/29/14
I have soooo much imagination for you!! For the basics I think you come off as an incredibly sweet person, who can be relied upon in a time of need. I think you have so much compassion and empathy for other people and will always be a person of comfort when someone needs a shoulder to cry on. I also know 100% that I would love for a day to hang out with you and get to eat all the delicious food!!... however I am completely baffled by you, since you are in the UK. I've never been there, so I really only "know" anything from watching movies that probably stereotype you and I'm sorry for that. But when I'm reading a comment and then realize it's you, I read it again with an accent in my head. I imagine that you have just the sweetest voice, and you're such a calm and gentle person. But then if you get really angry you go off in one of those rants using curse words I've never even heard of. Saying stuff like bloody hell and twat lol I keep waiting to get to read a nice long comment from you using all those words but I haven't seen it yet, which is why I figure you're very laid back and are slow to get angry. I do remember you saying manky? Lol and I got pretty excited haha. I also imagine you taking a tea break every afternoon, with 2 lumps of sugar. I imagine you ordering a pint of lager in the pub. Lol I'm actually more curious if you are like the people in Shawn of the dead/eurotrip/hot fuzz... my imagination just goes places with you!!