so my OB told me yesterday I can't go beyond 38 weeks. I'm currently 28 weeks and im measuring 31 weeks. I just wonder how long all you ladies went. Thanks
I was 34 week and 1 day when I gave birth to my Identical twins... my planned c-section was at 36 weeks.
*** Pregnancy & Miscarriage Mentioned*** ME: 34/DH: 33 TTC (On & Off) Since 2008 Diagnosed DOR August 2013 2009-2013 6 Clomid Rounds which resulted in 3 Cysts/Had to take some time off from TTC 10/2014 ~ BFP (Natural Pregnancy) after 3 months Acupuncture/Miscarriage at 10 wks 7/2015 ~ Med Protocol#1: Failed Cycle/Only 1 Egg/Unable to convert to IUI because thin uterus lining 08/2015 ~ Med Protocol #2: Started stims 09/13 ER 10/9 with 6 Eggs Retrieved/3 SNOWFLAKES!!
10/22/15 ~ AF Showed up, waiting for Fibroid removal. 10/28/15 ~ Saline Ultrasound - Fibroids were gone. FET scheduled for December 3rd! 12/08/15 ~ FET of one hatching Embaby
@ultratomato yes its different. My husbands best friends wife was pregnant with fraternal twins @ the same time i was and she gave birth @ 38 weeks. Its riskier with identical deom2 what doctors have told me.
Fraternal twins, we were told 38 weeks was the golden timeframe. Unfortunately, I developed pretty eclampsia and delivered at 35w5d and they were in the nicu for 2 weeks. A lot can go crazy with any pregnancy, so I always suggest making sure the hospital you're set to deliver at, has a great nicu just in case.
My MFM said 38 weeks would be our cut off because survival rate in twins decreases after 38weeks. We made it to 37+2 and then had a C-section because they were getting so big (measured 7lbs14oz and 7lbs10oz on ultrasound, though in reality were a pound lighter each)
TTC 1/2012 Diagnosed : unexplained infertility 6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015 TTC #3 5/2016 Restarted Fertility tx IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
My twins are fraternal. Babies 3 & 4 - repeat C-section 3. I delivered as scheduled at 38+6. I really didn't think I would make it that far but I don't think they would have ever made an appearance on their own!
I had didi twins at exactly 35 weeks. I felt great and wanted to keep them in, but I developed sudden severe preeclampsia. The boys were in the Nicu for 10 hours and went home with us once I was released (5 days after giving birth).
I have fraternal twins b/g and needed a repeat c-section. For Singletons our hospital does csections at 39 and twins 38. I delivered by scheduled csection at 38+6 Our doctor just didn't want me to go into labor on my own.
Re: How many weeks were you before you delivered your twins
*** Pregnancy & Miscarriage Mentioned***
ME: 34/DH: 33
TTC (On & Off) Since 2008
Diagnosed DOR August 2013
2009-2013 6 Clomid Rounds which resulted in 3 Cysts/Had to take some time off from TTC
10/2014 ~ BFP (Natural Pregnancy) after 3 months Acupuncture/Miscarriage at 10 wks
7/2015 ~ Med Protocol#1: Failed Cycle/Only 1 Egg/Unable to convert to IUI because thin uterus lining
08/2015 ~ Med Protocol #2: Started stims 09/13
ER 10/9 with 6 Eggs Retrieved/3 SNOWFLAKES!!
10/22/15 ~ AF Showed up, waiting for Fibroid removal.
10/28/15 ~ Saline Ultrasound - Fibroids were gone. FET scheduled for December 3rd!
12/08/15 ~ FET of one hatching Embaby
12/21/15 ~ 13dp5dfet Beta 755! I'M PREGNANT!!!/ 12/23/15 ~15dp5dfet Beta 1539!
01/05/16 ~ 1st Ultrasound - 2 little beans and 2 Heartbeats (120 & 125 bpm)
My Fur Baby: Diva Celeste McClendon
Diagnosed : unexplained infertility
6 rounds of IUI and a MC 2/2014, rainbow twins 4/2015
TTC #3 5/2016
Restarted Fertility tx
IUI 2 rounds, baby girl 12/17
Birth is safe as life gets - Harriette Hartigan