For EDD 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, & 5/26
How far along are you?
How big is baby?
Upcoming appointments this week or appointments made?
Any new symptoms or changes?
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued?
Re: Friday ticker change 10/14/16
How far along are you? 9 weeks! This isn't a huge deal for me. My last pregnancy didn't make it this far.
Any new symptoms or changes? No new symptoms, just other symptoms continuing. I have pretty constant nausea and sore boobs. I get tired faster still.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? I've been thinking, though I love being a teacher, that it would have been fun to be a wedding planner or interior designer or something where I could be more creative and set my own schedule.
Any new symptoms or changes? Bloat has started but the queasiness has lessened. I'll take it.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? Nothing that I can think of. To me, a job is a job. I don't really care too much about a "career".
IVF #1 (May 2013): Antagonist Protocol:
24R, 18M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 2 early blasts, no frosties = BFN
IVF #2 (August 2013): Lupron Stop Protocol:
28R, 23M, 15F w/ICSI; 5dt of 1 partially hatched blast, 7 frosties = BFP
EDD 5/23/14, blighted ovum (6w6d), D&C (8w6d)
FET #1 (April 2014): transferred 2 5d blasts = BFP
C.J. born 01/09/15
FET #2 (September 2016): transferred 1 5d blast = BFP
EDD 05/26/17
Any new symptoms or changes? I have nausea all the time. And I feel so bad right when I wake up.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? if money wasn't an issue I'd love to fix up houses. My dad is a carpenter and my parents started flipping houses when I was like 14 so I helped out and it was a lot of fun. They usually buy abandoned/foreclosed houses and completely gut them and start over.
Married May 2012
TTC#1 July 2013 - July 2015 (no success)
Again TTC#1: Dec 2015
First RE visit: Feb 2016
BFP: 9/16/16 EDD:5/26/17
How far along are you? 8 weeks!
Any new symptoms or changes? Nausea seems to be decreasing steadily, which I'm digging. Other than that, I'm feeling about the same- still fighting a terrible cold, and really missing being able to breathe out of my nose.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? I would love to be a labor and delivery nurse. I actually looked into nursing school after I graduated from law school, but the last thing I need are more student loans. Being a lawyer was a pretty poor choice, it turns out...haha. I love my current job, but am not super excited about future options.
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
Any new symptoms or changes? Cramping seem to have stopped and RLP have started. Still tired and not very hungry otherwise.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? My degree is in biomedical photography and as awesome as it is, the field is way too small. I did discover how much I enjoy being in an office setting with occasional interaction and feel that I would thrive well in a setting with serious organization like record management. I did human resources at Target full time, then switched to Sundays only when DD was born. I miss only part of it. I may eventually look into certification or some kind of educational program so I can get a job in a similar field when the kiddos are older.
Married May 2012
TTC#1 July 2013 - July 2015 (no success)
Again TTC#1: Dec 2015
First RE visit: Feb 2016
BFP: 9/16/16 EDD:5/26/17
Human sons: 11/2015 & 05/2017
*formerly kayemjay*
Any new symptoms or changes?
Nausea is getting slightly better. I'm still exhausted all the time though.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? I'm not so sure I'd consider my current job as a manager of an animal hospital as my career. Even at 30 I don't feel like I've found my niche. I'd love to go back to school for nursing and work in L&D or maybe in the NICU. I'd also love to work in wildlife conservation, but that's more of an unrealistic dream job.
BFP #1 10/8/13, EDD 6/4/14, DS #1 6/9/14
BFP #2 5/1/16, EDD 12/16/16, MMC 5/27/16
BFP #3 8/29/16, EDD 5/5/17, DS #2 5/11/17
BFP #4 2/28/21, EDD 11/9/21
Any new symptoms or changes? Nausea seems to be lessening, but exhaustion is still high. No cravings, just a list of food aversions, mostly all things hamburger/ground beef related.
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? Got a degree in Interior Design and I loved it! I did get out of the field because of the retail hours and back stabbing nature of other designers. But I still do designing on the side and I love every second of it. I am loving where I am now, and wouldn't change a thing.
Any new symptoms or changes? I have really bad hemorrhoids. Other than that I'm just tired. Way different than my first pregnancy!
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued? I'm currently a SAHM, but my undergrad is in speech coms/pre law and my grad is in public policy. I wish I did interior designing.
How far along are you? 9 weeks
Any new symptoms or changes? I'm not as nauseous. Woohoo!
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued?
I'm an attorney and I hate that my work never feels finished. I think forensic accounting or a physician's assistant would be good careers. DH is a PA and I'm jealous that he's done at the end of the work day and until there is a new patient. I never feel like my work is "done" at the end of the day.
I have a green thumb and would love to grow everything and anything. Once I win the lottery, it's hobby farming all the way!
We had our viability u/s on 10/13 and Im so happy to share that LO is doing great!! Measuring one day ahead and it was so amazing to watch him/her moving and grooving in there! We even got a pic of him/her waving. We are so incredibly relieved
Any new symptoms or changes?
GTKY: If you could have taken a different career path, what would you have pursued?
Hmm. I'm not really sure tbh. I can't picture myself in a different career at all.
Edit: spelling
Me: 26 DH: 28
TTC #1 since 06/2014
BFP #1 09/23/15. MMC discovered 11/24/2015
BFP #2 08/24/16 EDD 05/08/17