Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
Sept '11-April '13 ~ Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!!
March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!

Sept '11-April '13 ~ Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!!
March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!

Re: Starting solids and Sleep Training
2). We did a method called fading where the parents help their baby fall asleep less and less each day. There is no method that is completely tear free because right now our babies have something so good (like us rocking them) why would they wanna give that up? You can however be there for them 100% of the time and never leave their side and pick them up if they get really upset. The first night was the hardest for us because we also pacifier weaned but we wished, sang and patted his back and he fell asleep just fine. We are now done with night 6 and he has STTN twice so far. Last night he didn't even wake for a feed. It was perfect for us cause we just could not stand the idea of leaving him alone to cry at any point. Of he was gonna cry or be upset I wanted him to know that I was there. This actually improved our relationship cause before he hated to cuddle, only wanted his pacifier, and now he will test his head on my chest as I sing and relax with me. Totally worth it.
If what you are doing sleep-wise seems to be working for you, is there a reason you feel the need to sleep-train? I'm also not comfortable with CIO, but I also recognize that this may mean baby sleeping with us or taking much longer to sleep through the night, etc. And I'm ok with all this! Just wondering if you actually want to sleep-train or feel pressure to, etc. If it's that you want to, there's so many ways to do it! Your ped will probably have some suggestions for that as well. My baby also doesn't put herself to sleep, which isn't a problem for us now, as she has long stretches of sleep at night, but I recognize may be in the future. I'm thinking of starting to put her down drowsy but not asleep for naps during the day soon, and in her crib too, and just seeing how it goes. I'd like to continue to follow her lead for a while as long as it's working for our family
for sleep training, ditto to what @adiaz132003 is doing if you don't want to let her CIO. Having her in bed has no doubt been convenient, but like you said, it has created a monster. Lol. If you want her in her crib going to bed on her on, it's good to start now. The longer you wait the harder it will be...for all three of you!
As for's not a problem now but it would be really nice to be able to lay her directly in her crib for naps and bedtime consistently. I love the time in the evening and I don't mind soothing her to sleep and what not but I'm also not able to get anything done after 7 pm, which is really inconvenient. I guess I'm going to read up a little bit and try a few small adjustments. Again, I feel a little pressure but I won't make a big change right away. Thanks for making me feel better!!!
Sept '11-April '13 ~ Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!!
March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
I bought the Infantino Fresh Squeeze station and to be honest, I'm kind of 50/50 on it. In theory, it's awesome. But actually using it, you have to twist the "injectors" on and off for EACH pouch you fill. The pouches are single use only (they're still cheaper than buying ready made pouches at the store though), and some of the refills only come with 25 caps and not 50 like there are pouches. It was really easy to use, and you don't need to chill the purée before filling the pouches. I just hate that you have to twist the tubes on and off each time.
Also, we chose not to invest in a brezza or baby bullet because your standard blender (in our case our Ninja blender or the NutriBullet) does the same thing, and you already have it.... unless you don't have a blender for any reason, don't spend the extra money.
I did ny first batch of puréed carrots in an ice tray, and actually found that two cubes was the perfect portion, whereas the pouch was too much for even one full day of semi-solids. To each his own, though.
Sept '11-April '13 ~ Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!!
March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
Ny advice is if you WANTto buy it, go ahead. But if you're trying to save money, use what you have at home
I got white acorn squash which is like mashed potato texture when you cook it. It was like mush, not quiet purée but I wasn't worried.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Married: 11/2013
M: 6/2016 E: 5/2018
@adiaz132003 the reason I asked about the tray was because I know my LO isn't old enough to grasp the concept of feeding herself off the tray, so she's spoon fed.
Ohhhh yeah I wanna always try the tray first to see if he feeds himself. He will already pick up toys that are in front of him and chew on them so I was hoping he would do the same with the food but I think he is still a little short for the chair so his arms can't easily get on the tray.
I'm glad to hear it's going well and yes it's amazing how different doctors can be. My friend was telling me her ped already wants her weaning her 11 month old off bottles! I think that's crazy by boys used bottles till they were 18 months. They did not want to give them up!
Sept '11-April '13 ~ Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!!
March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!