June 2016 Moms

Starting solids and Sleep Training

I have been completely MIA for weeks now so I know I need to post an update.  I will try to do that over this weekend but I have 2 questions that I want to get out there.

1.  Lillyana is 4 months and our ped said we can start introducing a single grain cereal.  She said rice or oat.  What is the difference?  Is cereal a necessary step?  How are you introducing solids to your feeding?
2.  We NEED to start sleep training and I'm not happy with the cry it out method.  HELP!  Suggestions?  Where do I start?  I feel like we've just been winging it which has worked well but I really want more routine.  At the moment, every night Lillyana falls asleep in our bed snuggled with mommy and after about 45 minutes daddy takes her to her crib and she sleeps.  It's been working great and we've had no fussing.  Unfortunately, I know we've created a monster.  She will not fall asleep on her own.
TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
Lilypie Maternity tickers


Re: Starting solids and Sleep Training

  • 1) rice or oatmeal is absolutely not necessary!  If fact babies don't NEED solids until closer to a year but it's nice to introduce then to some foods sooner rather than later.  We are gonna do solids baby led.  Once he is sitting straight while supported you know they are ready to sit in a hair chair and that is the first ready sign.  After that, let then watch you eat.  If they start reaching for your food as it travels to your mouth this could be a sign (although they may just see a new play thing).  Also, them making chewing motions as you eat is another sign.  You can puree food and see if they spit it out right away.  Babies have an expulsion reflex where they always push stuff out if thier mouth and this means they are not ready for solids.  If this happens try again in a week or two.  Once they are ready you can either give them solids once a day and like a tablespoons worth, or you can spoon out super mushy food like banana, sweet potato, avocado ect, and let then try and pick it up and put it in their mouths themselves.  This is actually developmentally better for them even if it's messier for us.

    2). We did a method called fading where the parents help their baby fall asleep less and less each day. There is no method that is completely tear free because right now our babies have something so good (like us rocking them) why would they wanna give that up?  You can however be there for them 100% of the time and never leave their side and pick them up if they get really upset.  The first night was the hardest for us because we also pacifier weaned but we wished, sang and patted his back and he fell asleep just fine.  We are now done with night 6 and he has STTN twice so far.  Last night he didn't even wake for a feed.  It was perfect for us cause we just could not stand the idea of leaving him alone to cry at any point.  Of he was gonna cry or be upset I wanted him to know that I was there.  This actually improved our relationship cause before he hated to cuddle, only wanted his pacifier, and now he will test his head on my chest as I sing and relax with me.  Totally worth it.
  •  I plan on doing baby-led weaning as well and do not plan on doing cereal at all.  There are a lot of resources online for this if you choose to do it.  It seems much easier (albeit maybe messier) than having to buy or puree baby food because you can eventually just feed them what the family is eating for meals.  All the literature I've read recommends waiting until 6 months so that's when we'll start at the earliest.  
      If what you are doing sleep-wise seems to be working for you, is there a reason you feel the need to sleep-train?  I'm also not comfortable with CIO, but I also recognize that this may mean baby sleeping with us or taking much longer to sleep through the night, etc.  And I'm ok with all this!  Just wondering if you actually want to sleep-train or feel pressure to, etc.  If it's that you want to, there's so many ways to do it!  Your ped will probably have some suggestions for that as well.  My baby also doesn't put herself to sleep, which isn't a problem for us now, as she has long stretches of sleep at night, but I recognize may be in the future.  I'm thinking of starting to put her down drowsy but not asleep for naps during the day soon, and in her crib too, and just seeing how it goes.  I'd like to continue to follow her lead for a while as long as it's working for our family :).
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  • Our son just started food as well. Our ped suggested starting with cereal, so he is eating quinoa cereal as opposed to rice cereal. He has had bananas and sweet potato baby food in a jar but we plan to start steaming and mashing for him.  We are doing only organic food. It's funny to watch him "chew" the food.

    for sleep training, ditto to what @adiaz132003 is doing if you don't want to let her CIO. Having her in bed has no doubt been convenient, but like you said, it has created a monster. Lol. If you want her in her crib going to bed on her on, it's good to start now. The longer you wait the harder it will be...for all three of you! 
  • With DS we started with rice cereal for a couple of weeks when he turned 6 months and then moved on to veggies. For sleep training with DS, I read the baby sleep solution. I would also try to make him wait a few minutes before I went in, go in and calm him, and then gradually lengthen the time before going in again. It's hard hearing them cry, but it's also important to let them learn how to self soothe. Trying to find a balance is tough, good luck.
  • Thank you so much for the suggestions.  I'm pretty sure we are going to do oatmeal cereal to start between 5 and 6 months. She'll be 4 months tomorrow and while the ped said it was fine, I just don't think we are there yet.  I'm going to check out what's available in my local stores and then decide.  I already know we are going to make our own mashed food for her.  I guess I just felt a little pressure all of a sudden after her 4 month appointment to progress her food options but I am going to hold out still.

    As for sleep...it's not a problem now but it would be really nice to be able to lay her directly in her crib for naps and bedtime consistently.  I love the time in the evening and I don't mind soothing her to sleep and what not but I'm also not able to get anything done after 7 pm, which is really inconvenient.  I guess I'm going to read up a little bit and try a few small adjustments.  Again, I feel a little pressure but I won't make a big change right away.  Thanks for making me feel better!!!
    TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
    Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
    DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
    Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
    January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
    February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
    March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
    July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
    Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
    New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
    January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
    April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
    DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
    July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
    7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
    7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
    7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • I also was surprised that I felt pressured to start solids by my pediatrician. It doesn't help that my mom came with me and the doctor if it would help his sleep and the doctor said maybe. We might try them at 5 months, only because my baby is developing fast in every other aspect of life and he already seems interested in food.
  • I can't wait to try out our Baby Brezza Food Maker and Infantino Squeeze Station.
  • I can't wait to try out our Baby Brezza Food Maker and Infantino Squeeze Station.
    I have these too!  Lol. They both look awesome. 
  • DD is 4+2 and has been eating oatmeal cereal since 4 months, as recommended by her ped. It may "not be necessary", especially since it doesn't really add and nutritional value to her daily diet, but it has helped her sleep a hell of a lot better. We did cereal for 2 weeks and introduced mixed carrot purée on Monday and will add in butternut squash tomorrow (somebody passed out on the way home from Grammy and Papas house before we could eat them tonight). 

    I bought the Infantino Fresh Squeeze station and to be honest, I'm kind of 50/50 on it. In theory, it's awesome. But actually using it, you have to twist the "injectors" on and off for EACH pouch you fill. The pouches are single use only (they're still cheaper than buying ready made pouches at the store though), and some of the refills only come with 25 caps and not 50 like there are pouches. It was really easy to use, and you don't need to chill the purée before filling the pouches. I just hate that you have to twist the tubes on and off each time. 
    Also, we chose not to invest in a brezza or baby bullet because your standard blender (in our case our Ninja blender or the NutriBullet) does the same thing, and you already have it.... unless you don't have a blender for any reason, don't spend the extra money. 

    I did ny first batch of puréed carrots in an ice tray, and actually found that two cubes was the perfect portion, whereas the pouch was too much for even one full day of semi-solids. To each his own, though.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Great advice @sdLindenberg  Thank you. 
    TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
    Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
    DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
    Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
    January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
    February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
    March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
    July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
    Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
    New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
    January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
    April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
    DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
    July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
    7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
    7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
    7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • @sdLindenberg Good to know! Thanks for sharing  :)
  • DD is 4+2 and has been eating oatmeal cereal since 4 months, as recommended by her ped. It may "not be necessary", especially since it doesn't really add and nutritional value to her daily diet, but it has helped her sleep a hell of a lot better. We did cereal for 2 weeks and introduced mixed carrot purée on Monday and will add in butternut squash tomorrow (somebody passed out on the way home from Grammy and Papas house before we could eat them tonight). 

    I bought the Infantino Fresh Squeeze station and to be honest, I'm kind of 50/50 on it. In theory, it's awesome. But actually using it, you have to twist the "injectors" on and off for EACH pouch you fill. The pouches are single use only (they're still cheaper than buying ready made pouches at the store though), and some of the refills only come with 25 caps and not 50 like there are pouches. It was really easy to use, and you don't need to chill the purée before filling the pouches. I just hate that you have to twist the tubes on and off each time. 
    Also, we chose not to invest in a brezza or baby bullet because your standard blender (in our case our Ninja blender or the NutriBullet) does the same thing, and you already have it.... unless you don't have a blender for any reason, don't spend the extra money. 

    I did ny first batch of puréed carrots in an ice tray, and actually found that two cubes was the perfect portion, whereas the pouch was too much for even one full day of semi-solids. To each his own, though.
     Yeah we already have both a ninja and food processor and plan on just using mini mason jars and some recycled baby food jars that my friend is giving us.
  • I only bought the brezza food maker because it was on clearance at my favorite store Target for $50!  I love me a good bargain  ;)
  • I only bought the brezza food maker because it was on clearance at my favorite store Target for $50!  I love me a good bargain  ;)
    Mine was a gift from my Mom  :)
  • rlbrooks84rlbrooks84 member
    edited October 2016
    We started solids because Charlotte wa showing some signs but I skipped the cereal my LOs were never interested in it and my ped said it wasn't necessary. My ped said I said I should only start if she was showing signs and giving her a tablespoon or two at dinner has really helped with her spit up so that's is a big plus for us. Every baby is different and it's your choice to wait if you want. My dogs are super excited that we've started solids since my boys aren't as messy as they use to be! 
  • Hey, if it's on sale, why not?? I have a friend who insisted the baby bullet was the only thing that could purée foods fine enough to feed to her 6 month old. Then she learned that wasn't true when she dropped it and broke it. Lol. 
    Ny advice is if you WANTto buy it, go ahead. But if you're trying to save money, use what you have at home :)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My son's pediatrician did not recommend any type of sleep training until at least 6 months. At this age, you can try to implement a schedule but do not let them cry it out or wean them off night feeding yet.
  • Preston tried some squash tonight.  He didn't understand that the food was onbthe tray but saw it was on my finger so after the first taste he would grab my finger and use it like a spoon and bite the squash off. Lol. Next week I will try sweet potato
  • Preston tried some squash tonight.  He didn't understand that the food was onbthe tray but saw it was on my finger so after the first taste he would grab my finger and use it like a spoon and bite the squash off. Lol. Next week I will try sweet potato
    What do you mean by on the tray? Like chunks of squash?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Preston tried some squash tonight.  He didn't understand that the food was onbthe tray but saw it was on my finger so after the first taste he would grab my finger and use it like a spoon and bite the squash off. Lol. Next week I will try sweet potato
    What do you mean by on the tray? Like chunks of squash?

    I got white acorn squash which is like mashed potato texture when you cook it.  It was like mush, not quiet purée but I wasn't worried.
  • I'm just starting Sam on solids and I read through this thread to see what you guys are doing. I've noticed most of you have started with veggies as opposed to fruit. I'm curious if there is a reason or if it's just coincidence. I was planning to start with fruit. But now I'm rethinking that. 
  • amangels2 said:
    I'm just starting Sam on solids and I read through this thread to see what you guys are doing. I've noticed most of you have started with veggies as opposed to fruit. I'm curious if there is a reason or if it's just coincidence. I was planning to start with fruit. But now I'm rethinking that. 
    My plan is a mushed up banana at 6 months:)
    Me (31) & DH (32)
    Married 9/27/2014
    DD Born 6/23/16
    Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
  • amangels2 said:
    I'm just starting Sam on solids and I read through this thread to see what you guys are doing. I've noticed most of you have started with veggies as opposed to fruit. I'm curious if there is a reason or if it's just coincidence. I was planning to start with fruit. But now I'm rethinking that. 
    From what I read, there is no benefit of starting with one over the other. 
  • Thanks!! I just wanted to make sure. 
  • amangels2 said:
    I'm just starting Sam on solids and I read through this thread to see what you guys are doing. I've noticed most of you have started with veggies as opposed to fruit. I'm curious if there is a reason or if it's just coincidence. I was planning to start with fruit. But now I'm rethinking that. 
    I've heard, from moms of toddlers, that they liked starting with veggies because it didn't give a sweetness reward for solids right away. They feel like they were able to get baby to try more if they wasn't expecting that natural sugar out of foods. That being said, these moms also only did it one way, veggies then fruits, so who knows
    Me: 32 DH: 31 *The old lady by 5 whole weeks*
    Married: 11/2013
    M: 6/2016  E: 5/2018
  • Considering breast milk is very sweet I dont think the whole veggie vs fruit argument makes much sense.  I started with veggies because I want him to get used to new flavors and I feel if I have him fruit I know he'd like it so I wanna start with something not so sugary.  There are benefits to the fruit those cause some help with their tummy.  Like apples will get things moving if I feel like he hasn't pooped in a while or of he gets sick and has diarrhea or something then I'll give bananas.
  • Is anyone starting solids and formula feeding? Have you changed the amount of formula you are giving? How do you know how much of the cereal or fruit/vegetable to give? The sheet my Dr gave me just says 1-2 tablespoons of cereal but doesn't mention fruit/vegetables. I'm confused, lol
  • amangels2 said:
    Is anyone starting solids and formula feeding? Have you changed the amount of formula you are giving? How do you know how much of the cereal or fruit/vegetable to give? The sheet my Dr gave me just says 1-2 tablespoons of cereal but doesn't mention fruit/vegetables. I'm confused, lol
    At first, he was only eating a little bit of cereal and a little bit of the fruit/veggie. Now he eats about 1 tbs of cereal and half a jar of baby food (jar is 2 or 2.5 ounces) for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We make him a 4 ounce bottle (when he was formula only he drank 8 ounces), but he normally doesn't finish it so we refrigerate it until the next meal...so he's definitely drinking less formula. It's kind of a trial and error system...baby will let you know when they are full so then you can start tracking how much to prepare. 
  • amangels2 said:
    Is anyone starting solids and formula feeding? Have you changed the amount of formula you are giving? How do you know how much of the cereal or fruit/vegetable to give? The sheet my Dr gave me just says 1-2 tablespoons of cereal but doesn't mention fruit/vegetables. I'm confused, lol
    We have not changed the amount of formula, as solids at this age is considered an extra, not a replacement. We start with 1-2 oz of purée, and if she eats it all, cool. If not, cool. This is followed by a normal size bottle and if she eats it all, same thing, cool. If not, we know she's full. Sometimes she gets fussy and won't eat anymore solids purely because she's tired of being in the high chair, so a bottle is necessary.

    @adiaz132003 the reason I asked about the tray was because I know my LO isn't old enough to grasp the concept of feeding herself off the tray, so she's spoon fed. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • amangels2 said:
    Is anyone starting solids and formula feeding? Have you changed the amount of formula you are giving? How do you know how much of the cereal or fruit/vegetable to give? The sheet my Dr gave me just says 1-2 tablespoons of cereal but doesn't mention fruit/vegetables. I'm confused, lol
    We skipped cereal since my ped said it wasn't a must, Charlotte gets 2 tablespoons when we all eat dinner she probably actually eats 1 tablespoon except last night she really liked the apples and wanted more but she's drinking the same size bottles . I agree with other pp, right now solids are just an extra and your LO is getting all their nutrients from bf or ff. Is your LO showing the signs that he/she is ready for solids? You can wait, I think it's harder when you already have LOs because Charlotte is aware when we sit down and everyone but her had something to eat. She's very interested in whatever her brothers are doing and loves to be part of their activities. 
  • amangels2 said:
    Is anyone starting solids and formula feeding? Have you changed the amount of formula you are giving? How do you know how much of the cereal or fruit/vegetable to give? The sheet my Dr gave me just says 1-2 tablespoons of cereal but doesn't mention fruit/vegetables. I'm confused, lol
    We have not changed the amount of formula, as solids at this age is considered an extra, not a replacement. We start with 1-2 oz of purée, and if she eats it all, cool. If not, cool. This is followed by a normal size bottle and if she eats it all, same thing, cool. If not, we know she's full. Sometimes she gets fussy and won't eat anymore solids purely because she's tired of being in the high chair, so a bottle is necessary.

    @adiaz132003 the reason I asked about the tray was because I know my LO isn't old enough to grasp the concept of feeding herself off the tray, so she's spoon fed. 

    Ohhhh yeah I wanna always try the tray first to see if he feeds himself.  He will already pick up toys that are in front of him and chew on them so I was hoping he would do the same with the food but I think he is still a little short for the chair so his arms can't easily get on the tray.
  • amangels2 said:
    Is anyone starting solids and formula feeding? Have you changed the amount of formula you are giving? How do you know how much of the cereal or fruit/vegetable to give? The sheet my Dr gave me just says 1-2 tablespoons of cereal but doesn't mention fruit/vegetables. I'm confused, lol
    We skipped cereal since my ped said it wasn't a must, Charlotte gets 2 tablespoons when we all eat dinner she probably actually eats 1 tablespoon except last night she really liked the apples and wanted more but she's drinking the same size bottles . I agree with other pp, right now solids are just an extra and your LO is getting all their nutrients from bf or ff. Is your LO showing the signs that he/she is ready for solids? You can wait, I think it's harder when you already have LOs because Charlotte is aware when we sit down and everyone but her had something to eat. She's very interested in whatever her brothers are doing and loves to be part of their activities. 
    I tried cereal with him on Wednesday and he's been doing great with it! I started with cereal because that's what it said in the paperwork I got from my doctor lol. Isn't it funny how doctors are different? Before I started cereal he would stare at me when I was eating and open his mouth when I did. I don't know, I just really felt he was ready and he's doing so well with the cereal I feel like I was right. 
  • Does this mean that all of your LOs are able to sit up? My LO doesn't even seem close, I thought that happened around 6 months.
  • Lizbeth86 said:
    Does this mean that all of your LOs are able to sit up? My LO doesn't even seem close, I thought that happened around 6 months.
    ON his own?  No. he can do assisted sitting. He sits in his mamas&papas chair to eat. 
  • Sam can hold himself up in his arms. He sits in his highchair to eat. 
  • Sit up just means they can keep their back and head steady.  If Preston is in a chair or I'm holding him in my lap then he has plenty of support.
  • rlbrooks84rlbrooks84 member
    edited October 2016
    Sit up just means they can keep their back and head steady.  If Preston is in a chair or I'm holding him in my lap then he has plenty of support.
    Same here.

    I'm glad to hear it's going well and yes it's amazing how different doctors can be. My friend was telling me her ped already wants her weaning her 11 month old off bottles! I think that's crazy by boys used bottles till they were 18 months. They did not want to give them up! 
  • Well we attempted cereal tonight.  Baby 1, mom 0.  Waiting another week and we'll try again.  She was not at all interested and just got mad and wanted her bottle. lol
    TTC #1 Since May 2011 ~ Everyone Welcome
    Me (34): DOR d/t chemo/radiation, Immature Endometrial Lining, Hypothyroidism
    DH (35): MFI d/t testicular torsion and removal, Low T, Oligospermia, Anti-Sperm Antibodies, Currently on T supplements
    Sept '11-April '13 ~  Testing, failed multiple MFI treatments, saving & TONS of praying
    January 2014 ~ IVF/ICSI & PGS ~ no response to stims ~ converted to IUI ~ BFN
    February 2014 ~ On to donor embyros ~ 5 blasts!!! 
    March 2014 ~ FET #1 ~ Transferred 2 blasts ~ BFN
    July 2014 ~ Kliman's mock cycle with endometrial function test
    Sample too small for EFT, HE slide showed immature cells
    New protocol planned, saving for another biopsy for EFT
    January 2015 ~ Considering adoption options
    April 2015 ~ Privately arranged adoption of planned pregnancy
    DD#1 ~ Lillyana Violet Marie born 6/15/16, Finalized adoption 12/20/16
    July 13, 2018 ~ BFP....WTF?!?!
    7/16 Beta #1 ~ 466...7/18 Beta #2 ~ 1,077...7/23 Beta #3 ~ 5,291
    7/23 US #1 ~ 1 gestational sac seen and yolk sac
    7/30 US #2 and 1st OB appt ~ 1 perfectly round gestational sac, 1 perfect yolk sac and 1 teeny tiny heart beat seen!!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Tonight Charlotte was being impatient with me so she grab the spoon and tried to put it in her mouth. She got the spoon in there but tried to shove it all the way in, luckily I grabbed it before she made herself gag. She's gotten really good using her left hand to put a pacifier in her month so I'm only a little surprised she managed to get the spoon in there. 
  • What high chairs did everyone end up with? I'm starting to research what I want to get for Jackie.
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
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