Trouble TTC

Advice please I'm desperate

Sammy LouSammy Lou member
edited October 2016 in Trouble TTC
My husband and I have been ttc since June 2015 and are currently having infertility testing, since ttc many friends and extended family have got pregnant or given birth. But last night my little brother called me to say I'm going to be an auntie I should be happy but I just managed a half hearted congratulations and burst into tears no one else knows that we're even trying and now I just feel so selfish for being jealous and upset I can't avoid seeing my family but the thought of baby talk devestates me, what should I do? 

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Re: Advice please I'm desperate

  • Thank you everyone I've spoken with my husband and we've decided to talk to our family in person rather than on the phone as I think it would be too easy for me to change my mind and say nothing over the phone. Sending baby dust to you all its so comforting to have support from complete strangers just to know you're not alone mean so much 
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